Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Today was the day. Today was the day that the Volturi would come for Renesmee. The day they would come for us all. None of us knew the outcome of today. There was always the chance of us all dying without the Volturi listening. There was the chance they would listen and would still kill us all anyway.

I slipped a pair of converse onto my feet and tied a bow before glancing around my room. Spotting the bag of knives I grabbed it for Nico, Hope and Adrian before heading downstairs.

As soon as everyone had woken up we had all headed back to the Cullen's house to get changed and for those who eat to eat.

I headed into the kitchen where the Cullen's and Jacob's pack were placing the bag on the side. The only conversation that could be heard throughout the house were quiet murmurs. Even Stefan and Vladimir had shut up for once.

As I put the bag down everyone briefly turned to look at me before looking away again, apart from Renesmee who skipped up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back surprised at how calm she seemed right now. "Thank you." Renesmee murmured before pulling back and heading back over to Edward, Bella and Jacob.

I leaned against the counter watching everybody almost as if I was imprinting them all into my brain just in case something bad did happen. After a few minutes Hope entered the kitchen. She briefly scanned the room until her gaze landed on me and she made her way over.

When she reached me I gave her a faint smile which was returned before hugging her. Despite the fact that Hope was my cousin and only four years younger than me, I raised her and she's almost like my daughter at times. Grabbing three daggers out of the bag i wordlessly passed them to her. Hope slid two of them into her belt, one on each side of her hip, and the other one into a holder at the top of her left arm.

As she slid the dagger into the holder on her arm my gaze flickered up to the entrance to the kitchen where Nico was walking in. I met his gaze and neither of us looked away for what must have been at least five seconds. It was strange. I had never felt so comfortable around Nico but at the same time I had never felt so awkward.

"Hey." I muttered quietly to Nico when he reached the two of us.

"Hey." He muttered back and I could practically feel Hope grinning beside me. No one knew about yesterday yet, not even Hope or Adrian.

Speaking of Adrian he finally arrived in the kitchen and I passed out the other sox daggers. Three for Nico and three for Adrian.


The clearing was pretty much all ready split in half. All of us were on one side of the clearing while the other side was empty as we waited for the Volturi. In the middle of our side was Bella and Edward with Renesmee in between them. Jacob, Leah and Seth were stood next to Bella since Jacob refused to leave Renesmee's side. Slightly behind them was the rest of the Cullen family including Nico, Hope, Adrian and I. To the right of us was the Denali Coven and to the left was the Egyptian's. The other four covens were stood on the outsides of them.

"If we live through this, I'll follow you anywhere, woman." I heard Garrett say to Kate.

"Now he tells me." Kate replied slightly jokingly to lighten the mood slightly. I was just glad that something good came out of all this. If this had never happened then Garrett and Kate would never have met.

Everything fell silent again as we all faintly heard the sound of quickly approaching footsteps and a lot of them. The Volturi were here. I glanced over at Nico, Hope and Adrian silently telling them that they were here.

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