Chapter 12 - Miss Magix

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Magical Reality Tower, Alfea

Palladium: And now the announcement you've all been waiting for, the magical reality chamber is working again. We can finally resume our mid-term exam. Half of you will take it today and the rest will go tomorrow. Now I don't think I have to remind you but this is the most important test of the year, it will count as half of your final grade. I hope you're all ready.
Student 1: I double, triple hope I don't have to go today. Student 2: I'm so nervous I can't even connect with my Winx. Professor Palladium: Let's see... Princess Stella is first on the list. Looks like she's absent again, did anyone see her this morning? Harmony: I did. She wasn't feeling well. She said she switched her perfume with a cat potion. She ate a fur ball. Palladium: Please tell her I expect her to take the test first thing tomorrow. She has to pass this test. Her grades in this class are already quite low. Next up would be Flora.

Magic Reality Chamber, Alfea

Flora walks into the chamber.* Palladium: Alright, remember: magical reality is not make-believe. And now the chamber will randomly select a dead planet. Flora: Excuse me, Professor. But I don't believe there is such thing as a dead planet. You know? Palladium: Uh, what do you mean?
Flora: I prefer to think of them as planets that are in need. They just need love.
Palladium: That is very interesting. But perhaps you should save it for philosophy class? This is a survival test; I suggest you focus on surviving. Alrighty, here we go.
The chamber powers up.* The chamber disappears and is replaced with a new setting.*

Nurse's Office, Alfea

Harmony knocks on the door and enters.* Harmony: Hi. Nurse: Hello there. So, what's wrong? Harmony: Just wanted to check on my friend, Princess Stella, the freshman with the furball. Is she feeling any better? Nurse: No princesses today, just two Sophmores. They claim they got into a fight with a brain sucker, that story always pops up around midterms.

Winx Club's Dorm, Alfea

Musa, Tecna, and Flora are sitting there.*
Harmony: Hey, guess where I just went. The nurse's office. It turns out Stella was never even there, she totally lied to us. She's got to be hiding out, avoiding the exam. Right? Flora: Well, we should tell her it wasn't that difficult. I passed it without much trouble at all. Musa: Yeah, you studied. Stella hasn't. Tecna: Then she should be hiding out. Because the magical reality test requires real skills. Harmony: That's so true. You know what? She needs a magical reality check. I'm not leaving her room until she's learned every move, spell, and potion by heart. Harmony walks into Stella's room.* Harmony: Stella! We need to talk. Stella: Are you looking for moi? Stella stands in the doorway to her room.* Stella: Honest, do you like this hair cut? Harmony: You lied to us about being sick. Stella: Ever had an oil treatment Harmony? It's like a facial for your hair.
Harmony: Are you listening to me? You lied to us and you skipped the test. You're failing this class, you know? Stella: Apologies for the white lie. However, I had to miss the test. I had something far more important to do. Flora enters the room.*
Flora: And what could that be?

The Winx Club's Dorm, Alfea

Stella's room is strewn with clothes and accessories.* Harmony: There's no way that a beauty pageant is more important than school. Stella: I knew you would say that. That's why I couldn't tell you.
Harmony: I just don't get it. Stella: I was the first runner-up last year. This year the crown is meant to be mine. Tecna enters Stella's bedroom.* Tecna: It's illogical. Why would you want to be apart of something where all that matters is how you look?
Stella: It's not just about looks. It's about grace and personality! And talent. Harmony, I really need your help with this. This is important to me, it's what I'm best at. Stella hugs Harmony.* Musa enters the room.* Musa: I guess, it's like that song my dad wrote "your passion is your mission".
Tecna: I'm beginning to see there's some logic here. Harmony considers it.* Harmony: Well, okay. Since this means so much to you. Stella: Hooray, yay! The pageant is tonight, so we only have a few hours. Musa, you can do my hair and makeup. Tecna, you- Tecna: You have to promise us to study for the test once this fashion parade is over. Flora: Yeah, if you don't pass this class Stella, they could kick you out. Stella: Done deal. As Miss Magix I will study like you've never seen me study before.

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