Chapter 14 - Witch Trap

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Classroom, Alfea

All the teachers, except Faragonda, sit at a table placed in the middle of the floor. All the fairy students including the Winx are in the stands.* Faragonda: Your final exam is the laser beam obstacle course. As usual we'll go in alphabetical order. Harmony you're first. Harmony: I'm always first. I mean I don't mind but maybe next year we could try reverse alphabetical order. Faragonda: Possibly, but for now your goal is to get the floating rose to the pedestal. If you get hit by three obstacles you're out. Go. Faragonda points and the test begins.* Flora: Watch out Harm!
Musa: Whoa, that was close. Harmony flies out of the way of coming beams.*
Harmony get's hit and falls.* Faragonda: That's one. Flora and Musa gasp.*
Harmony: Whoa. Huh. Harmony is still on the ground and gets hit by another beam.*
Faragonda: That's two. Harmony flies, gets the rose and lands.* Musa: Good one Harmony. Faragonda: Don't forget other obstacles will be added along the way.
Tecna and Stella gasp.* Harmony dodges beams and flies towards pedestal.*
Faragonda uses more magic to increase the difficulty of the test.* Flora: Oh no.
The crowd starts to chatter and murmur as a large ball of magic hovers above Harmony.* Harmony looks up and gasps.*

Ice Cream Parlour, Magix

Harmony and Steven are sitting outside an ice cream parlour. Harmony is playing with her ice-cream.* Harmony: I was that close but I just couldn't summon my power. Brandon (Steven): Hey, don't get so bummed out about it. It's okay, it's just a test. Harmony : I know. It's just, my power's so frustrating. Brandon (Steven): But Harmony, your power's awesome. Come on. Harmony: Thing is, I can't control it! Sometimes it's like I can't connect to it at all. Brandon (Steven): Maybe, that's just 'cause it's new. Harmony: I was thinking if I could figure out where my power came from then I might be able to finally understand how it works. Brandon (Steven): Good point. Hey, you know, I could help you look. Harmony: But the only place I know to look is at Cloud Tower and that's way too dangerous.

Lecture Hall, Cloud Tower

Griffin: My personal favourite is a revenge spell passed down from my Grandmother. It includes three different types of roadkill. Now you're to describe your favourite spells. You are first Mirta. Mirta stands in front of Griffin, who is sitting at her desk.*
Mirta: Uh, okay. It works best outdoors and it's most effective during a solar eclipse. Hold a gemstone above your head and say "friends forever" four times. The spell works quickly to bring you your very own best friend. Griffin: Excuse me! Did you say the spell makes a friend? Mirta, you fail, sit down. Student 1: What a dork. She's so pathetic. Student 2: Little loser wants a best friend. The crowd starts laughing and jeering.* Mirta sits back in her seat.*

The Specialist's Dorm, Red Fountain

Timmy: Cloud Tower's surrounded by a magical, protective fence, Brandon!
Brandon (Steven): Okay, is there any way to get through it. Timmy and Brandon (Steven) look at a map of Cloud Tower.*
Timmy: I think I could map out a path so you could get in. Brandon (Steven): Awesome! So I could go in tonight, right?
Steven (Brandon): You might not want to go tonight. It's a full moon; witches are particularly strong during a full moon. Their power's can sometimes double in strength. Brandon (Steven): I know but Harmony was seriously upset today. She needs this. Steven (Brandon): All right. Just be extra careful, it's risky.
Timmy: Hey, how fast exactly can you leva-bike go? Riven is hiding around a corner, eavesdropping.* Riven: Brilliant! Must report. Riven leaves the dorm.*
Riven (telekinetically): Puppy-dog to Stiletto, come in, come in. Darcy (telekinetically): What do you have for me, Puppy-dog? Riven (telekinetically): The Pixie is coming to Cloud Tower, tonight.
Darcy (telekinetically): Well, we'll make sure to have a wonderful welcome waiting for her. Darcy laughs menacingly.*

The Winx's Dorm, Alfea

The Winx Club are all asleep, except Harmony.* There is a knock on the doors to the balcony in Harmony and Flora's room.* Harmony: Huh? Harmony goes out onto the balcony.* There is no one there.*
Harmony: Uh, hello? Brandon's (Steven) head pops up over the side of the railing.*
Harmony gasps.* Brandon (Steven): Hey.
Harmony laughs.* Brandon (Steven): I hope you didn't have any big plans for tonight. Harmony: Oh, I don't know. Would you say that counting sheep's a big plan?
Brandon (Steven): Are you kidding? Hop on. Let's go. Harmony: Where?
Brandon (Steven): Cloud Tower. You wanted to get into the book chamber so I figured out how to sneak inside. While the witches sleep, we can get a look at your book.

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