Searching for Answers

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"That was some good shooting, Gaz."
"I know. I'm glad to be out of there. There was a lot of tension in the school, though."
"Probably because of yesterday. Why wasn't Steven Botwat there today?"
"He went to a psychiatric ward. He couldn't handle the lies all crumbling at once so he broke down."
"That make sense. Did you see that Belinia and Tiffany actually got together?"
"I did."
"And all it took was Tak."
"Yeah. All it took was her."
"You got sad. Gaz, what's wrong?"
"I fucked up and I don't know how to fix it."
"I fuck up all the time."
"Well yeah. But you didn't fuck up with Zim."
"Yeah, we were only enemies for... four years? Since we met? Yeah. This is only a recent thing. You would think that after all we had done to each other, we would refuse to date, but I guess that's just not the case this time. This must be about Tak."
"No fucking way."
"Well, what do you want to do to fix it. Almost anything is fixable."
"I can't think of any way to fix it."
"Ya know, Tak and Zim aren't the only ones who know how to get information. I have my own ways. Come on, we can use the teleporter after we're done."
We were just about to pass by the house but, when you need to dig up some dirt, the best place is at home.
I walked to the house, her a step behind me and then made our way up to my room and started messing on my computer. Suddenly a bunch of pictures and files came up of Tak. I was expecting that. Gaz was not.
"Yeah, sorry. I have a little bit of information on everyone."
"Stalker much?"
"Look, if you don't want the information I gained on her, I can just turn this off."
"No. Come on, help me out."
"Alright. Let's see what we got on her. Tak, part of janitorial squad but abandoned it to try and rip Zim's invader position. She's known to be cunning, ruthless, and deeply vindictive. She was claimed to be defective like Zim, too many mistakes recorded on her PAK, despite her incredible knowledge of technology."
"All irkens have a soft spot for food and one person always seems to have an effect on their behavior. For Zim, it's me. For Tak, it's somewhat unknown. I believe, though, that it's you. You just have to show her in some way that you are interested."
"I want to know more about her."
"It's nothing that you don't already know."
"Come on, Dib."
"Fine. Let's see, oh, you might find this interesting. Tak, like Zim, was never a real invader, had a low ranking job like Zim did, and left the job that the control brain gave her."
"She has a higher tolerance to pain than Zim does. She can tolerate having water hit her in the face, he cannot."
"Him having kids and laying eggs will be an interesting experience."
"That won't be for a while hopefully."
"Are you saying that you don't want him like that?"
"I didn't say that."
"So you do."
"Duh. But I have self control."
"But there will come a time that Zim's mating season will happen again. Will you be able to keep away?"
"Don't lie."
"I'm not ready to be a dad."
"Sometimes, you gotta give in to the beast."
"Speaking of mating season, she might go through one. I wonder what will happen when she does."
I though that it took her getting that emotional bond to someone."
"Or it could take sexual interest."
"Oh shit."
"Ha! And to be honest, all it takes is some form of interest. So whoever she shows interest in will be her target."
"So shut it."
"Do you want kids, bro?"
"Eh, if I can have them, sure. Dad said that since we were made in a lab, there's a high chance that we won't be able to have them."
"I didn't know that."
"Yeah. We may produce the sex cells that everyone else does but because of that specific reason, the cells could be... defective in a sense."
"How interesting."
"What about you, Gaz. You want kids?"
"Because of Games?"
"Yeah. Won't be able to play them as much if I have kids."
"That's true. Well, is there anything else you want to know about her?"
"Alright. Then it's teleporting time. Here, put your hand on this device and don't let go."
"What happens if I let go?"
"Our bodies could become intertwined and we could die as a result of the teleportation."
"Alright. Why didn't that happen with Zim?"
"There are circumstances that it doesn't occur. I risked it because it was an emergency. This is not."
"I don't want to risk it."
"Alright, here we go."
We teleported into the building and the guard let us down and we were greeted by Agent 234.
"Dude, you good?"
"I hate how they are getting along. They spew insults at each other and then, when I tried to intervene, they both shouted insults at me. I have never felt worse."
"Ah, sounds like them. I'm sorry to hear that."
"They are in the metal room."
"Cool. Come on Gaz."
"I'm right behind you fart-bag."
"That one's new."
"Not new. It's just been a long time."
"Ah. So long that I don't remember it."
"Right. Which is strange because I do. Where are we going?"
"To the metal room."
"Thanks, that really explains it."
"The metal room is where aliens who's ships broke down can repair them and get home. Now Zim and Tak are prepping their ships for the mission. Knowing how over the top they can be, they are doing more than required."
"Sounds about right."
The metal room was huge. For that reason it basically get's it's own area. It's a long hallway with one door at the end of it. Kind of like a hallway in a horror movie.
"Here, come on."
In the room I was almost nocked over by a huge piece of claw.
Their ships were turned into some kind of transformers, and they were fighting each other.
"Zim! Tak! What the hell is going on?!"

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