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YangYang's pov

I raised my eyebrows and put my fork away. "You're kidding, right?" I texted him and was nervous. But he sent screenshots of their chat and my face turned pale. I read their conversation and was glad that Xiaojun didn't mention me nor our relationship. I forced myself to smile and be happy, although I wasn't happy at all. I congratulated her and turned off my phone. I was about to watch a movie, but I wasn't in the mood anymore so I went out for a little walk outside. The cold air hit my face and blew through my hair. It was early spring now and I could see a few flowers already growing in our garden. I went to the fields to the little play garden where no one was at that moment, which I was really grateful for. I sat down on the swing and started playing a playlist. It was a playlist with my favourite songs, I couldn't listen to sad music. A few songs later I found myself dancing in the sand but then I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn't want to admit it, but it hurt that he moved on that fast. But I shouldn't had been sad, I should had been happy for Hendery, he was finally in a relationship with Xiaojun again. I smiled through the pain to prove no one that I was strong. I quickly wiped away my tear, my right hair went through my hair, I put my hands in my pockets and made my way back home. While I was going back home I was listening to some old songs I used to listen to with my dad. I was about to burst into tears and I fastened my steps when I saw the little flowers. I was almost running and tripped over the stairs but I could hold the door handle, so I didn't hurt myself.

I unlocked the door, kicked my shoes off, threw my jacket away and ran upstairs to my room and grabbed a few clothes, then I went to the bathroom, in my hand was still my phone but I put my headphones away. I was standing in front of the shower and waited until the water was hot enough to enter. I slowly stepped in and the hot water greeted my cold body, the hot water embraced my body and I closed my eyes while sliding down the wall. My phone was placed on my sink and played the songs, which had precious memories of me and my dad. I tried to hold back my tears, but the hot water made me feel safe and loved, like usual, and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I covered my eyes and tried not to sob, although no one was there to listen to me, but I didn't want to feel weak and I didn't want to look like a cry baby. I hated myself for crying so much, that's why I didn't want to cry in front of people, but I had failed lots of times. The hot water dripped down my face and mixed itself with my tears. After I laid on the floor for a long time I decided to stand up and grabbed the shampoo bottle. I even bought a new shampoo bottle, because every sentence had bad memories with me. I bought a bottle with rose sentence because I loved rose.

After I ended showering I grabbed my oversized hoodie I brought with me. I put on my clothes and plopped on my bed, but I felt cold. I went downstairs and prepared a hot tea and a heating pad. I went upstairs to my room with the hot things and sat down carefully on my bed, grabbed my fluffy blanket and turned on a movie. While I was watching the movie I drank the tea, but then I received a call. I looked to my left side and saw my vibrating phone, but I decided to ignore it. After that person called me a second time my phone didn't ring again. I rolled my eyes at that person and continued watching the movie.

After the movie ended I checked the calls. The first one was my mum but the second one was unknown. I didn't bother checking on who the unknown person was and straight up blocked the number. Then I called my mum again. She checked out on me and reminded me that I had to do my homework. After we talked for a long time I hung up and started doing my homework. I finally finished when I got a new notification. I opened the app and saw a message from an unknown person. I furrowed my eyebrows and clicked on the chat, but I didn't read the message, I blocked the number again. I rolled my eyes and turned off my phone for the day, then I threw it into my bag like my other things. I didn't know what to do so I went sleeping.

While I was sleeping I heard a knock on the door. I groaned and put the blanket on my face, ignoring all the knocks. Suddenly the knocks stopped and I sighed relievedly. Slowly I drifted off, but I was slyly afraid. The alarm clock next to me rang and I turned it off. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, suddenly I remembered the knocks. I ignored it and went to the bathroom and made myself ready. I went downstairs after I grabbed my bag and took an apple, then I left the house. I looked to my right side and ran off, I was too afraid. I didn't bother to look back. I arrived at school and hurried to my classroom. I couldn't focus on the teacher and always drifted away with my thoughts. I was alone during break again and was in the library when all of a sudden someone approached to me. It was none other that my new friend. He smiled at me and slung his arm over my shoulder. I looked at him in confusion and he just laughed. "You blocked my number!" I widened my eyes and took out my phone. I checked the numbers I blocked and showed him the recent one. He nodded and explained that I blocked him. I apologised and unblocked him. I rubbed my nape nervously and he rubbed my head. "You're cute." He mumbled. I tilted my head. "What did you say?" He shook his head. "Nothing, just ignore it. So, do you wanna do something today? There's a new cafe nearby, let's go there." He suggested and I nodded. "Why not." The boy smiled at me but suddenly the bell rang. We bid our goodbyes and patted our ways. "Bye YangYang!" The boy yelled and I waved at him.

"Bye Jaemin!"

School has just started and we have already so many assignments :( kill meee

who knocked on the door, any thoughts?

Take care 💕

my best friend's ex ~XiaoYangWhere stories live. Discover now