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YangYang's pov

I read the message again and I frowned. "Do they know each other?" I turned my head to Renjun who shook his head. "Then why is he content with the relationship?" Renjun shook his head again, looking disappointed. "What are you going to do?" He asked me. I shrugged as response. "I don't know, maybe I'll leave him on read." I put my phone aside and watched the movie, but I felt Renjun's stare at me. "What?" I groaned but I didn't look at him. "Nothing."

After the movie finished I yawned and stretched my arms. "Are you already tired?" I heard a chuckle from my left side and I nodded tiredly while rubbing my eyes with my sweat pawns. My head plopped onto Renjun's lab and he caressed my hair. "I'm so happy that you finally confessed your love." Renjun smiled. I sighed heavily and looked into his eyes. "I'm not in love with him, I just joked so you'd shut up. But I unfortunately made it even worser." I saw how he rolled his eyes and mocked me. "I'm not in love with him. Stop lying, you've already confessed and now you can't take it back." "But I'm not in love with him!" "Don't say anything, I bet it's hurting you." He shushed me and I gave him a pissed look. I ignored it and slowly closed my eyes, drifting away into my dreamland.

I looked around me. The sky was clear, no cloud was there, only the sun who was brighter than ever. I spread my arms and turned around while laughing. I spotted a park with a small lake. On the lake were ducks and I ran to them. I kneeled down and extended my right hand. A small, yellow duck came and bopped my hand with his hand. I laughed and discovered a daisy, which I picked up and gave to the little duck. The duck grabbed it with its beak. Then the yellow duck waddled away to its family. I waved at them and smiled softly, then I stood up. I walked down the path, breathing in the fresh air and closed my eyes. I spotted a bench and sat down. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw someone who was holding cotton candy. I giggled like a small child and took the cotton candy, while holding the others hand. I ate the cotton candy with the person next to me. "You got something there." He said and pointed at my mouth. I tried to wipe it away, but the male chuckled while shaking his head. "Can you wipe it away?" I asked while pouting. He nodded and leaned forward. His lips were only a few inches away from mine and I closed my eyes, ready to feel his lips.

"What the fuck!" Renjun yelled and I opened my eyes. I saw Renjun shivering and hiding his face inside the blanket. I furrowed and looked over to the tv. "What the actual fuck!" I screamed. "Do you really have to watch a fucking horror movie while I'm sleeping?" I yelled and covered my eyes, afraid of the creature on the tv. "I was bored." My friend whimpered. I groped for the remote control, my eyes were still shut, and turned the tv off. "You can come out." I sighed and Renjun's face popped up. "Don't you ever dare to watch a horror movie while I'm sleeping, or else you won't be able to watch a movie again!" I threatened him. He just rolled his eyes and mocked me. I shook my head in disbelief. "This guy."

"What did you dream about?" Renjun asked. I bit into my toast while raising an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?" "I asked first." He replied. I groaned. "I was at a park and played with a duck while eating cotton candy." I lied. Well, I didn't lie that much, it was a half lie but I didn't want him to know that I shared cotton candy with Xiaojun and that we were about to kiss.

The small boy just nipped his head and played with his phone. "It's almost evening. Should we go out for a walk?" I asked him and Renjun stood up. I also stood up, grabbed my jacket and slipped into my shoes. "Did you buy new shoes?" I heard Renjun. "Yes." I shortly replied and opened the front door. "Don't forget your keys!" I screamed and jumped down the two stairs which led to the street. I breathed in the cold air. I put my hands into my pocket and played with a stone while waiting for Renjun. Soon enough he finally came.

While we were walking we didn't exchange a single word. "I'm happy that you finally found your feelings." Renjun muttered. I held back my groan and just nodded. "I know it's gonna be hard, but I believe in you two." "Why is it going to be hard?" I raised my left eyebrow. "Hendery." After he said that I felt my heart shattered. I forgot about my best friend. "I can't do this." I whispered to me, but the other boy heard it. He put his arm around my shoulder and pressed my shaking body towards his chest. I slung my arms around is tiny waist. He patted my back while tears formed in my eyes. I didn't notice it, but they slowly made their way down my cheeks to explore my face. I sobbed and hid my face in his neck. "I know it's hard, but just follow your heart. If you truly love him, then you should go for him." My friend whispered softly. "What about Hendery?" I sobbed. "Fuck off. Don't let ruin your relationship because of a friend, who always dichtes you, when others come around but is always clingy when you're alone." Renjun sounded mad. I nodded my head and continued crying. "Don't cry over this." Renjun whispered.

We broke the hug and made our way back home. I didn't bother to clean up, I kicked my shoes off, threw my jacket into the corner and ran downstairs and jumped on the bed. Only a few minutes I drifted away, I only could feel the warm and soft blanket covering my cold body.

"YangYang. Wake up." I heard a soft voice. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Renjun. He smiled at me and handed me a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows in it. Renjun sat down next to me. "Your mum is coming in ten minutes." I nodded my head, still drinking the hot chocolate. I finished it and Renjun grabbed the mug. "Im in the bathroom." I said and left.

I looked myself in the mirror. My face was red and had strained tears all over it, my hair was a mess, I had dark circles under my eyes and my lips were dry. I washed myself up and heard the doorbell. It didn't bother me and I took a long time until I left the bathroom. I went downstairs and saw my mum. She smiled at me and I smiled back, weakly. I grabbed my jacket, wore my shoes and took my phone. Before I left the house, Renjun hugged me and I hugged him back. Once I stepped into the car I heard a yell. "Bye fat ass!" I chuckled and waved at him, until I couldn't see him anymore. "How was it?" My mum asked. I smiled and responded. "I think, we got closer." My mum also smiled.

Finally we arrived at home. I took a shower and was in my room. My mum had just called me for lunch and now my stomach hurt. I ate way too much, but my mum kept giving me food, so I wouldn't starve myself. I was reading a book when my phone snapped me off. I got a message form none other than Xiaojun. He asked me, why I didn't reply. I texted him back and cleared things. I confessed that it was me and I was just joking and I didn't want to be in a relationship. I felt bad, but then he said that he thought I was Ten, who was his crush. That made things even worse, but then I read the next message he send. I widened my eyes when I read it.

"Well, let's have a try then if I can't have Ten."

I wasn't in the mood to update but I still did it :] I don't know what to do, so here I am, listening to lofi music and rethinking my whole existence. Maybe we'll have to go to school again next week and I'm pretty ducked up cuz I didn't do my assignments lmao.

Isn't proof read cuz I won't find any mistakes cuz it's almost 3 am :]

Take care y'all 💕

my best friend's ex ~XiaoYangWhere stories live. Discover now