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I was able to go home within the hour. Everyone wanted to go out for pizza, but I was exhausted. We were in the car, in front of Honey's apartment.

"Honey... I just got kidnapped and I was missing for 1 day. I would like to go home and sleep," I whined.

"Fine, fine. Guys? I'm gonna take Caramel home. You guys can go out. Don't let us stop you," she said.

"Are you sure? I can stay at the house with her if you want, Honey," said Hiro, looking at her. It was nice of him to do that for my sister.

"You're sure?"

"Yeah. Go have pizza," said Hiro, hopping out of the car with me.

"Thanks Hiro!!" yelled my insane sister, blowing kisses at both of us.

I laughed and we walked inside.

I yawned and said,
"I'm going to put some pajamas on. I'll be right back. You can watch T.V. or something if you want."

"Okay," he said, sitting on the couch.

I walked into my room and dug around in the dresser for a pair of grey sweatpants. Then I looked for a t-shirt. I settled for a black one with a punk version of Alice from Alice in Wonderland on it.

I shoved them on and quickly brushed my teeth.

I walked into the living room again and saw Hiro watching the science channel. It had to do with some sort of machine, so of course he had to watch.

I sat down next to him and tried to make out what the man was explaining. It was Chinese to me.

"What is he talking about?" I asked, pointing at the small T.V. screen.

"It's a device that's supposed to make things turn invisible- but it won't work. He definitely wired it wrong, and the way he's explaining it, there's too much Magnesium Sulfate and it won't be able to heat to 1000 kelvin and..." he trailed off when he saw my wide brown eyes and confused expression.

"Nevermind," he laughed, shrugging.

He turned off the T.V. and I suggested that we eat something.

We went to the kitchen and filled up 2 bowls of Captain Crunch and went back to the couch.

We ate in silence until he finally said quietly,
"What did they do to you?"

Did I really look that bad? I mean, I knew my face had a couple of bruises, but it couldn't have been that bad, right?

I looked down not wanting to answer.
I eventually did, saying,
"Well... I don't really know."

It was a lie.

"Oh... I'm really sorry Caramel."

I thought about when the girl demanded information about Baymax. Why in the world would she want him?

I pulled my legs up to my chest and held them close, hugging myself.

Hiro eventually awkwardly scooted over and out his arm around me.

I blushed and said,
"Wait. Do you by chance have any rivals? Enemies? Anyone?"

"No one I can think of at the moment. Why?"

"I just remembered that when I was there, they started asking me questions about Baymax. Maybe they were trying to steal him..."

"I don't know. Whatever they were trying to do, they're in jail now."

We sat there for a while, until Hiro turned on the T.V.

I slid away from him and laid down on the couch, my head resting on a pile of pillows.

I fell asleep, the sound of The Science Channel in my ears.

A 7th Hero (COMPLETED) * SEQUEL IS OUT! *Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant