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I reached the building. It looked like it would be a building for a large company. There was a long red carpet leading up to the entrance, and lots of important looking people were walking up it. I only saw 3 kids- 2 boys and a girl my age.

I figured out that I wouldn't be able to get in the way most people were, so I started looking for an alternative.

What I did was pretty cool, I have to admit.

I unscrewed the screws in one of the vents on the walls and army crawled through, until I was inside the building (as in vents, I mean those silver rectangular things that people crawl through in spy movies).

I was in a random hallway when the vents just, ended. I kicked the ending open and jumped down. Of course, with my luck, the girl my age was standing right there.

She opened her mouth to scream and I said,
"No! Shh shh sh! I'm a good guy!"

She stared at me confusion, and I took the moment to tackle her and drag her into a closet.

I closed the door and commanded,
"Give me your dress."

"What?!" she cried.

"You can have mine," I said, pointing to my peach colored dress.

"No!" the girl said. She was tan with dark brown curly hair and blue eyes.

"Yes! It's for the greater good of humanity!" I yelled. "Give me the gosh darn dress!!"


"You'll find out soon enough. Just give it to me!!" I said, unzipping my dress and handing it to her.

She took hers off and easily slipped into mine. Her dress was a sea green with lace on the bottom. I pulled the jumpsuit out of my large purse and pulled it on. I zipped up the back and pulled the hood over my head. When the girl wasn't looking, I scanned her, and shapeshifted so I looked like her, clothes and all.

"Look, I'm really sorry about this," I said, slipping on the girl's shoes and quickly running out, locking the door behind me. It would be bad if there were 2 of us running around.

I could hear her banging on the door and screaming, but I ignored her.

I ran into the dining area and a boy with brown hair waved me over. He looked to be about 10 years old. I was confused at first, but then I remembered: I'm that girl I locked in the closet.

I walked over and the boy said,
"Jess, c'mon! We're gonna eat soon."

"Right, because my name's Jess and not Caramel. And I am totally not an imposter and you are definitely my brother," I muttered, and the other boy I'd seen earlier said,
"What'd you say?"

"Nothing! I'm just really hungry!"

"Wow. That's a first. You're never hungry. Sure you're feeling okay?" asked the first boy.

"Yeah... I'm fine," I said, looking down. Only then did I realize how thin I was. Did that girl, Jess, have an eating disorder?!

I looked back up and the first boy took a sip from the glass of water next to him.

"Hey, uh, boy," I said, not sure how to address him.

"What? Did you get amnesia now, too?" asked the second boy. He had brown hair as well, but he looked like he was at least 15. "Remember, I'm Rodrick and that's Mason," he said, talking to me as if I was a little kid.

"I know," I snapped.

"Leave her alone," said Mason, annoyed.

I heard someone tapping a microphone and saying,
"Is this thing on?"

A 7th Hero (COMPLETED) * SEQUEL IS OUT! *Where stories live. Discover now