Chapter 15 - Pushing the Envelope

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Wizgiz's Classroom, Alfea

Class: What?! No way?! Fairy 1: That is so evil! Fairy 2: I'm so doomed.
Wizgiz: Nobody's doomed. It's a harmless little- Stella: Hello! You just said we'd be kicked out of Alfea if we fail. That's wrong.
Wizgiz: Listen, this quiz covers material we've gone over plenty of times in class.
Fairy 3: So, if we fail you should get kicked out for not teaching us. Class: Yeah!
Musa: A little more heads up would have been nice. I mean, the day before?
Class: Yeah! Wizgiz: These, uh, rules comes from all the way up. There's- there's nothing I can do except urge you to review the lessons and get a good night's sleep. That's it. Wizgiz goes to leave.* Fairy 4: Wait! Can you at least tell us what it's not gonna be on. Wizgiz leaves the room.* Fairy 5: You just have to let me copy your notes! Please! Fairy 6: I would, except I didn't take any. Fairy 7: So wait, none of us have been taking notes?! This is horrible, we're all gonna get kicked out. Harmony, asleep at her desk, snores.*
Fairy 6: What is that noise? They notice Harmony.* Fairy 6: Eugh, it's Harmony!
Flora: Oh, gooey gumdrops. Not again. Harmony? Flora wakes Harmony up.*
Harmony: *sleepily* Merry Christmas. What? Huh? From sleeping on her notes, Harmony has ink on her cheek.*
The class laughs.* Harmony: What's so funny?! Huh? Someone hands her a mirror.* Musa: Yo, at least we know Harmony's been taking notes. The class laughs.* Harmony laughs and wipes away the ink.* Griselda appears on the mezzanine overlooking the classroom.*
Griselda: The bell rang 30 seconds ago, you should all be moving on to your fifth period class. Except for you Harmony, come with me. Harmony looks worried.*

Faragonda's Office, Alfea

Harmony sits in front of Faragonda's desk, Faragonda sits at her desk, and Griselda stands beside her.* Faragonda: Professor Wizgiz saw you sleeping in his class today. Harmony: I know, I'm sorry. I really didn't get much sleep last night at all.
Griselda: Yes, well, I'm afraid that woudn't explain your falling asleep yesterday, and the day before that, now would it?! Harmony: I can't help it! Really, whenever I fall asleep I hear this voice calling to me. Someone named Daphne. It wakes me up and then I can't get back to sleep-
Griselda: Oh, the old voices in my head excuse. Harmony: I'm serious! Faragonda: We're not upset with you Harmony. Go back to your room and try to get some rest. Harmony: Okay. Harmony leaves.*
Griselda: Don't you think some disciplinary action should be taken?! We can't just-
Faragonda holds up a hand and Griselda stops talking.* Griselda: Huh? Faragonda: I need to be left alone, Griselda. Griselda leaves.* Faragonda: The last witch coven, Sparx, and now Daphne. It doesn't seem possible.

The Winx's Dorm, Alfea

Musa, Tecna, Flora, and Stella are standing around Mirta in pumpkin form.*
Flora: Okay, I came up across a spell last night. Let's see if it works. Mist of Mayoreik, power unfurled, transform this pumpkin back into a girl! Flora tries to use the spell to turn Mirta back to normal.*
She is unsuccessful and there is a sudden bad smell.* Musa: Ewwwww!
Stella: That smells more like major reek than Mayoreik! Flora: Yeah, I don't think it's working. Tecna: Well, you know witch-on-witch spells are very difficult to break.
Musa: Yeah, but this is Flo. Plants and vegetables and stuff are supposed to be her specialty. Flora gets offended.* Flora: You try it then, Miss Let's-Just-Dump-Her-In-A-Patch! Musa: I will! And that was Stella who suggested we plant her!
Bella goes to sniff Mirta.*
Tecna: I think Bella's checking Mirta out.
Flora: What?! Bella jumps away and barks playfully at the pumpkin.* Flora: Oh, don't worry. Pumpkin or not, I think Mirta can take care of herself.

Hallway, Alfea

Harmony walks along the hallway, and yawns.* Wizgiz turns a corner, mumbling to himself.* Wizgiz: ...where did that thing run off to? Harmony: Professor Wizgiz.
Wizgiz: I just had it a second ago.  Wizgiz searches the corridor for something.*
Wizgiz: Mom was right, I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my neck. Harmony: Uh, what are you looking for? Wizgiz wanders down the corridor away from Harmony, still searching.* Wizgiz: Nothing, Harmony, uh. Wait a sec! Wizgiz comes back towards Harmony.* Harmony: Uh, Professor? Wizgiz: Maybe it's... Wizgiz puts his bag on the ground and starts emptying it, things flying everywhere.*
Wizgiz: Scrolls, letters, reciepts, oh, but there's that, papers, wands, oh forget it.
Harmony picks up an envelope that lands near her.* Harmony: Is this what you're looking for? Huh? Wizgiz has disappeared.* Harmony: Where'd he go?
Harmony looks at the envelope, it's labelled "Wizgiz Quiz Annswer Sheet'
Harmony: No way!

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