Chapter 1. School Time

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I was awoken my my wolf screaming inside of me... I haven't switched in a few weeks so she is kind of restless when it come to running. I sat up and stepped out of bed I stretched until my bones cracked ahh that felt so nice now I'm nice and stretched. I walked into the bathroom but the door was locked the orphanage bully opened the door and glared at me as I backed away from I'm her. So I walked back into my bedroom and changed into my uniform, I went to a school called Millburn College .My uniform is a white shirt with a burgundy and yellow striped tie and burgundy jumper.

I hopped down the stairs and went to sit down but the Bully Nicole pushed me and I fell and hurt myself. I stood up and grabbed a cereal bar and started walking to school.

When I got there there was a big line going into the assembly hall so I pushed in front and sat in one of the seats at the audience... when everyone was sat down my friend Connie sat next to me and then the light went dark Then all of a sudden the coloured lights shot on by now my wolf was screaming: "MATE MATE HE IS HERE MATE MATE KEEP EYES FORWARD YOULL SEE HIM NOW" I told her as in my wolf Blaze to shut up and stop annoying me as Two boys shot onto the stage and started singing. The short brown haired one kept looking at me and smiling and I smiled back to be friendly. my wolf shouted " That's Him my mate that's him the short brown haired one".

* 20 mins later*

They left the stage and everyone screamed but me and Connie left the room and walked out for break, we went to the canteen and sat at the tables, we saw the two boys who were singing enter and sit down at the table two away from ours, I tried not to look at them but I felt his eyes looking at me like lasers they actually felt like lasers boring into me. They both stood up and walked over and sat with us. " erm... Hi I'm Leo and this is charlie." the short brown haired one said pointing to himself and the blonde haired boy beside him , I waved at them and smiled and them, The bell rang before we could say anything but Leo and Charlie stuck by our side because they were apparently in our classes for the day well Leo was but Charlie was in willows class... we showed Charlie where he was meant to be he was in Maths and we were in Art. we walked to our class and me and Connie sat next to me but the only free seat in the class was next to me because no one likes me. Leo stood up at front and all the girls except me and Connie were fangirling Mrs Oxford the Art teacher told Leo to sit next to me since he arrived in class with me.

We were sketching the sunflowers in the Van Gogh painting called The Sunflower. I peeked at Leo's and I gasped at how good it was compared to mine the teacher looked up and printed on her face was a dirty look I sighed and the teacher spoke up:


I stood up gathered my stuff together and walked out of the room I started walking down the corridor but I heard running feet coming towards me, I looked around and saw Leo running towards me when he go to me he painted and said " look I know we only just be but can I take you out on a date"

I looked at his eyes looking deep into his soul I peeked up and said " sure if you want" he smiled " where do you live?" I smiled back" I live in Caldecott Orphanage" I sighed and he just stared at me.

Before I knew it he was leaning in and so was I and when our lips connected they moved in sync I smiled into the kiss and I felt him smirking ... we were interrupted by the bell for H.E. class I pulled away before anyone could see and whooped in glee because we were cooking we were making Chocolate truffles that will be sold in shops. Me,Leo and Connie walked to H.E. and sat in seats and of course Leo beside me. Connie decided to work with Abbie her other friends I end and.Me.and Leo worked together. Me and Leo smirked at each other at what had happened in the corridor that led into the years heads offices.

5 food fights, 2 huffs a sob later me and Leo were finished but there was one thing... our aprons were covered in chocolate mixture of the truffles we were giggling and the bell rang for Lunch time.

We walked up to the canteen giggling and laughing at each other. we sat down at our table and Charlie sat with us.he had a girl with him but I didn't recognise who it was she turned her head and her mouth opened in surprise it was willow my other sister " Willow how was classes so far"

" good what about yours"

"mine were good but I have a new friend he is called Leo here he is"

"I have a new friend too called Charlie here he is" she said pointing at him.

They looked at us confused "Shes my sister" we said in unison then giggled after, They nodded in understatement and the bell rang for after lunch.

The bell rang for sometime and Leo approached me with charlie I had to write my address for him because he forgets a lot of things unfortunately. I walked home alone.

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