The Hospital and Heroes...?

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When we arrived, Wasabi ran in and the nurses quickly ushered us all into a room.

They set me on the hospital bed and started checking for injuries, but shooed my friends and sister out.

"But that's my sister!!" Honey yelled, but the nurse just shook her head.

The doctors concluded I was okay, just had some really severe bad bruises and cuts. I would be fine, given time to heal.

My friends were allowed back in. Hiro carried a teddy bear that I think he bought from the gift shop.

"Scanning for injuries..." said Baymax, but Gogo stopped him.

"You guys have a lot of explaining to do," I groaned, sitting up.

The nurses pushed me back down and I shot them a look.

"Well... there's not that much to explain. We're basically superheroes," said Honey, shrugging.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I couldn't. It's our secret identity."

Hiro walked over and gave me the teddy bear. It held a heart that said
I love you.

I raised my eyebrows, and he blushed and said,
"It was the only one that they had."

He's bad at lying.

I gave him my that's-totally-a-lie look and he blushed again. I'm not sure if I like him in that way...

Whatever. All that matters is I'm safe now, from those horrible people.

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