Part Six (Edited)

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Once they all got off the boat in England, they were then transported to a town called Aldbourne where they would continue their training. While all the men were learning hand-to-hand combat, the medics were learning about different types of injuries and how to tend to them. Rose sat next to Eugene listening to the instructor as he explained how to pack a med kit with everything they would need, Rose glanced outside every now and then to see the rest of easy company learning how to defend themselves in the sun while the medics were stuck inside listening to the droning voice of the lieutenant. 

The only two lessons that the medics took part in with the rest of the companies were the digging fox hold ones and the 'how to read a map for dummies' ones. The only good thing that Rose found with the medic lessons was that there were fewer of them in a day, while the rest of easy company was still in lessons about how to shoot a gun or learn how to defend themselves, the medics had time to themselves, which Rose spent helping Mrs Golding and her children. 

The Golding family was who Rose and John Martin were housed with and Rose had fallen in love with them. Mrs Golding was an ageing woman with five children, her blonde hair had been passed down to each one and her kind smile had been passed down to all of the girls. Mr Golding was in France fighting along with their oldest son, Tim and their oldest daughter, Stephany was training to become a nurse. That left Mrs Golding with little Sally, Kylie and baby Jake at home and the mother was always thankful for the help Rose was willing to give. 

One day the medics had joined their companies for an exercise led by their commanding officers. Unfortunately for Rose, she had been placed with Sobel for the exercise and she hated it. Even with the little training she had with terrain, she knew they were lost, especially when they made it to a fence, "Why is there a fence here?" Sobel asked which caused Rose to roll her eyes, "Tipper!" he shouted and Rose held in a giggle when Tipper was already standing with the map held out to the captain. 

There was a moment of silence as everybody waited for orders, out in the open, "if this was the real thing we'd all be dead" Rose whispered to herself and when she heard a faint laugh behind her she knew someone had heard but she didn't care. 

"Perconte, luz, get the men... get them... take cover behind those trees," Sobel stuttered over his words as everyone ran behind the trees waiting for their next orders. Rose arrived as one of the last to find a group of soldiers badgering George to do an impression of Major Horton to get them moving. 

Rose couldn't help but laugh when Luz started to shout in his impression, "Is there a problem Captain Sobel?" Rose laughed even harder into her hand when Sobel began to believe that Luz was their major, "what is the goddam hold up Mr. Sobel?" 

"A fence," Sobel answered "A barbed wire fence sir," Rose leaned on Frank and stuffed her face into his shoulder to cover up her laughter, "Oh well that dog just ain't gonna hunt, now you cut that fence and get this goddamn platoon on the move."

After moving through the newly cut fence, the group began to move quickly with everyone hoping they were going the right way. They finally made it where they were supposed to be but they saw that the other group had gotten there already so Sobel took the approach to run and scream. "Hi-ho Silver!" Rose rolled her eyes as she ran with the group following their captain.

The Girl In The War (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now