Chapter 26 - Fire and Ice

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Lightning strikes at Alfea.*
Codatorta: Everyone, pay attention. Miss Faragonda is your commander-in-chief now. Understood? Faragonda: Fairies, witches and heroes. As we face our final battle, I want you to find all of your courage and all of your strength, and then take it, and turn all its power on Icy, Darcy and Stormy. If we have any hope of survival, those three must be defeated.

Path to Alfea

The army marches closer to Alfea.*
Icy: Stormy, when we're done, I'm putting you in charge of what's left of Alfea. All the fairies, will report to you. Stormy: We'll have to do some remodeling. My throne won't fit in Faragonda's office. Ha ha. Know what I mean? Icy holds up her hand and a blue ball of magical energy manifest, her eyes glow.* Icy: Sure do.
Darcy: Hey Ice, what about me?
Icy: You'll be in charge of the Red Fountain. Darcy: That's cool.
Icy: It's showtime ladies.


The army makes it's final approach.*
Icy: Attack. The final attack begins. The students fight back but to no avail.*
Griffin: Flumpus Shield. A giant force field surrounds Alfea. Stormy laughs evilly.*
Stormy: You can't stop me! I'm the new headmistress of Alfea! HA! Stormy stands and summons her Dragon Fire to destroy the force field.* Stormy: Make room fairies! We're moving in! Musa: No way! The force field is destroyed.* Musa: YOU'RE SO NOT GONNA CRASH OUR CRIB! Flora tries to blast Stormy with magic pollen but she grabs it.* Stormy: What's this? Stormy flicks away the magic blast.* Stormy: A joke? How pathetic. Faragonda: Everybody attack! NOW! Everyone fights back.* Stella: Ewww, wow, check out their taste in drones. Can you imagine what they'd do, if they redecorated this place?
Stormy: Having the Dragon Fire, so rules!
Icy laughs evilly.* Harmony: That's not the Dragon Fire! Harmony arrives at Alfea.*
Harmony: THIS is the Dragon Fire! The Dragon appears and a wall of fire is created.* Stella, Flora and Musa: Yay!
Tecna: How brilliant. Harmony: Sorry it took me so long to get here, you guys.
Icy is shocked.* Icy: She's got the Dragon Fire too? That's not fair! Stormy growls.*
Darcy: Uh oh. Harmony: You think you can invade my school, mess with my friends and get away with it? Harmony creates a fireball.* Harmony: As if witches! HA! Harmony blasts Icy.* Icy: STORMY! DARCY! GET OVER HERE! Give me your share of the Dragon Fire! I need it to take care of this uppity pixie! The other Winx join Harmony.*

Above Alfea

Icy: Don't worry. You won't need more than your regular powers to take on those four posers. As for you Harmony, I'm gonna show you just what a loser you are!
Icy creates a blizzard but Harmony puts up a fire shield and goes after her.*
Harmony: We'll see who the loser is, Icy!
Harmony and Icy begin their final battle and begin by exchanging blows. Darcy and Stormy now feel intimidated. Flora tries her pollen blast again.* Darcy: Hey! What the ---! Flora: You still think this is pathetic Stormy? Harmony and Icy continue to fight.*

Ground Level, Alfea

The monsters keep charging. Riven manages to get one. Steven appears.*
Riven: Dude, you made it. I was getting worried about you. Steven: I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Harmony. She saved me. Steven and Riven attack their opponents.* Sky: She's so awesome.
Riven: She's way powerful. Steven slices a monster.* Steven: When this is over, I wanna take her out on a real date. I'll get her flowers and everything. Riven: With that kind of power, you'd better treat her right. Know what I'm saying? ... Watch out bro! A monster almost smashes Steven but Brandon slices off it's hand.* Brandon: Hey, just thought I'd give you a hand. And that is how it's done, fellas. Timmy shoots a monster.* Timmy: Eat that! The monster is destroyed. Cordatorta slices another monster. Bella and Pepe run from the monsters and Bella mysteriously flies.

Above a Lake

Harmony and Icy circle around each other.* Icy: I'll finish what the coven started. Harmony: Heh, right. Harmony launches a Dragon Stream. Icy blocks by freezing the attack. Icy launches an attack of her own.* Icy: They destroyed your precious little planet, and I'll destroy YOU! I'm glad you got more Dragon Fire Harmony, cause now there's more for me to take! Harmony dodges Icy's ice beam and teleports in front of her.* Harmony: You're not taking anything! The Dragon Fire's mine! Icy goes on the offensive but Harmony counters.*

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