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Third's person pov

mature cuz that bass go boom

YangYang looked at the person, bit his bottom lip and shrugged. The boy backed up and watched Jaemin raising an eyebrow. "I-I need time, I'm sorry." YangYang stuttered and stood up. He was about to leave the shop, but before he did it, he kissed Jaemin's right cheek. Both blushed and YangYang quickly left the shop, but little did he know that they had been watched my someone.

YangYang made his way back to school and picked up a pretty flower. He turned the flower between his thumb, then he threw it away and ran towards his school. Once YangYang arrived at the school someone picked up the flower he had just thrown away. That person picked the flower up and put it into his pocket, and with that that person left the place and made its way to the cafe shop, where no one was, Jaemin had already left the shop.

During school YangYang tried his best to avoid Jaemin and when he arrived at his home he ignored all of his messages and calls. YangYang was eating with his mum when she suddenly sighed. He son looked up and tilted his head. "Is something wrong?" His mother nodded. "I have to go, I'm coming back tomorrow." YangYang pouted a bit and continued eating his food, but after a bite he put his food away. He stood up and left the room. His mother looked after him, but he completely ignored her. She sighed, bid her goodbye and left the house, leaving her son alone.

The boy was alone in the house and was doing his homework while a movie was playing in the back. He put his pen away and stretched his arms while yawing. He finally finished his assignments. The boy rubbed his eyes and packed his things away, the he plopped down on his bed and groaned, because someone rang the bell. He shuffled downstairs and opened the door, where Xiaojun was standing. YangYang widened his eyes and slammed the door shut. Xiaojun frowned and rang the bell again and again. The younger one took a deep breath and opened the door again and peaked out. "What do you want?" He spat. "I just wanna talk." Was the response he got. YangYang pouted a bit and opened the door wieder, letting the blond haired boy in. YangYang closed the door and turned around, but then he got slammed against the door. Xiaojun was grabbing his throat and his face got closer. "You've been bad." He whispered against YangYang's lips. The boy gulped after tried to push him away, but the other one was stronger and grabbed both of his arms and held them over YangYang's head.

"You kisses his cheek, you're only allowed to kiss my cheeks." Xiaojun whispered with a dominant voice, then he smirked and watched how his ex boyfriend was struggling with his arms. "You kissed Hendery!" The younger shouted and Xiaojun's smirk grew. "You're really talking back to me?" YangYang nodded his head and Xiaojun raised an eyebrow. Suddenly he backed up, he was still holding YangYang's arms and went upstairs. Ok the way, the poor boy noticed that the blond guy had a bag with him. He gulped and stumbled up the stairs. Once they arrived at his room, YangYang was thrown on the bed. Xiaojun crawled on him and took out a rope from his bag, then he tied up YangYang's hand, who wasn't even trying to fight back, he knew he was too weak and he enjoyed it actually.

YangYang closed his eyes and felt soft lips on his. Xiaojun's tongue licked over his bottom lip, but YangYang didn't open his lips, so the other boy palmed his lower part and YangYang gasped. The older took his chance and slipped his tongue into his mouth and explored every inch of his mouth. The boy under him let out a breathy moan and Xiaojun felt something against his thigh, which made him smirk. He broke the kiss and stood up. He stripped YangYang's clothes, the boy was naked and chained up on his bed. Xiaojun stared at the body in front of him and the boy blushed. "S-stop staring!" YangYang shouted and Xiaojun licked his lips. He got something from his bag and a minute later was YangYang's view blocked. Suddenly he felt something cold on his cock and he moaned. "Wh-what's that?" He asked, but he was still stuttering. "Nothing, just a way how we're gonna have fun for a longer time." YangYang nodded his head and leaned his head back. Xiaojun was on top of him again and started kissing his neck, sucking on it and leaving marks on it. He slowly made his way done to the chest and repeated his movements. Dark marks were left all over the neck and chest, they looked hurtful, and they were. YangYang was biting his inner cheek to not to scream. Xiaojun kissed YangYang's belly and left a few marks on it. Then he arrived at YangYang's most sensitiv part.

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