My Jacob

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I don't know how long I had passed out for, but enough to see, his pale face, sneering at me.

"Lily you look so hot right now I could eat you." Stefan scolded me, kissing, me on the lips, with his cold hard ones, he was beautiful, out of this world, and so pale, so cold, as he pulled my shirt over my head, I was a little drunk, so I giggled and let him take it off, his kisses continued, "Stefan, Stop it." I giggled, but that on edged him on, "You smell so Goood I want to bite you." He whispered between kisses. "Then bite me." I teased, He stopped kissing and reached up to my face, "Well, then, this might hurt just a little." He laughed evily, my giggling stopped, what was going to hurt? I felt his teeth graze my hip, I tried to push his head away but he was to strong, I screamed in agony, as he bit through the flesh, I didn't stop as the burning began to take over, "STOOOPPPP, HEEELLLPP, HEEELLLLLPP!!!" I screamed. I was thrashing around on the grass, "Lily, Lily! LILY!" Bella, was almost screaming at me, I opened my eyes, and fell into her sobbing, she gripped me tight, I looked up to see Edward, his entire face filled with shock and confusion, "Lily, What was that?" He asked, I had this weird, feeling that some how, he knew, what I had been thinking about, and he wasn't asking about the fit, but rather, what I had been seeing, but that was insane, he couldn't read my mind.

I stopped hugging Bella, and stood up, "It was, um nothing, nothing." that was the one thing Bella and I had in common we were horrible liars, because that was something, it was the same nightmare I had been having for two years now, ever since, Bella, left, well a little while after that.

I stood up, but my feet didn't seem to be co-ordinating with my body, I fell to the floor, well, I almost did, because a pair of strong, cold arms caught me.

"Thanks." I mumbled, anoyed that Mr perfect had, just helped me.

I made to walk inside, but Edward did not loosen his clasp around me, making sure I didn't fall, He practicaly carried me up the stairs, and when we got inside, A new pair of arms found themselves around me, someone growled, I managed to open my eyes enough to see  it was Jacob holding me, Edward still hadn't let go. "I can take her from here." Jacob snarled at him, Edward raised his eyebrows, but let me go.

Jake pulled me into him, hugging me to his side, I relaxed, a bit as he helped me to the stairs, My feet didn't seem to want to walk up the stairs, I stumbled and almost fell.

Jake chuckled and picked me up, like I was a baby, and weighed nothing. "I thought Bella, was the clumsy one." I smiled into his chest. "And I thought you were still a skinny, whimp of a ten year old."

Jake laughed as he walked down the hall way, and into my room, It was just the same as it had always been.

A double bed, because I had fallen off my single one, too many times, everything was green, and white, with pictures of trees, and nature. not that I couldn't see enough of that just by looking out the window. My bed spread was still of a brown wolf, I loved Wolves they were so Beautiful.

Jake set me down on the floor, and helped me out of my clothes, I would have felt self concious if it had been anyone else but JAke,  but Jake had been my best friend since forever. He took off his shirt, and drapped it over my shoulders.

"What, is that an excuse to take your shirt off?" I laughed pressing my hand onto his abs, they were so defined. "No, you dork none of your stuff has been unpacked. He pulled back my blankets and helped me into bed, when a pale face flased in my mind, I winced, and suddenly grabbed hold of Jake, "Could you stay, with me, Please." Jake raised his eyebrows, "Err, yeah sure."He tucked me into bed, and closing the door he turned the light off.

He sat at the end of my bed, until I fell asleep, I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help but wish, he would get into the bed with me, and wrap his arms around me.

I had always liked Jacob more than Just a friend, always, but I never voiced that to anyone.

Because It was no secret that Jake was all for Bella.

I guess thats what really got to me.

I would do anything to be able to call Jake, mine.

And Bella, just disguarded it like he was nothing.

I hated that, I wanted Jake so Bad, and he was in love with my sister.

I loved Jake so much, that I would do anything to make him happy.

and I knew the answer was Bella not me.

so somehow, while I was here in Forks, I would help Bella, come to the realisation that She loved Jake, more then she allowed herself to thiink she did.

And Jacob could be happy, My Jacob.


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