Chapter 20 - Sparks of Hope

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Griffin's Office

The Trix are sitting at Griffin's desk talking into the crystal ball that connects to Faragonda's office.* Icy: Time to face the facts, Professors, you don't have a chance against us. If you want precious little school spared from total destruction, you must follow these conditions. First: lay down your arms and surrender. Second: all of you have to stand up in front of your students and say "Icy rules, Icy's the greatest". And then you've got to swear allegiance to us! If you don't do that, we're gonna wipe your schools right off the face of the realm. You've got five hours to decide. The transmission ends.*

Faragonda's Office

Faragonda and Saladin are in Faragonda's office.* Faragonda: If those witches think we're just going to hand over our schools to them, they're crazier than I thought. Saladin: Perhaps. But they've got the power of the dragon fire. They're going- Faragonda: There may still be a way to defeat them if Harmony is brave enough to undertake this mission.
Saladin: Let's hope she is. I'll see to it that the witches attack Red Fountain first, try to buy you and your girls some time. But Harmony must be swift, I don't know how much more my students can take.
Faragonda: Good luck, Professor Saladin.

Cloud Tower

Darcy laughs, standing in front of a crowd of monsters.* Darcy:  Aww, my sweet little babies. Look how excited you are. You ready to take over the universe for mama? Are you, pumpkins?  Are ya? Takey, takey, takey, wipey out-y. Knut and Pepe are nearby, listening* Knut:  Oh no! This is bad! hey want to take over everything! Even the ogre realm. My mother lives in the ogre realm. Darcy:  That's right! Conquering realms is fun. Yes it is.

Faragonda's Office

Faragonda: I'm afraid our little victory will not last long, girls. Red Fountain is going to try to draw the next wave of attacks.
Stella: Oh, they are? Faragonda: But it's only a diversion. Once Red Fountain falls, the witches will turn their eyes back to us. Their forces will crash upon our walls, but an Alfea girl never gives up. No matter how slim the hope. And you, Harmony, still hold the key to what little hope we have.
Harmony: Uh, I do? But what is it? Faragonda: If one candle is used to light another, the fire passes on, but the original flame still glows. You see? They can take the fire from you, but they can't take your ability to burn. Faragonda conjures an illusion of a green planet.*
Faragonda: Since you are the last heir of the royal family of Sparks, you are the only one who can use the Dragon Fire to its full potential. Flora: But the witches have it now. Faragonda: Not all of it. In its day Sparks was the greatest of all planets, and the Dragon Fire was the source of its light. The green planet turns into a view of the Sparks palace.* Faragonda: But then that flame was extinguished, and the planet was cast into an eternal winter.
The palace is surrounded by ice and snow.* Harmony: So, since I'm the heir, I could go there and relight the flame and reabsorb its power? Is that what you're saying? Huh? Faragonda: It would be a very dangerous mission. Musa: Yeah, but we'll be with you, Harmony. Flora: That's right. You can always count on us. Stella: No matter what, we've got your back. Harmony tears up.* Harmony: Thanks, guys.

Saladin's Office

Saladin, Knut, and Pepe are in Saladin's office.* Knut: They'll even demolish the ogre realm! I got family back there!
Saladin: Your kind usually throttles our kind. And our kind usually locks your kind away. Knut: Oh no! Don't lock me up, mister, sir! Saladin: Why shouldn't I?
Knut: Ogres don't do well in small places!
Saladin: But can I trust you? Knut: Yeah! We got a common goal now! We'll be right by your side, doing everything we can to stop those evil witches. Saladin: Fine, but if we- There is a flash of light and a vision of the Trix appear, laughing* Icy: We're scared now, Professor Saladin! You've managed to trap the mindless ogre and a duck. They laugh.* Darcy: *to Pepe* I've wanted to pluck you since you were hatched. Stormy: We got your message, Saladin. Guess you want Red Fountain to crumble first, huh? Saladin: Ennatte! He fires a spell at the transmission.* Icy: We'll be back. The vision of the Trix disappears.* Saladin: At least they've taken the bait.

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