Chapter 1 - feels like Magic

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Voice: "Harmony, say hello to your mother for me."
The brown-headed girl (Harmony) rides to the park.
Harmony: "Will do Mr. Genero, see you later." Harmony arrives in the park. Harmony: "Go find a stick Bella and I'll toss it around with you." Harmony sits down and takes a bite out of an apple.
Bella comes in barking. Harmony: "What? Did you see one of those scary squirrels again?" Bella tugs at my skirt and tells me to come see something. Harmony: "All right, I'll come and see." Harmony and Bella go towards the area, Bella stops while Harmony observes from behind a tree. Voice: "Back Ghoul!" A foot kicked a monster and the foot belonged to a fairy. The fairy attacks. Stella "Rising Sun Burst!" There are monsters in the shadows. Large monster : "(growls)" Harmony: Whoa." Stella: "Take that!"
Harmony: "We can't both be seeing things can we?" Bella growls. Stella: "Solar Wind Blast!" The big monster grabs one of the ghouls and comes out of the shadows.
Stella: "News flash Mr. Hideous. The power of Solaria is so gonna flatten you."
The monster, revealed to be an Ogre named Knut attacks. Knut: "You're the one who's gonna get flattened!" Knut knocks back the fairy. Harmony: "That's gotta hurt." Knut and the Ghouls have the fairy surrounded. Knut: "(Laughs) You're finished little fairy girl. (Harmony: "Oh no.") Now Ghouls, BRING ME HER SCEPTER!" The ghouls grabbed the fairy.
Fairy (Mumbled): "I'm warning you! You'll never get away with this!" Knut: "I think I just did. (Laughs and grabs the scepter's Your scepter's ours, (walks up to the fairy and gets in her face) and you're history."
Harmony: "Leave her alone! (Tri-zoom on Harmony) Come get me! Wait, did I just say that?" Knut: "(Growls) you sure did."
Harmony gasps. Knut grabs her. Knut: "You should learn to mind your own business." Harmony (glowing): "LEEEET GOOOOOO!" Harmony unexpectedly attacks. Ghouls were coming after her. Harmony: "Get back!"Harmony unknowingly creates a barrier that repels the ghouls. Harmony : "What just happened? How'd I do that?" Bella barks excitedly at Harmony, then she growls at a ghoul getting Harmony's attention. Harmony (tapping ghoul on the shoulder): "Hey ghoul." Ghoul turns around. Harmony: "Take off!" Harmony whacks the ghoul with a stick, ghoul hits tree and explodes. Stella: "Wow, you've got winx, girl! Major winx!" Harmony: "What? Me? What do you mean?" Stella: to Knut "Laugh all you want, fashion fiasco, you're going down!" Stella Blasts Knut
Stella: "I suggest you like get out of our realm, now." Ghouls close in. Harmony: "Watch it." The ghouls leap but Stella uses a major attack and knocks them out.
Stella twirls her scepter, Bella wags her tail then notices a ghoul and barks.
A ghouls grabs Harmony's skirt. Harmony: "Get off!" The ghoul rips off part of Harmony's skirt and goes back to Knut.
Knut (teleporting): "We'll meet again Princess Stella." Stella: "Ew, I can't say I'm looking forward to that." Stella faints and reverts back to princess form. Harmony: "Oh no! Are you ok? We'd better take her home, she needs major help."
(End Segment 1)
(Begin Segment 2)
Vanessa: Fairies? Harmony hasn't read that book since she was little! Rise and shine princess, a beautiful day awaits. You know, that used to be your favorite book, you used to pretend that you were a fairy; you could do it for hours. So who's the girl downstairs who's fast asleep... in the guest room? Harmony: Ah, so it wasn't a dream. And she's still asleep? Good. Uh, she's...Wanda's cousin... and she's visiting from far away. Don't wake her up, OK mom? Vanessa: Come on downstairs for breakfast! Mike: Hey Harmony... today's the day we're gonna clean up the garage. Harmony: C'mon Dad, I have lots of other stuff I have to do, lots of important stuff! Mike: What sort of stuff are you talking about? Harmony: Do you remember when I was into Fairies and Witches dad? Mike: Of course I do. You were so cute, always pretending to know magic. Harmony: Well, here's the thing.. Mike: ...if you knew magic, you could just wave a wand and the garage would clean itself! Harmony: Well that's kinda... the thing that I wanted to talk to you about. You know my friend, the one that's asleep in the guest room?
Vanessa: Oh just give her a break honey; she wants to spend the day with her friend! Mike: OK, you get the groceries and you're free for the rest of the day!
Harmony: You guys are the best! Thank you! (Runs off) Harmony: "I haven't felt any powers today. I sure hope they didn't wear off." Mitzi: "Hey Harmony. Isn't it time to sell that two-wheeled relic to the junk pile?" Harmony: "There's nothing wrong with this bike. My dad bought it for me."
Mitzi: "Oh you poor girl. Of course I don't mean poor as in not rich, even though that is what you are." Harmony growls and Bella barks at Mitzi. Mitzi: "Hey fellas, careful with my scooter. Hmph, it's brand new you know." Harmony: "Well, see you later Mitzi. If I do have powers Bella, remind me to turn her into a monkey." Icy: "Well, look who's failed us again. Explain yourself, Knut."
