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"Do you have him?" I heard a girl's voice say as I walked up the stairs.

"What else would be in the bag?" said a deep man's voice.

"Alright, give it here," said another man's voice.

"How long will it take?" questioned the girl's voice.

"If he's easy to get into, about a half hour. If not, I might have to rewire him," said the second man.

As soon as I heard the words, "rewire him" I tugged Hiro up the stairs and we were met by 3 startled looking men, and a familiar looking girl. It was the same one from before, and her little goons!

"Give him back!" I screamed, picking up the girl and one of the men into the air using the laser from my helmet.

"Not gonna happen, sweetheart," said the man with the sunglasses on, who punched Hiro. He went for another blow, but Hiro dodged it.

I threw the girl and the man I was holding into the air by letting go of the button and moving my head upwards. The man fell out one of the windows, but the girl held on, screaming,

The remaining men charged at us. I dodged them and, "Eddy", the man wearing the sunglasses, kicked up at me, hitting me in the jaw.

I teared up and held my jaw. Hiro looked at me and his face turned red with anger. He charged at the smaller of the men, the one who's twin fell out the window, knocking him to the floor. How'd he do that? Hiro's pretty tiny.

The man passed out and the only guy who was left, Eddy, ran out.

I looked around and saw Baymax sitting in a corner, partially deflated.

"Baymax!" I said, running over.

"Are you okay?!" Hiro asked me, then Baymax.

"I am a robot. I cannot feel pain," said Baymax.

I laughed and said, "The worst I'll get is a bad bruise. Ouch, that hurt."

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"

"Zero, Baymax."

We were about to leave when something started rattling in a closet I hadn't noticed earlier.

I slowly walked over, and opened the closet.

I gasped at what I saw.

"Hello. I am Baymack," said a robot identical to Baymax, except with a girl voice and a pink bow on her head.

A 7th Hero (COMPLETED) * SEQUEL IS OUT! *Where stories live. Discover now