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YangYang's pov

After school ended I sprinted to my house and unlocked the door. I threw my bag on the stairs and grabbed my wallet and my phone. With my key inside my left pocket I left the house. I walked to the school and spotted a brown haired guy. I smiled and tapped his shoulder. Jaemin turned around and flashed his wide smile. "Let's go!" He said and grabbed my hand. He pulled me to a cafe shop I had never seen. We entered the small shop and sat down. I looked around and noticed the cute decorations. "What do you wanna drink and eat?" The boy next to me asked. "Can I get that one chocolate cake? It looks cute. What about you?" "The same cake and a coffee." "I also want a coffee!" I smiled and Jaemin nodded his head, then he stood up. "I'm going to get it, stay here." I was about to stand up, but he placed me down again. "I'll get it, you don't need to stand up." He licked his lips. "That's not fair." I pouted and earned a giggle from the boy. "Cute." He said under his breath. "Did you say something?" The older one shook his head and left the table. I tilted my head and frowned. 'He said to me that I'm cute, two times today.' I thought but I shook my head at that one thought. 'He says that, because I'm cute. Everyone says that.' I smiled at myself and spotted Jaemin. He was at the cashier and grabbed two cups of coffee and two cakes. I stood up, but Jaemin noticed it and glared at me, then I sat down again and acted like I had never stood up. Finally he arrived at our table. He handed me a coffee and a cake. Once he sat down he apologised. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have glared at you." "It's fine." I calmed him down while I was eating the cake. I heard the door open but I ignored the new customers, until I heard a familiar voice. I choked on my coffee and Jaemin reached out to pat my back. "Are you okay?" He asked me worriedly after I calmed down. I nodded my head and coughed slyly.

Jaemin and I talked about random things, but I always looked behind him, to that one couple. I accidentally stared at the one boy and didn't listen to Jaemin. "YangYang?" Jaemin snapped his fingers in front of me and I blinked a few times. "Oh I'm sorry, what did you say?" Jaemin sighed. "What's wrong? You've been acting bizarre after that one couple entered the shop." "Nothing." I shook my head and tried to continue our conversation, gladly Jaemin started to talk again.

After we finished the cake and coffee we decided to leave the shop. I grabbed my coat and passed with my friend the couple by. I lowered my head so no one would notice me. I even rubbed my eyes to cover up my face. When we were outside I breathed in the air. "What are you gonna do?" The brown haired boy asked me. "I don't know, maybe cleaning my home a bit, my mum is coming back tomorrow." Jaemin nodded and we bid our goodbyes. I made my way back home when I heard someone shouting my name. Of course I recognised the voice and I fastened my speed a bit. I got anxious and sighed softly when I saw my house. I almost ran and opened the door, I forgot the stairs again and nearly tripped, but I didn't and when I entered the house I looked back and saw a person I didn't want to see, so I slammed the door shut.

After I finished cleaning I did my assignments and made dinner while watching a movie. Suddenly someone knocked on my door. I put the bowl away and opened the door, but I didn't expect that one person. "I thought you're coming tomorrow!" I smiled after I hugged my mum. "Surprise!" She laughed and we hugged again. She put her things away and took a shower while I was marking dinner for her. After she went downstairs I handed her the dinner and we sat down in the living room and watched the movie together. "How was it?" She asked me. "Boring, but I met up with a few friends." My mum nodded and after she finished her food she put the bowl away. "How are you?" She asked me. "I'm fine, and you? Aren't you exhausted?" "Be honest, something is bothering you." I frowned and faced her. "Nothing is wrong." "Did something happen with Xiaojun?" I shook my head and put my bowl away. "I moved on, I don't have a chance, he has got a boyfriend already." My mum raised her eyebrows. "He's just broken up with that one boy, right?" My jaw dropped. "H-how do you know?" I stuttered and my mum shrugged. "I've got my ways."

We watched the movie and after it ended we went upstairs to our rooms. While I was trying to sleep I got anxious. 'What is if she knows about it?' I kept asking myself. I shook my head and finally fell asleep.

The next day I was eating breakfast with my mum when suddenly the door bell rang. I frowned and opened the door, revealing Jaemin. He smiled at me widely. "Hey! How are you?" "I'm fine, but what are you doing here?" "I thought that we could go to school together." I bit my lips and let him in. I introduced him to my mum who was smiling at him. She invited him to eat breakfast with us but he refused. I ate my breakfast and grabbed my bag, then I left my house with Jaemin. "You're mum is really nice." He said while looking at the flowers in my neighbour's garden. "Yes, she's like my best friend." I said softly and smiled.

We arrived at school and we went to our classes. I packed my things out and waited for the teacher to come. During the class I couldn't focus and I even got scolded by the teacher. I apologised and drew little things in my book, but no one noticed it. I drew two people, holding each other hands and flowers with their other hands. They were both smiling and I also smiled. I shook my head slyly and pushed my bangs away. The teacher dismissed class but I didn't notice until he tapped my shoulder. I looked up to him and he pointed at the door. I stood up and left the small room. I went to Jaemin's class and waited until his class was dismissed. He left his classroom and smiled at me. He slung his arm around my shoulder and like that we went outside the building. "Let's go to that one cafe shop again. You don't have a class now, right?" I nodded my head and we went to the code shop we were the day before. We arrived at the little shop and I facepalmed myself. "I forgot my wallet!" "My treat." Jaemin said and grabbed my hand. "No, I'll feel bad." I pouted. "We're friends, it's okay." The older explained. I was still pouting but nodded my head. We sat down and Jaemin left again and came back with the cakes and coffees. While we were eating he got my attention. I looked up and saw a serious Jaemin. I raised my left eyebrow. "Is something wrong?" He shook my head and his right hand went through his hair. Then he leaned forward, our faces were only a few inches away.

"I like you, a lot."

Are you guys dead lmao.

Take care 💕

my best friend's ex ~XiaoYangWhere stories live. Discover now