Knut: "It really wasn't my fault this time your wickednesses, the scepter was mine." Icy: "Yes." Knut: "But then this Earth girl attacked me." Icy: "Did you say Earth girl?" Knut: "Uh, yeah, but this was no ordinary Earth girl. She had magic powers. She took us on with one hand." Icy: "What did she look like?"Knut: "Uh, well, I'm, uh, not sure." Icy: "Where are your glasses?" Knut pulls out his glasses. Knut: "Here your wickedness."
Icy: "KNUT! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TELL YOU?! You are never to remove your glasses." Darcy: "Don't you know you're as blind as a hairless mole-rat without them you buffoon?" Knut puts on his glasses. Knut: "I don't like these frames. They're not me." Icy: "Knut! We must find this girl." Knut: "I've already got a plan." Icy: "Go on." Knut: "One of my Ghouls grabbed this. It's a piece of the Earth girl's clothing. Now all we have to do is give it to a Hunter Troll and he can track her down." The Hunter Troll sniffs the clothing. Knut: "See?"Icy: "Very well, go and find that meddling Earth Girl." Knut: "Right." Icy: "Destroy her! And bring me back that scepter." Mike: "So, she's been asleep for 20 hours because she's a fairy? Is that like a goth or something?" Harmony: "I'm talking real fairy dad with a scepter, magic powers and fluttering wings. She's amazing." Mike: "You must be running a very high fever. I think we should call Dr. Silverman." Stella: "Hey. Good morning." Vanessa: "It's evening hun. Are you all right?" Stella: "Uhhh. Fine now, thanks to his girl right here." Harmony: "Oh, it's nothing." Stella: "My name's Stella." Harmony: "Hey there Stella, my name's Harmony."Vanessa: "Let's call your parents now shall we? Stella: "I'm afraid that's like, so way, easier said than done. I mean, let's face it. They live like six whole realms away, in a kingdom called Solaria. I was on my way to the Alfea school, you know to continue my magic training and --" Mike: "Oh boy, oh boy. I'm contacting Dr. Silverman. Maybe he can explain why the two of you, are seeing things that aren't there."
Stella got mad and turned the phone into a carrot and lettuce. Mike was flabbergasted. Stella: "You still think we're out of our gourds?" Harmony: "Wow that was awesome." Stella: "You're the one who's majorly awesome Harmony. When this Ogre attacked me, she gave him an energy blast that kicked his booty into another dimension." Harmony: "It's true. But I don't know how I did it." Stella: "it's like I told you yesrteday Harmony, you're loaded with magic." Harmony: "Me?"
Starry background. Stella: "Hey, I just got a brainstorm. You should go to Alfea with me. It's like so far away and the best school in a whole eight-realm area."
Mike: "Hold it! My daughter's not going to another realm." Knut: "Well, here we are. Troll, do your thing." Troll smells Harmony's skirt fabric, picking up and tracking the scent. Troll: "Girl very close."
(End Segment 2)
(Begin Segment 3)
Stella: "Hey cool Room Harmony, wow. You should totally take it to Alfea. A quick packing spell and it'll fit in a handbag."
Harmony: "Stella, I don't think I'm going to Alfea." Stella: "Huh?" Harmony: "I don't think I have powers anymore. I mean I know I fought that ogre in the park but now--" Stella: "Trust me Harmony, someone with magic like you have doesn't lose their powers. They're just rusty form sitting unused for so long." Harmony: "Do you think I'm like the girl in that book?"
Stella: looking through fairy book "Hmmm, let's see... kinda, but this book was written by humans. You're so much more cooler than this, and more fashionable!" Harmony: "Wow, I can't believe I really do know magic! And I have, what did you call it, winx?" Stella: "Your magic's always been inside you. It's like my fairy godmother used to say: sometimes you just need an ogre to attack you to find out what you're really made of! Now try this. It's a simple matter merge exercise."
Stella merges all the pencils in Harmony's pencil holder into one big pencil. Stella: "Ok, you give it a shot. Put them back how they were." Harmony tries, but fails. Stella: "Come on, try again." Harmony tries again but fails. Harmony: "I don't feel anything."
Stella: "You just need some practice Harmony. It's actually no biggie. That's why you have to come with me to Alfea."
Stella turns the big pencil back into little pencils. Stella: "Before long, you'll be zapping ogre's left and right." Harmony: "So where is it." Stella: "Well, It's sort of in a parallel dimension. You go to the inner realm of the enchanted ring and then you... Look why don't you come with me and I'll show it too you." Stella pulls out a postcard of Alfea, and casually tosses it on the ground. The postcard then expands in size. Stella: "This is an express portal. Come on, it's cool." Stella steps on the postcard and sinks into the picture.
Stella: "Now follow me." Harmony: "Ahhhhh." Knut: "Well Troll, where is she?"
The troll sniffs around. Troll: "Me smell two fairies." Knut: "Then the Earth girl's with Stella." Zip to Harmony's room. Harmony: "Stella, this feels really weird." Stella: "Don't worry, almost no one gets lost between dimensions." Back to the Troll. Knut: "What is it Troll?" The troll snifs around. Troll: "Me lost the scent. They no here." Stella: "Well there it is, Harmony!The famous Alfea castle!" Harmony: "So what exactly goes on here?"

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