Chapter 7 - Grounded

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Griselda's Office

Flora: Um, Miss Griselda? We were wondering if we can get our powers back?
Griselda: Your little field trip to Cloud Tower was unacceptable, not to mention dangerous. You're lucky that you weren't turned into jumping beans and sold to the inter-realm circus. You won't be getting your powers back anytime soon, but that's only the beginning of your punishment. Flora: Uh, what's the rest of it? Griselda walks in front of her desk.*
Griselda: You may not leave campus for the next two days. Stella: We have to veg out all weekend? Not exactly a punishment, Miss G. Harmony giggles.* Tecna: Stella! Griselda claps her hands and a little glowing ball appears.*
It forms cleaning supplies.* Griselda: There will be NO vegging out. You will clean the entire school from basement to belfry using these cleaning implements. Here you are, Miss Stella. She hands Stella a mop.* Griselda: Your new best friend! Tecna: What a curious looking remanent of primitive technology. Tecna opens her mini computer and starts typing.* Tecna: Perhaps there's an online manual in my--- Griselda closes her computer.* Griselda: You won't need a manual, Miss Tecna. Tecna: Oh, no manual?? Musa: Don't worry, Tecna It's
not that complicated. Flora: Yeah the only manual we'll be using is manual labor.
Tecna: Exactly, if we had a manual for the labor we'd be more efficient and-
Stella, Flora, Musa and Harmony laugh.*
Tecna: What's so funny? I was not joking.
Griselda: THAT'S ENOUGH! The girls stop laughing.* Griselda: Leave no paperweight undusted. Now, get to work!

Alfea Lecture Hall

While Musa and Harmony clean, Stella sits on a table, whistling as she looks at her hand mirror. Harmony: Only ten more lecture halls to go. Musa wipes her brow.* Musa: Ugh... How about a little H to the E to the L to the P, Stella? Harmony: Totally! This is... kinda your fault you know. Stella: This is my fault?! Stella closes her hand mirror and takes out a nail filer and files her nails.* Musa: If you hadn't open your big yap trap. Stella: You both laughed, didn't you? Musa: Come on Stel, just grab a scrub brush! Stella: Blisters are my enemy! Musa: WEAR GLOVES! Stella: UGH! Gloves with a tanktop?! Harmony: Ooh, that's a really good point. I hadn't even thought of that. Harmony puts detergent into a bucket with water.* Stella: Thank you, Harmony. Look, getting dirty is simply not in my make-up, sorry! Harmony grabs the bucket and lightly chuckles at what she is about to do.* Musa: You're not the ONLY princess here! Stella: Maybe, but on Solaria, royalty and suds don't-AAH! Harmony throws water at her, soaking her.* Harmony: What were you saying, Stella? Musa laughs.* Harmony: Oh I got some for you too, Musa. Harmony throws water at Musa.* Musa: NO!

Alfea Hallway

Flora: It's not that complicated, Tecna. Here, let me show you. Tecna: Thanks, but I know I can figure these strange objects by myself. Tecna grabs a bucket and inspects it.* Flora: That's called a "bucket". Tecna wears the bucket on her head.* Tecna: Aha! Flora: That's one use for it. And the broom. Well? Tecna: The broom is elongated so that the user may reach high places. Hmph. Tecna grabs the broom and ruffles its fine twigs.* Flora: Like that picture up there? Tecna looks up to see the picture.* Tecna: Exactly! Observe. Flora chuckles as she watches.* Flora: Good job, sweetie. Tecna's brushing momentum causes the picture fall and break.* Flora: Oopsie! Tecna: Good thing I figured out how to use the bucket. Flora: Yeah. Let's go find Harmony.

Alfea Lecture Hall

Harmony and Stella is laying on the ground while Musa lays on the table, drenched. Buckets and water are on the floor.* Tecna: What happened here? Flora: Are you guys okay? Stella: Harmony taught us a great Earth sport called "Water Fight" and I won! Stella laughs.* Harmony turns around and starts laughing.* Musa: Oh please you did not win. I did! Flora: It's not funny! Tecna: What if Griselda sees this? Griselda: Indeed. What if? Griselda stands in the doorway.* Musa: Busted! Griselda: I wanted to let you know that Charm Life is playing Magic Stadium tomorrow night. Musa and Stella quickly wipe off the soap on them.* Griselda: and all of Alfea will be there. Do you know this group?" Stella: I've got all their CDs! Griselda: Good thing. Because since you have a lot of cleaning left, you won't be attending the show. Perhaps one of your classmates will pick you up a T-shirt.

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