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YangYang's pov

"Are you okay?" Hendery asked me worriedly and I quickly wiped my tears away. I sniffed and bit my tongue. "Yes, something was in my eye, but are you okay? I mean, you've just broken up with him and he's always in a new relationship." But the person in front of me just shrugged. "I'm used to it. After we broke up for the first time, he had a new boyfriend a few days later." I pressed my lips to a line and a rubbed my neck. "And what are you going to do?" Hendery tilted his head. "Why? I won't do anything, he should go and live his life happily with that Jaemin guy. I'll search another man." I gulped and forced myself to smile. "Hey Hendery! Do you wanna play a round against Sicheng?" Renjun yelled and Hendery went to him and grabbed the controller. I was sitting on the couch when Renjun took my left hand. "What did you do?" He asked me but I shrugged. "Please tell me!" Renjun whined and swung my arm. I sighed and leaned in to whisper into his ear. "I broke up with Xiaojun for Hendery, but Xiaojun is already in a relationship." Renjun widened his eyes. "Again?" He looked disgusted when I nodded. "And why did you cry?" He asked me and I raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?" Renjun squished my cheeks. "Your cheeks are always turning red after you cried. Are you sad because he's got a new boyfriend so you don't have a chance anymore?" I rubbed my cheeks while shaking my head, but of course my friend didn't believe me. "Stop lying fat ass." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not lying, why should I lie?" Renjun smirked and pointed a t Hendery, who was playing with Sicheng. Hendery laughed evil and Sicheng pouted. "That's not fair!"

"It's not because of Xiaojun." I said and gained Renjun's attention. "It's his new boyfriend, he's actually my boyfriend. We've been a couple for a week but I guess I'll break up with him." I stared at the floor and tried to control my tears which were forming in my eyes. I quickly blinked them away and sighed. "I'm so sorry for you." Renjun whispered and placed his right hand on my right hand. "But why did you tell me that you're in a relationship now? Why not earlier?" I bit my bottom lip and licked it afterward, I tasted the blood which was coming from a bruise on my bottom lip. "I wanted to tell you it in person, not through messages and calls." Renjun nodded and looked at with pity but I smiled at him. "Please, don't pity me. I think we should go upstairs, I think dinner is ready." The boy agrees and clapped in his hands, everyone facing him and he explained that dinner was ready. They turned off the game and together we went upstairs to the dinning room. "You guys are already here!" Renjun's mother noticed surprisedly and handed me a bowl with salad. "Put it down on the please." She commanded and I put the bowl on its place. After I placed it down someone handed me another bowl. Confused, I put it away but then I got another bowl. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up and met Hendery's face. He was smiling innocently and was holding another bowl, prepared to get handed over to me. He was about to hand me the next bowl, but I backed up. "Do it on your own, I'm not your slave!" I shouted and sneaked our from the spot I was standing. I heard a groan and decided to ignore it.

During the dinner I felt some stared at me but it didn't bother me, although I felt uncomfortable with it. I put the spoon away and stared at Hendery, who was staring at me. "Do you have a problem?" I asked him and he shook his head, but he kept in staring at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. After I took a few more bites I put the food away and stood up, grabbing my half full plate and headed to the kitchen. I threw the food away and placed the plate in the sink, then I went back to the others. I sat down and drank water, Renjun was talking to me and I listend to him, sometimes I dozed off but he didn't notice it.

After everyone finished we went to Renjun's room, but soon my mother came and we all bid our goodbyes. Before I left the house, Renjun encouraged me to break up with Jaemin, and that was my plan for Monday, although I was scared. I went to my room and fell asleep, I didn't bother to do anything, I was exhausted from the day.

The next da I was studying for the upcoming exams. I got a few calls but I ignored them all, most of them were from Jaemin and I didn't want to listen to his voice. I yawned and checked the time. It was almost midnight and I stared at my books, I studied the whole day. I grabbed my glass and drank the water in it, then I placed it down and jumped on my bed, and after a while I was sleeping.

My hands were sweating and I bit my bottom lip nervously. I stared at the floor and suddenly two feet were standing in front of me. I looked up and saw Jaemin, who noticed my tears. His face softened and he hugged me. "What's wrong?" He asked me, but I pushed the boy away. "Don't act like you don't know!" I yelled at him. He tilted his head and smirked. "So you know, don't you? Yes, I used you, I knew that you're befriend with him. I saw him in the shop, I wanted to make him jealous with you, and it worked! After his boyfriend broke up with him, he immediately asked me!" Jaemin laughed and turned around, but he said something, which made me angrier and sadder. "You're a slut."

Everyone was watching the scene, but no one came to me when I dropped mom the floor and cried. I stood up and ran out, I ran to a nearby park and sat down on a bench. I hugged my knees and cried, no one came to me nor did something. After I cried for a long time I stared at the lake with ducks. I noticed a duck waddling to me, it was the duck I met once. I smiled softly and cried my cheeks with my sleeve. I picked up the little duck and placed it on the bench, but then the duck jumped down and waddled to its family. I grabbed my back and stood up, I went to my house and unlocked the door. Then I stomped upstairs and slammed my door shut, even though no one was there.

My mum came back at midnight and didn't notice that I didn't go to school. I was studying when she came, I had an important exam the next day.

The next day was horrible. Everyone was staring at me and talked about me, but I ignored it, I was pretty good at ignoring them. I was in the class room and then the teacher finally arrived, so everyone stopped talking. He handed us the exam and we all started writing.

The whole week was the same, I arrived at school, everyone was staring and talking about me, the teacher gave us our exams and after that we left the school. I was happy when the last exam was over and I ran to my home. When my mum arrived she had great news, she bought an apartment for me, which was about 1 hour away. I could finally move away, but she had sad news, too. We had to go to a party again, the last party with them.

We arrived at the party and I went in. I noticed Renjun and went to him. "Have you broken up with him?" He asked me and I nodded, then he hugged me. "I'm gonna move!" I announced happily, but he looked sad. "Are you gonna leave me alone?" Renjun pouted and I nodded. Then I saw Hendery. With a smile I tried to greet him, but he ignored me. I frowned and shuffled back to Renjun. I explained him what happened, but he shrugged and said, that he didn't see me. During the party I tried to talk to Hendery multiple times, but he kept ignoring me. When the party was over, he came to me and whispered into my ear and my eyes widened and got filled with tears.

"I don't wanna befriend with a slut like you."

Next chapter is gonna be the last. I tried to update earlier but I fell asleep lmao.

Take care 💕

my best friend's ex ~XiaoYangWhere stories live. Discover now