558 34 18

YangYang's pov

This shit contains sexual harassment

Her eyes widened for a moment, but then she smiled. She came closer to me and squeezed my hands. "I love you, remember that, but please take care. He's not a good person, I don't want you to get hurt." I smiled. "I'll take care." My mum stood up, patted my head and left the room. Before she left, she reminded me, that I had school the next day. I groaned annoyedly and she chuckled. I sighed and turned off the lights, laid on my bed and fell asleep.

Someone shook my body and I opened my eyes. I saw my mother, who had a water bottle in her hand. She looked angry, but when she noticed that my eyes were open she smiled. I pointed at the water bottle. "What were you about to do?" She smiled nervously and hid the bottle behind her back. "What?" She asked innocently. I rolled my eyes and covered my head with the blanket. But my mother pulled it away, threw the poor blanket away and it landed with a soft thud on the ground. The woman in front of me showed me the water bottle and threatened me. I stood up and went to my bathroom. After I took a shower I shuffled around my room and decided what to wear. Then I went downstairs and ate breakfast with my mother. I was about to leave the house, but I turned around and shouted at my mother. "Take care!" "You too!" I smiled at myself and made my way to my school.

I didn't have any friends at my school, my class hated me and always made fun of me. When I arrived at school I ignored everyone. I sat down on my sat and waited until the teacher came. "Did you enjoy your holiday?" He asked us and everyone nodded their head, excited to tell everyone what they had been doing. Everyone, except me. My teacher spotted me and asked me, why I shook my head. I faked a smile and glared at him. "I was at the hospital, that's why." Everyone faked a gasp and my so called friends came to me and hugged me. I pushed them away looked at them with disgust. "Don't touch me!" I yelled at them.

The rest of the day was pretty annoying. I spent the breaks alone in the library and read a book. Sadly, not everyone respected the rules to be silent, there was a class who were talking loud. I went to them, slammed my book onto the table and glared at them. One of them noticed me, laid his girlfriend, who was placed on his lap, to the side, raised an eyebrow and stood up. "What do you want?" He asked me. "Maybe you don't know this, but it's a fucking library and you have to shut your fucking mouth." He glared at me and stepped towards me. "Make me." I clenched my left hand, ready to punch him in his face, when the bell rang. "Don't bother me again, fucker." He chuckled. I groaned, put the book back on its shelf and left the room. On my way back to the classroom I met a few classmates. I avoided them and ran away, I didn't want to face them.

That happened the whole week, until it was Saturday. I was I my room on my bed and about to start a movie marathon, when my mom slammed the door open, revealing her and a suit in her hand. I looked at her in confusion and she grabbed my hand. "Here, ho take a shower and wear this. We're going to a party." My mum explained and pushed me into the bathroom. I didn't realise it, but suddenly I was standing in the bathroom with a suit in my hand. I sighed and took off my clothes and stepped into the shower. I was tired and the hot water made me more tired, then I already was, that's why I switched the water to cold, which scared me, but I woke up. Not even a minute later was the water warm again and I sighed happily.

I was fixing my hair when my mother knocked on my door. I opened the door and she stepped in. She wore a beautiful blue dress, which fitted her body. "Hurry up, I'm waiting downstairs." She said and left. I fixed my hair and followed her downstairs. I grabbed my coat, slipped into my shoes and left the house. My mum was sitting in the car and once I sat down, she drove off. The car ride was long and I used the time. "Where are we going?" "Someone's 18th birthday. It's my friend's daughter, you may know her." The woman said. I nodded my head and made myself comfortable.

We finally arrived and I was amazed by the building. It was huge and lots of people could fit in. "Did I mention that her parents are rich?" My mum whispered. I shook my head. "Well, now you know." We entered the building and I was greeted by loud music. A few children were dancing to the music, but the rest were sitting and chatting, like usual. My mum spotted her friends and left me, I was alone. I walked around and searched my friends, but I couldn't find them, until someone grabbed my hand. I screamed and turned around. It was none other than Hendery. He smiled at me and I punched his arm. "You ducking scared me, jerk." "I'm sorry, but it was funny how you looked so lost." Hendery laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Where are the others?" I asked him. "I don't know. Xiaojun isn't coming, he isn't feeling well. I don't know where Renjun is, but I spotted his parents." I grabbed the younger's hand and dragged him to the other guests. "Let's fine them!" I looked around and spotted a familiar face. I walked up to them and tapped her shoulder. Renjun's mum turned around and smiled at me, before she hugged me tightly. "How are you?" She asked me. We talked a bit until I asked her, where Renjun was. She explained, that he was sick, so he couldn't come. I nodded sadly my head and left with Hendery.

Hendery and I were eating, when someone approached us. It was Chenle. After he arrived, both of the ignored me. I was mad and ate my food, but I didn't want to sit next to them, that's why I left the room and went somewhere else. I was alone in the large room, only a few women were there and were taking pictures, but as soon as I entered the room they both left. I frowned but continued eating. I took out my phone and scrolled through my messages, when suddenly someone stepped in. I didn't look up, not even when that person was sitting next to me. "You shouldn't be alone." That person said and I looked up. I stared directly into Mark's face, one of Xiaojun's friends. "What do you want?" I asked him and raised my left eyebrow. He leaned in and whispered. "Nothing." I frowned, grabbed my plate and left the room. I put my plate to the other empty ones and noticed that lots of people were dancing. I smiled and joined them.

I was dancing happily until I felt something on my ass. It was a hand, which squeezed my ass. I turned around and saw no one. I tilted my head and thought I imagined it, but deep down I knew there was someone. I tried to enjoy the dancing, but after a while I left the dance floor and sat down next to Hendery and Chenle. "Hey." I smiled but they ignored me. I tried to communicate with them, but they blocked. I groaned and was till sitting next to them. Suddenly Chenle stood up and left the room. "What happened?" I asked my friend, but he refused to talk. I pouted. "Please talk to me." "Sorry, I can't." That made me mad and I left the room, I walked and walked until I ended up in the familiar room.

I looked around me and discovered an open window pointing to the street. I sat down on of the chairs and grabbed my phone. Just then someone entered the room, Mark. I sighed heavily and glared at him. "What do you want?" He smirked and stepped closer. "As I said, nothing." I stood up, because he was to close to me, and backed up, but he kept coming closer and closer. My back hit the wall next to the window and he put one hand next to my head. I closed my eyes and opened them again. I turned my head and spotted Hendery and Chenle. I called out for help but they ignored me. Suddenly I felt something rubbing against my lower part and I gasped. Mark rubbed his knee against my clothed lower era. He smirked at me while doing it. With all my strength, I pushed him away and ran off, I locked myself up in the bathroom.

After a while I left the bathroom, I couldn't believe what happened. When I left the bathroom I felt again a hand on my ass, squeezing it and rubbing something against it. I turned around, but no one was there. I ruffled my hair and went to another room. Of course, Hendery and Chenle were in the room. I looked upset and sulked. My friend noticed it and asked me if I was okay, and I just nodded my head. Suddenly I heard my mother calling me. I stood up and ran into her arms. She said that we were leaving, so I said goodbye to Hendery and Chenle. In the car my mum asked me if I was doing well and I nodded my head in response.

But I wanted nothing more than to die.

I felt so disgusting and although it happened when I was 10, I can still feel his hand ._.

my best friend's ex ~XiaoYangWhere stories live. Discover now