Chapter 13 - Meant to Be

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The Winx's Dorm, Alfea

Musa: What's with all the gloom, Harmony? Flora: You're sad that spring break is over? Harmony: No, it's not that, it's just... nothing. Stella: What's up?
Harmony: You ever feel like you don't know where you belong? I always thought I knew but something happened over spring break while I was home and now I feel all turned around. Sorry to be mopey.
Tecna: Don't apologize. Stella: Tell us what's bothering you. Flora: Yeah, we're your friends Harmony. You can tell us anything. Harmony: I know, Flora.

Bloom's House, Gardenia

A flashback to the start of Spring Break.*
Harmony (narrating): It all started when I got home to Gardenia. Everything felt kind of strange especially that my mom asked me to help her in the kitchen, which she never does. Vanessa: Harmony, honey, I wanted to talk to you about something that's been on my mind for a while.
Harmony: Okay, go ahead. Vanessa: It's about when we adopted you- Harmony: I know, it was the greatest day of your life.
Vanessa: Well, of course it was the greatest day of my life. You were such a cute, beautiful baby. You grew up so fast.
The oven starts to smoke.* Vanessa: Anyhow, honey, what I wanted to talk to you about- Harmony smells the smoke.*
Harmony: Hey, mom, I think something's burning. Vanessa: Huh? Oh! The roast.
The oven catches fire.* Harmony: Stand back mom! I'll get it. Flame-us Extinguish-us! Harmony uses magic to extinguish the fire.* Vanessa: Honey?! Harmony: Mom! I have to concentrate! Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Aero-lux! The smoke disapears.* Harmony: There! Vanessa sits in a chair.* Harmony: Are you okay?
Vanessa: That was amazing! Harmony: I couldn't save the pot roast. Vanessa: Never mind the pot roast! You saved us!
Harmony: So, uh, what do you say we take the rest of the afternoon off and just order a pizza tonight?

Gardenia, Earth

Harmony (narrating): Things still felt strange but I tried to ignore it. I tried to let being at home feel like it used to. Harmony rides her bike around town.* Mike: Keep both hands on the handle-bars, young lady! Harmony: Huh?! Hey, Dad. Mike in his firetruck pulls up beside Harmony.* Mike: Did you sleep 'til noon again? Harmony laughs.* Harmony: Maybe. Fireman: Hey there, Harmony.
Harmony: Hi. Mike: Well, see you tonight.
The firetruck drives away.* Harmony: Bye! Have a good day, Dad! Harmony gets off her bike and starts wheeling it along the footpath.* Mitzi: Wow! Look who it is.
Harmony: Huh? Mitzi, hello. Mitzi: So, where have you been? Harmony: Away.
Mitzi: Duh! Wait a minute- Harmony gets back onto her bike.* Harmony: Gotta go.
Mitzi stands in front of the bike.* Mitzi: Wait! There's a rumour, that you were sent away to reform school. Harmony: What?! Eugh, that is so ridiculous! Mitzi: What is it then? Did they ship you off to military school? Or to one of those other schools for rejects and outcasts? Harmony starts to tremble with anger.* Harmony: Look, Mitzi, I can't talk right now. I gotta go, okay? Mitzi: I'm gonna find out. Mitzi moves out of the way.* Harmony: Whatever! Hopefully, I won't see you later. Bye! Harmony rides away.* Harmony (narrating): I tried not to let Mitzi bother me - I mean she was always part of Gardenia - but something was wrong, something was different. Things just didn't feel right. And then I saw it. A man walking along the path, has a blue spirit floating along behind him.* Harmony stops her bike in surprise and rubs her eyes.*
Harmony: What the-? Uh... huh?
Harmony (narrating): I saw this weird spirit energy thing floating above this guy on the street. I had no idea what it was. I figured I was just seeing things. Harmony: What's going on here?! Harmony (narrating): But then it happened again.
A woman walking across the road, has a red spirit floating along behind her.*
Red spirit: Hey! Didn't you get the memo, red?! Don't you know it's rude to stare!
Harmony: Sorry. Harmony (narrating): I figured, whatever it was, it was happening now because my Winx had grown stronger at Alfea. And then I went to my mom's flower shop. Harmony arrives at her mother's flower shop.* A car is parked out the front.* The driver inside is watching looking suspicious.*

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