Chapter 25 - The Great Witch Invasion

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Cloud Tower

The Army of Decay forms around Cloud Tower.* Icy: Well ladies, Red Fountain has become our dragon stable, and the entire town of Magix is in a deep sleep. All that's left to conquer are those pixies at Alfea. And with this army personally led by me, their destruction will be swift, complete and merciless. Darcy: You so rule, Icy.
Icy: You bet I do. The army forms.*
Stormy: Ready to fly over there? Icy: Oh we're not flying, watch this. Decay and rot, rise up high. Build three thrones that reach the sky. Some of the Rot insects transform into thrones.* Icy: Ladies, we are gonna ride into battle in high style.
Darcy: Sweet. Stormy: Yeah, who else has a genuine throne made of rot and decay?
Icy: I'll tell you who. Nobody! Icy laughs evilly.* The Trix descend upon their thrones.* Icy: Move out! The army begins their march.*

Winx's Dorm

Flora: Poor Mirta. I feel like I've done everything I can. Musa: You might as well toss it in Flo. Flora: You don't mean 'give up.' Musa: Look, if any one of us could break Icy's spell it's you and, obviously, it's not happening. Just let it go, it'd be better for everyone, right Stel? Stella: It's sad but it's totally true. There's no hope for Mirta as a human. Poor thing. Musa: I think it's time to go find her a nice, sunny pumpkin patch. Stella: Yeah, at least that way she'll be among friends. Flora: Stop talking like that! Tecna: Flora will never give up on her. Flora: That's right. I won't. Musa: Then use all your Winx in one last try.
The pumpkin is sparkling.* Tecna: Look, it's like Mirta agrees. Come on Flora, go for it! Flora tries once more.* Flora: Reach out for me Mirta. The pumpkin is glowing.*
Musa: Something's happening! Flora and Mirta see each other inside the pumpkin.*
Mirta: Floooora. Flora: Mirta!
Stella, Tecna and Musa cover their eyes. Flora opens her eyes and the pumpkin is gone.* Musa: Where'd she go? Flora: Is she gone? Mirta: I'm right here. Mirta appears whole again.* Flora: Mirta! All right! Mirta is happy.* Flora: You're back. Flora and Mirta twirl and hug.* Flora: We did it! I'm so glad to see you! Mirta: And I'm glad to have legs and arms again. Thank you so much for not giving up on me Flora. Flora: You know, I think it finally worked because we both tried way harder than we ever had before. Mirta: Yeah and we both believed it was gonna work too. For that one second we like lost all our doubts. Stella walks over to the balcony and looks down, she spots someone.*
Stella: Not to upstage your grand entrance or anything Mirta, but there's a tall, dark, bruding hunk of a guy pacing around under our balcony. Why don't you go see what's troubling him Musa? From the balcony view, Riven is pacing back and forth at ground level.* Tecna: Is it Riven? Stella: Mister Mopey himself.
Musa: Yeah, why do I care? But I could go for a walk. You know, catch a little breeze.
Musa starts heading out. Stella notifies Riven.* Stella: You can stop pouting now Riven, she's on her way down.
Riven: Uh, who? Tecna: He's playing that silly game, isn't he? Stella: Typical boy. Musa and Riven confront each other.*
Musa: Oh. Hey Riven. Riven: Oh um, listen. They don't teach us how to do this in heroics class, but I gotta say I really like you and now I gotta go. Bye.
Musa: Huh?

Magix City

Steven: Hello?! Is anybody here?! If you're hiding, I'm one of the good guys. Sees bodies covered in dark webbing.* Steven: What the? Oh no! What have those witches done to these people?
Steven calls out.* Steven: Anybody? ANYBODY?! He hears a sound.*
Steven: What was that? Who's there? A Monster sneaks up behind Steven.*
Steven: Hello? The monster approaches Steven from behind.* Steven: I can't believe they -- Huh? Steven draws his Fanta-Blade and attacks the monster.*
Steven: All right, come on! I'm not afraid of a little slug! The monster roars and more bugs merge with the monster making it grow.* Steven: Uh-oh! Argh, I had to say Little. Steven comes face to face with the monster and fights with it.


A storm was brewing at Alfea.* Flora: So you're a witch Mirta, do you know any inside secrets on how we can defeat Icy, Darcy and Stormy? Mirta: They're on a whole 'nother level. They're, like, so totally dedicated to destruction. Stella: Maybe, a manicure/pedicure combo would chill 'em out. Tecna: Why are you turning this into a joke? Stella: I'm just trying to lighten things up. Pepe is seen trying to cheer Bella up but it does not work.* Stella: Same as Pepe's trying to do for Bella. Though it doesn't look like it's working. Tecna: Aww, he's worried about Harmony. Musa: Well hey, we're all worried about her. But she's gonna be fine. Now way no how is any rot monster or witch gonna take down my girl Bloom. Faragonda: I certainly hope for all our sakes she's right. Griffin: Hmm.

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