Chapter 9 - Spelled

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Harmony's Dream

Daphne: Harmony! Haaarmony! The time has come. You must begin your journey. Harmony: What journey? Where am I supposed to go? Daphne: Don't worry. I will guide you. Harmony: Guide me where? Who are you? Daphne: You know who I am. You simply need to find me. Find mee. Come find me. Harmony: What do you mean? You're right here. Daphne: You will know what I mean when your journey is done. Tell me, are you ready to begin your journey? Harmony: I am ready. I am ready!
Daphne: Be brave! Be very brave!

The Winx's Dorm, Harmony and Flora's Room

Flora and Stella stand at the foot of Bloom's bed watching as she glows in her sleep.* Flora: It's so weird. It's like her winx is activating. Stella: Activating in her sleep? Flora: Uh-huh. Stella: How is that even possible? Harmony switches between her Winx form and her pajamas.* Flora: Check it out! Stella: Woah, look at that! Harmony: *sleep talking* Don't go! I'm ready! Wait! Stella: Did you see that outfit change? I wish I could do that in my sleep. Flora: More than clothes are changing here. When this happens in magical beings it means her powers are evolving. Stella: Woah.

Alfea Quad

Harmony: It was the same voice that led us out of the fire. I'm sure of it. Stella: Boring! New topic. Tecna: What did she look like? Harmony: Well, she was tall and she was really beautiful but the specifics are kind of fuzzy. Tecna holds out a gadget.* Tecna: Just keep talking. My psychic beetle will pick up whatever you can't remember. The gadget opens and a mechanic beetle flies out and over to Harmony.* Harmony: Okay. I know that she had long flowing hairs and she was underwater. Tecna: This PB bug's the latest version. It can do a digi-sketch. Musa: Isn't DJ Sketch the guy who spins top 40 tunes. Harmony: No a digi-sketch! It's like a digital rendering of a description. Right, Tecna? Stella walks off ahead of the others.* Tecna: Yes, but a psychic beetle digi-sketch is much more advanced. It has direct access to information from your subconscious. Harmony: So that ladybug can see what's buried in my mind? Tecna: I'll show you. The beetle returns to the gadget.* Tecna: I upload it, it sends psycho digital signals to the bay and voila! The gadget shows a holographs of Daphne's face.* Tecna: Magic technology at its best! Harmony: I still don't get how you did it, but that is her. Tecna: Like they say: when in doubt go digital. Harmony: I've definitely seen that face somewhere before. I know it. I remember where I saw her, she's one of the nymphs on the facade of town hall. Stella: Ok, enough with the silly dream! Harmony: Why do you keep interrupting me today? Stella: Maybe it's because I'm tired of you always stealing the stage. It's always "me, me, me" with you. "Look at me, I'm the cute little girl from Earth, look at me I have powers, look at me I have no clue how to control them"! Harmony: That's not funny. Stella: Everyone has weird dreams, who cares? Harmony starts to get mad and balls her hand into fists.* Harmony: This is important, Stella! Stella: Yes, important to you, you, you. Tecna: Stella! What in the world is your problem? Stella: Nothing. I am simply "telling it how it is" as Musa would say. I'm just "keeping it real". Harmony: Stella, I don't know what's wrong with you but you're really being mean and I'm not going to stand here while you throw your little princess tantrum. Stella: Fine! Harmony: Fine, I'm out of here! Stella: Fine, go! Bloom storms off with Bella.* Stella stared after her confused.* Stella: Wait, what did I just say? What I do? Tecna, Flora and Musa are unimpressed.* Stella: What?!

Alfea Library

Harmony walks along the rows of books.*
Harmony: Trolls, ghosts, leprechauns...
Barbatea: Hello. Still getting the hang of the Dewey Magical System? Harmony: Yeah, I need info about one of the nymphs on the front of town hall. Where do I look? Barbatea: Why are you asking me when the library catalogue's over there? Harmony: Oh. She walks over to the library catalogue.* Harmony: That's a catalogue? Catalogue: Keyword? Harmony: *ahem* Town hall Harmony uses her magic to activate the catalogue.* A book slides from a nearby shelf and flies to the catalogue.* Harmony: Wow, that's so cool! Magix Monthly. The book opens.* Harmony: "This month's events at Town Hall: sorcerer soccer. Wrong book. Not that goblin goalies don't sound interesting. She closes the book.*
Harmony: Keyword: town hall facade.
Harmony uses her magic to activate the catalogue.* Two books fly from the shelves to her and flip open.* Harmony: Hey, this is the book about the Great Dragon. "The facade of Magix's Town Hall features nymph, Daphne. Daphne! That's her! Harmony looks up to find books surrounding her talking over the top of each other.* The books begin to fly around her, trapping her with the catalogue.*
Harmony: Ahh! Stop it! Somebody help!
Barbatea: Huh? The restricted vault! The books are trying to come out. What's happening?! Barbatea notices Bloom trapped.* Harmony: I was just getting the hang of the system. Barbatea: Miss Faragonda! Barbatea leaves the library.* The books are still flying around.*
Harmony: Stop it! Eugh, I need a spell. Book-us stop-us now-us, pretty-please-us. The books increase in speed until they resemble a cyclone Faragonda: Restotuo-ordo. The book fall to the ground.* Harmony: Huh? Faragonda: Something very powerful seems to be disturbing the order in here. Harmony: Sorry! Harmony hugs Faragonda.* Faragonda: Oh! It's okay, it's not your fault. Barbatea: She could't have possibly asked for these books, they're some of our most obscure titles. Faragonda: No, she didn't. The books chose her. Go back to your room, dear, and please don't mention this to anyone. Harmony: Okay. Faragonda: See you at assembly. Harmony: Thank you. Harmony leaves.* Faragonda notices one of the books on the ground and picks it up.* Faragonda gasps.* Faragonda: 'The last witch coven!?' Miss Barbatea?
Barbatea: Uh, yes? Faragonda: This book is not part of our collection. Barbatea takes the book.* Barbatea: No, it is not. Faragonda: Close the library. Barbatea drops the book in shock.* Barbatea: But-! Faragonda: There are dark forces at work here.

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