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YangYang's pov

After I sent the message I blocked him, I didn't give him a chance to response back. Usually, people would feel sad and cry, but I was happy and smiled and laughed. I threw my phone away and stretched my arms while spinning around like a crazy person. I giggled and jumped up and down, feeling relieved. Suddenly my phone started to vibrate. With a frown I picked it up, it was Renjun. "Are you dumb?" He yelled after I picked up. I pulled my phone away and after a while I put it back. "What do you mean?" I frowned. "Why did you break up with him?" He shouted and my jaw dropped. "H-how do you k-know?" I stuttered. "I was on the phone with him. You can't do that!" Renjun screamed. "Yes, I can, and you can't change it." I said sassily and hung up. I groaned when I received a message form Renjun. "He's hurt." I read out loud and furrowed my eyebrows. "I bet he isn't hurt, he's gone through so many breakups, he can handle this one, we were a couple for a week." I said to myself and turned off my phone, because Renjun kept sending me messages.

After I did my homework I decided to watch a movie, but my phone started to ring. It was my mum. "Hey mum!" I smiled. "How are you doing?" We talked for a long time, but I didn't tell her about what happened to Xiaojun and me. She told me that she had to stay longer there, but it was my cousin's wedding and I couldn't miss it. She kept telling me that I had to go there, in the end I gave in and agreed to go to the wedding. She told me, that Kun was also going and he'd pick me up. After that we bid our goodbyes and I hung up. I checked the time and made dinner, then I went to sleep. I was relieved that I finally broke up, I wasn't feeling comfortable in the relationship, I hadn't had any feelings. It wasn't kind of me that I didn't give him a chance to text me back, I wanted to unblock him the next day, I didn't want it to be awkward on the wedding. With a smile plastered on my face I fell asleep, but I had to hug my huge teddy bear my dad gave me when I was younger.

The next day I went to school happier than ever. I even talked to people, who were astonished that I talked to them. I smiled at everyone who passed me by, and a few of them smiled back. One of them was a boy in another class, I'd always wanted to talk to him, but I wasn't secure about it. He tapped my shoulder and I turned around. "Are you okay?" He asked me, but he was still smiling. I nodded my head and smiled at him before I left. Suddenly I felt something against my head. I turned around a noticed a small paper ball on the ground. I picked it up and opened it. It was his number. I smiled at him, waved at him and left. I put the piece of paper in my pocket and made my way towards the classroom. I plopped down on my seat and grabbed my phone and typed in the number. I chatted with my new friend for a few minutes, but then my teacher arrived. During the lesson I couldn't stop smiling, even the teacher suspected something and kept giving me a disgusted look, but it didn't bother me.

It was finally Saturday. I was in the bathroom and put on light makeup to cover up my eye circles, I decided to do an all nighter. I'd just put on my shoes when I heard the door bell. I jumped down the two stairs and opened the door, revealing Kun who was smiling at me. We greeted each other and went to his car. After he drove off he asked me about my life. "I broke up with Xiaojun a few days ago." I said and earned a groan. "I was so happy for you, seriously!" He groaned. I took out my phone and read the messages we texted each other. "So he wanted to try it again, but you refused. And now you're fine, you're just friends." Kun repeated to check if he got it right, and I nodded my head. "Good to know." He mumbled under his breath. After a while we finally arrived at the location. We both entered the building and noticed Hendery. Before I went to him I pulled Kun back. "Don't tell anyone about Xiaojun and me, especially not Hendery, got it?" Is whispered and the other nodded. I approached Hendery and smiled at him. We greeted each other and went to the back room, but others were also there, one of them was Xiaojun. We made eye contact but I broke it immediately. I looked away and sat down on the stairs.

Hendery and I chatted a bit until we decided to dance. After we danced the couple cut the cake, and because they were my relatives they bought a cake without milk, and because I was the only one who couldn't tolerate milk I had a whole cake for me. I grabbed a huge piece of cake and ate it with Hendery and Kun.

Kun and I stayed for a longer time, but then we decided to go like the other guests. During the whole part Xiaojun and I don't exchange a single word and Renjun was still mad a t me, although we both explained him that we were just friends. Hendery noticed that Renjun and I didn't talk, so he asked me why, but I just answered that we had a fight, which wasn't a lie though. We were in the car when Kun started a conversation. Although I was tired I talked with him. "You seem pretty close to Hendery." "We're best friends, kinda." I replied. I leaned my head against the cold window and fell asleep. But then someone shook me and I opened my eyes slowly. "We've arrived." Kun whispered softly and carried me because I was too tired. I handed him my keys and he unlocked the door, then he removed my shoes and my coat, after that he took me upstairs to my room and placed me on my soft bed. He pulled the blanket over my body and said goodbye. As soon as I heard the door closing I fell asleep.

I woke up pretty late and didn't eat breakfast, I just ate lunch. While I was eating I grabbed my phone and opened my latest message, which was from Hendery. I read it and smiled. He texted me that he had a boyfriend. I asked him who his boyfriend was and once I received it, I choked on my food.


It's 3 am and boss is blasting through my headphones, that's how I wanna live, but sadly my teachers don't understand it and I have to do lots of assignments in a few days. Kill m :,)

And yes that was my reaction when I broke up with him but I broke up in a different way and tbh it was kinda rude but who cares.

Take care 💕

my best friend's ex ~XiaoYangOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz