Change of Plans

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{A/N that's Caramels normal like eveyday outfit above and idk if you can see it, but the necklace says "Are you satisfied with your care?" On it so yeah}

We waddled out the door and onto the sidewalk, Hiro talking quietly to me.

Wasabi, Gogo, and Fred were behind us, and stood far away so they weren't noticed.

"We need to make sure we're not only talking like Baymax and Baymack, but that we're acting like them," said Hiro.

"So like this?" I said, running as fast as I could, following a butterfly.

He laughed and nodded.

After a while of walking around San Franstokyo and chasing butterflies with Hiro, I sat down on a bench and said quietly,
"This isn't very effective."

"I was about to say that," replied Hiro.

"Maybe we should go back?"

"Yeah. I was thinking maybe you'd..."

"Maybe I'd what?" I asked.

"Maybe you'd- hey look!" He said, pointing at a certain girl and 3 men. They were the same ones we'd encountered the last few times. They were walking through the city, as if they weren't wanted criminals or something.

"I've got an idea," I said.

"Does it change the plan?"

"No... yes," I admitted, shrugging.

"Okay," he said. That was easier than I thought.

I got up, walking to an alleyway which was empty except for a few trash cans. I pressed a button on where the jumpsuit would be, and I shrunk until I was normal again.

"This feels nice," I said, stretching.

He pressed the button on his, and he went back to looking like himself.

We took off the jumpsuits and hid them behind a dumpster, hoping they wouldn't get stolen. I straightened out my t-shirt and we walked out.

We had to run to catch up with the criminals and followed in the shadows.

Why does it always seem like we, the youngest of our little "league of superheroes," are always following the criminals?! Especially the ones I hate! The ones who kidnapped me!

Lately I've had really bad nightmares about the time I was abducted. Last night, for example, the girl turned into a giant centipede and the twin guys turned into snakes. They tied me to a table and pulled the skin off my body slowly, piece by piece. And then they ate me. I shivered at the thought, trying to get those images out of my head.

"They're talking about something," said Hiro, looking at me.

"Okay, as long as everything at the dinner goes to plan, we'll have those scientists and we can resume our plan." said the girl, laughing evilly.


"I've sent out invites to almost every top notch school in the state. Hopefully Dr. Strauss is among them," said one of the twins.

"He'll be the only one able to build the chip," said the other.

I stopped walking and grabbed Hiro's arm.

What? He mouthed.

We have to get in invite! I mouthed back. I ran, knowing who I had to go to. Gogo would be able to get us all an invite, by hacking.

I ran straight into Fred, knocking us both to the ground. I started explaining everything fast, and Gogo nodded. Hiro, Wasabi, Gogo, Fred, and I sprinted into SFIT.

Hiro and I explained everything to Honey. The first thing she said was,
"You know what this means?"

"What?" asked Gogo.

"We get to go dress shopping!!!" she squealed.

Gogo and I groaned.

Hey guys!
I'm super sorry that I haven't updated in like a week or so...
I was at a writers block. But I think I know what's going to happen now.
Comment what you think so far! Your comments mean the world to me.

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