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Yangyang's pov

I widened my eyes and stared at the message. I read it over and over, my brain couldn't process it. Suddenly my cellphone started to vibrate. I looked at the caller ID and let my phone drop, and it landed with a soft thud on my bed, but it kept vibrating. I didn't know what to do, so I accidentally clicked on accept. "Hello?" The deep voice said and I squealed. "H-Hello?" I stuttered. "Oh hey YangYang. Are you okay?" Xiaojun asked worriedly. "Oh, yes I'm fine. What about you? What are you doing so late?" I asked back. "I was bored, that's why I decided to call you." He answered back. I frowned. "Where did you get my number? I didn't give it to you." "Renjun gave it to me." The hot boy said calmly. "That bitch." I muttered under my breathe. "Did you say anything?" The other person asked. "No, but my mum said I have to clean my room. See you!" I lied and hung up. I sighed heavily and whipped with my right hand the sweat on my forehead away. Once I calmed down I called Renjun. He didn't pick up, so I called him again and again. He still didn't pick up. I groaned annoyed and sent him lots of messages.

I checked the time and gasped. It was 2 am. Suddenly I noticed how sleepy I was and rubbed my eyes with my right hand. I yawned while turning off the lights and crawled into my blanket. The warm blanket heated up my cold body and soon I fell asleep, with a smile on my face while thinking about a certain person.

'I was at the beach, alone. The sun was about to go down and its light reflected on the water. The wind blew through my hair, the smell of the water hit my face, the warm sand under my bare feet felt amazing. I walked a bit and sat down, my feet felt the cold water while I gripped onto the warm sand. Suddenly I felt something hard under my left hand. I looked back and saw a mussel which shimmered in its colours. I smiled to myself and laid the mussel down. The sun was already down and the moon slowly appeared. I enjoyed every single moment. All of a sudden someone came. I could hear ice cubes hitting against a glass. That person sat down next to me and I turned my head to face the person. When I saw him, I smiled. He handed me a glass and took a sip of his. "Thank you." I smiled and the boy smiled back. I leaned my head on his shoulder and took a sip of the cocktail as well.

Suddenly he pulled his shoulder away. I looked at him confused and he came closer. "X-Xiaojun. What are you doing?" But Xiaojun didn't answer. He grabbed my right hand and intertwined our hands. "I've been waiting for so long, but I have to say it. I love you." With that he leaned towards me with his face.


"Wake up! Look at the time! We're about to eat lunch. Make sure you're ready until we eat!" My mum yelled and slammed the door shut. I groaned in frustration and grabbed my pillow to rub it in my face while trying to fall asleep. I wanted to know what I was about to say. I tried a few times to fall asleep, but no luck. I stared at my wall pissed and blew a hair string out of my face.

I stood up and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and went downstairs. Thank God, my dad had to work. That meant, my mum and I were alone in the house. "Can you help me?" My mum asked me from the kitchen. I dragged myself to the kitchen and saw my mum, her back was facing me. "How can I help?" I asked her as politely as I could and tried not to sound pissed. She pointed with her index finger at the dishwasher. "Can you clear it out?" I nodded with a smile and rolled slyly my eyes. I grabbed a plate and dried it with a towel. "Do you wanna tell me what happened at Renjun's?" She suddenly said. I shook my head and continued my work. She put the knife away and came to me, facing me. "Don't be so stubborn. Something happened, you would never leave his house voluntarily." I sighed and and grabbed a new plate. "We got into a fight." I responded. She looked worriedly. "Why?" "Uh...because of the movie. Yeah, we fought because he wanted to watch a movie we've seen so many times. But I wanted to watch another movie." My mum frowned. "Are you still fighting?" I shook my head. "He gave in and in the end we watched the movie I wanted to watch." My mum nodded her head in disbelief but she didn't ask any questions.

"Bye mum!" I shouted before I left the house. While I was waiting for the bus I took out my phone. I got new notifications. I wanted to check them but the buds arrived. I entered the bus and went to the last roe. Finally I could check my notifications. I smiled at myself because a few of them were from Renjun. He said I should call him, so I called him. After it rang a few times he picked up. "Hello?" His sweet voice croaked. "Why did you give him my number?" I whispered-yelled at him. "As I said, I'll hook you up with him." Was the last thing before the annoying peeps came. I groaned and checked out my other notifications. One of them was from Xiaojun, but I decided it was the best to ignore the message.

I arrived at the shop and saw the employee I was friends with. "How are you?" Kun approached me and smiled at me. "Life is giving me a challenge." "You can do it. If you need help, I'm always here for you." Kun encouraged me. I smiled at him softly and he responded back with a smile. "We have some new things, they're pretty lit." He changed the topic and leaded me to the new things.

After he showed me the new things, we talked for a while, until I left the shop, because my mum called me. But before I went to the bus stop, I went to a grocery store and bought a Soda. While I was standing at the cash desk I heard a familiar voice. "Can you please hurry up?" I asked the employee and he gave me a glare. I became nervous and prayed that one person wouldn't come here. Finally it was my turn. I handed the employee the money and gave a tip as an apology. I was about to leave the store, when I heard that familiar voice. "Hey YangYang!" That was when I knew I had to run. I didn't hesitate one second and started running. Soon I heard footsteps behind me, but they were far away. I arrived at the bus stop and the bus arrived. I thanked God and entered the bus as fast as I could. A few moments later the bus started to drive. I sat down on a seat and looked out of the window. I saw the person panting hard and standing at the bus stop.

I smiled at myself and drank my Soda. Suddenly my phone vibrated for a few seconds and I looked at the display. It was a message from Xiaojun.

"Why did you run?"

Another update cause it's 1 am and I have headaches but I have to watch 2gether and nizi project .-. Anygays, this is boring but believe me when I'm saying shit is about to go down. And when I'm saying down I mean down down (baby). And if you're curious, as I said it happened to me a few years ago (ofc not everything but the storyline) and it's still haunting me ._.

Take care 💕

my best friend's ex ~XiaoYangWhere stories live. Discover now