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YangYang's pov

This happened a few years ago, I'm a grown man now, but I still haven't married yet nor have I been in a relationship. I moved away to the apartment after the party, but I'm still keeping in touch with my mum and Renjun, I blocked every other person. I haven't heard anything from Hendery nor Xiaojun and Jaemin. I meet my mother every weekend, but I haven't seen Renjun for a long time, but today I'm gonna meet him. I'm already waiting in the cafe shop, suddenly Renjun enters the door. I turn around and stand up, rushing towards him and hugging him for a long time. Of course he hugs back and we're both laughing. After we've ended our hug we've sat down and we've started to talk. Suddenly he hands me an envelope. "What is that?" I ask him but he shrugs. I opened it and read the letter in it. It's an invitation for a marriage. "Are you going to marry?" I smile excitedly but the small boy shakes his head. "Not now, but one day." He laughs and I open the letter. I read it carefully and stop when I see the names. "Xiaojun and Jaemin are going to marry?" I ask Renjun in disbelief. "Yes, and you have to come, please!" Renjun begs and I place the envelope down. I rub my forehead and bite my bottom lip. "Okay." I agree and my friend smiles. "You won't regret it, right?" "Lets see, I've moved on already." I explain. After that we leave the cafe shop and go out for a little walk.

A week later is marriage. I'm wearing a nice suit and I'm waiting for Renjun. He arrives with his boyfriend and we greet each other. Renjun's boyfriend leaves us and goes to his friends, but it doesn't bother me, although he's really nice. We're searching places to sit down and now we're waiting for the couple. "Are you okay?" Renjun tilts his head a bit and looks at me worriedly, but I nod my head and smile. "I moved on, don't worry!" "I just don't want you to get hurt." The boy states and I hug him softly. "Thank you." I whisper into his ear and we break the hug. Suddenly the door opens and Xiaojun comes in. He's also wearing a suit and is now heading to his spot. While he walks to his spot he noticed me and smiles at me. I smile back and wave softly. He chuckles and arrives at his spot, but he keeps looking at me. Then Jaemin arrives and everyone stops talking. The music starts to play and after a while they're exchanging rings and are leaning in for a kiss.

I bite my tongue and a tear rolls down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away. Throughout the whole drama I noticed that I have feelings for Xiaojun, but now it's too late.

Although you're married now, I'll always love you, Xiaojun.


Please don't kill me for the ending, but I decided to change it a bit, and this didn't happen really. What I mean is, ofc this with Xiaojun, YangYang and Hendery happened, but Jaemin never happened. And I broke up with the boy after 4 days and a few weeks later the boy was in a relationship with my friend again and now the it and I are friends, but the girl isn't my friend anymore, but she doesn't know that I was in a relationship with the boy. Lmao that's so confusing.

I'm gonna write a new story, so please look forward to it :)

Take care my friends and thanks for reading my story 💕💕

my best friend's ex ~XiaoYangWhere stories live. Discover now