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YangYang's pov

Before I start with this chapter I wanted to say that during this time we went to lots of parties and there I always saw him and my friends (they live about thirty minutes away from me).

I started coughing and tears formed in my eyes, a few of them made their way down my cheeks. I tried to wipe them away but my hand was shaking too hard. Suddenly I felt a soft hand on my right cheek, carefully wiping away my tears. Pats on my back were followed and I slowly calmed down. I opened my eyes, because I closed them, but I closed them again when I saw his face. "Am I that ugly?" Xiaojun giggled. I shook my head a blushed a bit.

"Hey Hendery! How are you?" The blonde male asked, but he got no answer. Xiaojun pouted but then he smiled. He sat down next to him and hugged my best friend. I smiled at myself and put the glass away, I still had it in my hand. Renjun stood in the doorframe, watching the scene in disbelief. I waddled to him and laid my right arm around his small shoulders. "Aren't they cute together?" I whispered softly. Renjun glared at me and shook his head angrily. He grabbed my arm and yanked it away aggressively. I was amazed how fast he could snap, but I shrugged it off.

"If you wanna make out, go somewhere else, but not in this room nor in this house!" The small Chinese yelled. Xiaojun tilted his head and pulled his eyebrows together while muttering something incomprehensible to himself. That made Renjun even madder and he stomped towards the ex couple, grabbed Xiaojun's left arm forcefully and stomped out of the room. Everyone was looking at my direction, because I was standing in the doorframe, but I walked away and sat down next to Hendery.

I wiggled my eyebrows and the older blushed. "You still have feelings for him, don't you?" I asked him and got a mod as response. I sighed heavily. "If he's making you happy, sure." Hendery smiled and laid his head on my shoulder. I laid my head on his head to and we lasted like that for a long time until we heard a yell, of course it was Renjun. "Yes, you did!" He yelled. Then someone yelled something too, Xiaojun. "No, I did not! Why should I?" "Because!"

Then everything went quiet. I looked down to Hendery, who looked up to me as well. "Do you know, why they're yelling at each other?" A boy called Sicheng asked. I shook my head slyly, so did my best friend. "Maybe they are fighting." Hendery guessed. I rolled my eyes. "No shit, I thought they like to yell at each other." As soon as I said it, I felt Hendery's tall finger on my forehead. "Are you dumb?" I screeched and rubbed my forehead. "Don't disrespect older people!" "But, I'm older than you!" I nearly screamed.

We fought for a while, until the door opened, revealing a mad looking Renjun and a stressed Xiaojun. "I've never known he could be that mad at someone." Xiaojun claimed and chuckled. "Small but dangerous." Then we heard a slap and a yelp coming from Xiaojun's mouth. I giggled a bit and Hendery tried not to laugh, but in the end we both ended up laughing our asses off. I heard a small giggle from Sicheng and a few minutes later everyone was laughing. "What was so funny?" Renjun asked, still chuckling but he tried to make a serious face. I shrugged. "I don't fucking know."

After a while we continued playing. I sat down next to Hendery, but someone grabbed my body gently, lifted me up and placed me next to Renjun. I turned my head and gasped. Xiaojun's face was only a few inches away from me. He laughed softly and pushed my hair string away, which fell down in front of my eyes. He patted my head, still smiling and sat down next to Hendery. He clung onto his arm and snuggled his face into Hendery's shoulder. "Hendery and I are a team now, you can play alone or make another team." Xiaojun said. I pressed my lips into a line and bopped my head a bit.

my best friend's ex ~XiaoYangWhere stories live. Discover now