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YangYang's pov

As soon as I said it Jaemin started to smile and hugged me. I got flustered and hugged him too. After we broke the embrace he smiled at me and pinched my right cheek. "Let's meet here after school, let's go to the cafe shop again." I smiled and nodded, then I went to my class. I sat down and couldn't help but smile, it felt like my stomach was filled with thousands of butterflies and my face started to heat up, so I covered my cheeks with my hands. It was weird, I had only experienced it when Xiaojun kissed me, but after that I had never felt like that again. I smiled sleepily and waited until the teacher arrived. While I was waiting for him people noticed my strange behaviour and when they asked me what happened, I didn't yell at them, I smiled and licked my lips, but I didn't give them an answer.

Finally the classes were over, I packed my things and left the room, almost falling down the stairs, and saw Jaemin. I smiled and hugged him from behind, covering his eyes and whispered in his ear with a deep voice. "Guess who." "Let me think." He scratched his chin. "YangYang?" "Yes!" I laughed and uncovered his eyes. Jaemin turned around and grabbed my right arm. "Let's go to the cafe shop. And after that I wanted to show you something." I nodded and we both left the school and went to the cafe shop.

We arrived at the small building and we entered the shop, the familiar smell of fresh brewed coffee and chocolate hit my face. I sat down at our usual table and Jaemin left for getting our coffee and cake. I looked around and stared out of the window. Cars passed by and people with their child or dogs passed by, some of them noticed me and either smiled or waved at me, and I of course smiled at them back. Suddenly I heard a plate placed on the table. I turned around and saw my boyfriend with a cup of coffee in his right hand. I took and the cup and put it away since it was hot. I grabbed my fork and took a bite of the cake. I unpacked my homework and started to do my homework, so did Jaemin. After we finished our assignments we left the shop and went to a bus station. "I wanna show you something." Jaemin said and we entered the bus. It took a while but we finally arrived at the beach. We got off the bus and I breathed in the air, it was calming and the waves were rushing by. No one was there, only we two, but it didn't bother me. I placed my bag on the ground and turned around. Jaemin's bag was next to mine and he said, that he was going to grab a few drinks. I nodded and he left.

I was at the beach, alone. The sun was about to go down and its light reflected on the water. The wind blew through my hair, the smell of the water hit my face, the warm sand under my bare feet felt amazing. I walked a bit and sat down, my feet felt the cold water while I gripped onto the warm sand. Suddenly I felt something hard under my left hand. I looked back and saw a mussel which shimmered in its colours. I smiled to myself and laid the mussel down. The sun was already down and the moon slowly appeared. I enjoyed every single moment. All of a sudden someone came. I could hear ice cubes hitting against a glass. That person sat down next to me and I turned my head to face the person. When I saw him, I smiled. He handed me a glass and took a sip of his. "Thank you." I smiled and the boy smiled back. I leaned my head on his shoulder and took a sip of the cocktail as well.

Suddenly he pulled his shoulder away. I looked at him confused and he came closer. "J-Jaemin. What are you doing?" But Jaemin didn't answer. He grabbed my right hand and intertwined our hands. "I've been waiting for so long, but I have to say it. I love you." With that he leaned towards me with his face.

"I-." Before I could say anything his lips crashed on mine. He kissed me softly and I kissed him back. Soon we role our kiss and our foreheads rested on each other's. I closed my eyes and felt his soft breath on my lips. Then I backed up and grabbed the glass, took a sip of its drink and stared at the sunset. "We should go, it's already dark." I hummed as response and we both stood up. I swung my bag over my shoulders and we waited for the next bus to arrive.

Jaemin went with me and made sure that I was safe. I kissed his right cheek and entered my house, my mum was already waiting for me. "Was that Jaemin?" She asked me as soon as I sat down next to her. "Yes." I blushed and hid my face in my hands. "Don't be so shy, but take care, okay." I hummed and went upstairs to my room. After I took a shower I just went to my bed and fell asleep.

The next day was a Saturday and Renjun's mum invited us, and of course I had to go. I hadn't seen Xiaojun after that night nor had I seen Renjun after I broke up with Xiaojun. I was anxious that Xiaojun would actually come, but I was more anxious to face Hendery. He didn't know anything and that was my problem, what if he had noticed it, or what if he had seen Xiaojun spending a night with me. I tried to ignore those thoughts, but the closer we got to Renjun's home the more anxious I became. My mum stopped the car and I got off the car. I bit my bottom lip and my mum rang the door bell. Renjun's mum opened the door and let us in. We greeted everyone and I noticed Hendery's parents. "They're downstairs." Renjun's mother explained and I made my way to the gaming room downstairs. Before I went in I knocked on the door and everyone was facing me. I smiled awkwardly and sat down next to Hendery. Renjun was playing with Sicheng on his play station while Hendery was playing on his phone. As soon as I sat down next to my friend he grabbed my hand and handed me his phone. I read his message and frowned. "You wanna beak up with him?" Hendery nodded his head. "And why haven't you done it yet?" "I'm afraid." He whispered and my eyes softened. "Can you do it for me?" He asked me and I bit my tongue, but in the end I agreed. We waited until he was online and I started having a small talk, we greeted each other and asked what they were doing.

"Why do you wanna beak up with him?" I asked Hendery while we were eating for Xiaojun's response. "He has never time for me, all he does is playing with his friends, he hasn't asked me for once how I was doing, just nothing. I feel uncomfortable with it." My friend replied and I nodded my head. I took a deep breath and typed a message and showed it to the older boy. He clicked on 'send' and not a minute later we had a response. I tilted my head while Hendery's jaw dropped. "I've just broken up with him and he's got already a new boyfriend!" Hendery yelled angrily, but it wasn't too loud for the others to hear. "Do you wanna know who it is?" I asked him and Hendery snatched his phone and after it vibrated he showed me the message. My eyes got watery and my jaw dropped when I read the message.

"My new boyfriend is a boy named Jaemin."

Happy birthday shorty ❤️

anygays, take care my friends 💕

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