Chapter 4 - The Voice of Nature

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Black-Mud Swamp

Palladium: Welcome class, to Black Mud Swamp, and to... to...AH-CHOO! R-r-right, as you can sneeze, I mean, as you can see, I'm slightly allergic to the sap from the Igglethord vine. Now, this is your first field exercise for the Magic of Nature. Fairy student: I'm in the wrong class, I'm from an urban realm. Palladium: A well-rounded education is what Alfea is all about, Dhalia. Dhalia: But a keekbug bit me. Dhalia lifts the right side of her shorts and shows Palladium where the bug bit her. Palladium: Ahh, keekbug?! Well the quicker we bit on with, ah, I mean get on with the exomite, I mean exercise- Harmony: For a nature professor he's pretty squeemish isn't he? Stella: There's a word for that. It's like irony. Palladium: Now, this field exercise is designed to test your natural ability to listen to the always present voice of nature. Each group must navigate through Black Mud Swamp and find the crystal clearing, and here's the catch, you may not use any magic. Only the Voice of Nature will be your guide, and remember, it's not enough to hear the voice, you must listen to it as well. Amaryl: But professor. Palladium disappears. H, S, F, M and T form a group.
Flora: No reason to stand around and gab, let's start looking. The group starts walking and get in the swamp water. Stella: Ohh, this place is... EW Something's crawling up my leg! Musa: What happened to 'Mud does such wonders for my complexion' ? Tecna: Just so you know, these bubbles could indicate that we're standing on the back of a subterrainian sludge slug. They're not friendly, but don't worry, I'll take care of it. A standby spell ought to do the trick. Harmony: Tecna don't! We can't use our magic. We gotta listen to nature. Just use your senses. The girls sniff in the area. Stella: Smells like old socks. (Sniff) Or like a... Musa: It's some kinda gas! Let's bounce! Flora: Take cover! The girls hide behind a fallen tree. Stella: So, what is it? Harmony: Let's find out! (throws a log) Get down everybody! The log bursts the bubble and the gas is released.
Flora: It's Medusa Gas. That stuff would've turned us to stone. Tecna: I guess my information was incorrect. Harmony: It's okay, Tecna. We just gotta be careful. Flora: That tree turned to stone. Look at it. Stella: Turned to stone? Talk about being Statuesque. All the girls laugh.

The Trix's Dorm

The Trix teleport into their dorm.
Stormy: Ugh, we're finally out. Foulwarp class is totally lame. Darcy: Where's that stupid ogre? His text message said he'd be here. Knut: I'm in here. Darcy notices and complains. Knut: Can I come out now? My foot's asleep and I got an itch I can't scratch. Icy: D, let him out. Darcy: Huh? Ugh, he's rank. Knut: There's no ventilation in here. Darcy: Why does he have to stay in there? He is stinking up my wardrobe. Stormy: We have to hide him somewhere. What if the R.A. comes knocking? Darcy: If he doesn't do something about his O.B.O., the whole school will know he's here. Icy: Just be a dear Knut and find a way to clean yourself so that we can-- ah, what? Hears quacksStormy: That duck again. Pepe: Mommy, mommy. Icy: Why me? Darcy: At least ducks don't reek. Icy: We must be careful ladies, we break enough rules as it is: skipping class, sneaking out, breaking into Alfea. Stormy: Yeah but, please, we do it for the greater evil. Icy: True. Now you, what's so urgent that you couldn't stick it in the text message? We have important things to do. Knut: Well, I was snooping around Red Fountain School, just like you told me and I was hiding in a bathroom or was it a closet. Uhhh. Darcy: Knut. (Tone of warning) Knut: I heard someone say that a team of specialists were bringing my Hunting Troll to Magix today, and they were gonna give him to the authorities. Icy: And do we care? NO! Tell me that's not your news cause if it is, GRRR! Stormy: Hold on though. What if the interrogation sorcerers get a hold of him and use a mind read spell? Even with his little pea-brain they'll find out about our plan.
Icy: Point taken. In that case, We'll just have to stage a little jail break, free the troll and then get rid of the sorry beast, forever.

Above Black-Mud Swamp

Riven is maneuvering the aircraft.
Riven: WOO HOO! Our first solo assignment! Steven (As Brandon): Come on Riven, easy on the flips. Riven: Next time, don't eat right before the flight. Brandon (as Steven): Yo, someone go check on the troll. Timmy: I'm on it Steven. Brandon: Isn't that the Black-Mud Swamp down there? Are we sure we're going the right way? Steven: Yup, Magix is North of here. Brandon: Something doesn't feel right. Riven: You worry too much Brandon. Everything's under control. Trust the captain. Steven: Captain? Riven: Let's see how fast this baby can go. The Ship speeds up. Timmy returns. Timmy: I'm back. Riven: How's our "big boy" doing? Timmy: He's a little cranky, but I'm sure he's- The ship gets hit. Timmy: Keep your eye on the sky Riven! Brandon: What was that? Steven: Don't know, but it came from outside the ship. Riven: That's impossible. If you knew how to operate this thing you'd know there's nothing on the sensors. The ship gets hit again and the heroes scream, the girls notice the ship going down.

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