Chapter 34. Baby Talk

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"Dean! Get Jack!"you yelled from the Kitchen. You were currently holding a sobbing Willow and was trying to make her food.

As if it wasn't bad enough Jack started to cry as if he knew and felt that Willow was in distress.

Must have been a twin thing, you thought. You got Willow's bottle and headed into her bedroom and quickly sat in the rocking chair.

You heard Jack's cries become next to nothing and sighed. You were so thankful you had dean.

You put the nipple of the bottle to Willows mouth and she started to suck on it. She had tears tracks down her face but other then that it looked like she was just fine.

It was around 2p.m meaning it was about the twins nap time. You loved them so much but you still needed a break.

Plus, you got some quality time with your fiance. It sounded weird at first but you grew into it and loved the feeling every time you said it.

Willow fell asleep after being burped so you laid her down in her crib. As if on cue Dean came in with a passed out Jack as well.

Dean laid him down and the both of you latched hands and walked out but not before you checked the baby monitors.

You and dean found yourselves in the library on the sofas. Dean was sitting upright while you laid across his lap facing up towards him.

You wanted to speak to dean but didn't know how he would feel.

"Hey bub, I've been thinking" you started out with, You stared at your ring and started to fidget with it.

"What about?" Dean asked.

"I want us to go to the beach and have a small little road trip with the twins." You said.

Dean looked down at you "A road trip?" He questioned. You nodded while looking into his eyes.

"Just imagine the twins at the beach and trying out water for the very first time, they would get to see so much stuff." You said trying to convince dean.

dean nodded "When are you planning on us going?" He asked, "Soon like next month" You stated.

"If you want to do this then i'm with you every step of the way" Dean said smiling.

You hopped up and kissed him. You were so excited that you practically glowed.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You said kissing his cheek a million times.

Dean chuckled but when you didn't stop, he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you into a warm kiss.

You smiled and drew back, "you know this could also be like a early honeymoon" you said smirking.

Dean laughed and nodded "whatever you want" he said.

You went to go in for another kiss when you heard a cry coming from the baby monitor.

"We are resuming this later" you said hopping up.

You practically skipped into the babies room and found Jack wiggling about.

"Couldn't sleep?" You asked jack, picking him up.

Jack made a little cry and you nuzzled you're face into the crook of his little neck.

It might sound weird but his little baby smell was everything.

You sighed and began to walk out of the babies room humming.

You ventured into the main part of the bunker and found sam sitting at his computer.

"What are you up to?" You asked patting jacks back.

Sam smiled and looked up, "non of your concern until the time comes" he said smugly.

You pouted looking at jack, "well that isn't fair now is it?" You asked jack fixing his little onesie.

Sam smiled and you smiled back walking away. You ventured into the kitchen and stood there, bored.

Jack wasn't quite old enough for you to put him down yet, so you held onto him swaying back and forth.

You closed your eyes and just let your body do the swaying. You were dancing to nothing but sometimes that's better then anything else.

Suddenly, you felt a warm pair of arms wrap themselves around you waist.

You smiled and leaned back into him knowing exactly who it was.

"Dean?" You asked.

"Yes?" Dean said smirking.

"I love you" you said out of nowhere. Dean stopped swaying back and forth making you stop as well.

Dean moved to face you and smiled his "dean" smile.

"I love you too" he replied. You giggled and pecked him on the lips careful of baby jack.

"Where is Willow?" You said quietly.

"Sam has her" dean said playfully rolling his eyes.

You rolled your eyes as well and looked into your lovers green eyes, wondering if god or "your father" knew that this was going to happen.

Either way, you were proud of your little family and you wouldn't change it for the world.

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