Chapter 11 - Junior league

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The Winx's Dorm, Alfea

Stella: Flora, why don't you take your hippy-dippy research and go save a different planet! Flora: That's not very nice! Harmony: Hey come on, guys! Stop fighting! Stella: Her flower power has gone too far! Flora: I'm close to finishing my new potion. It will protect us from the Witches! Stella: Like, homeopathy can work against dark magic! It'll be like, don't you dare mess with us or we'll hit you with a daisy and go all herbal on you! Harmony: Hey, it's an alternative. Stella: It's out of control! It wasn't enough for her to turn your room into a stinky twenty-four-hour potion lab, she had to invade my room with her veggies! Harmony, Flora, and Stella walk into Stella's room.* Stella: And now she crossed the line with those grabby little fashion victim plants! They're shrinking my clothes, using my make-up, they're self-absorbed mirror addicts!
Flora: They adapt to their environment.
Stella: That's my Goblin Govanna! It is my favorite dress forever! You see what's happening here? Oh, my poor poor clothes! Harmony: Come on, they're just clothes. Stella: No, they're couture! Do you know what that means? They're one of a kind! The shrinking's bad enough, but they're also mixing stripes with florals, it's like a horror show! Flora: Maybe I can fix this. Tecna might know a counter spell.
Flora enters Musa and Tecna's room.* Musa is reading a music sheet.* Flora: Hey Musa, have you seen Tecna? Musa: Nah, she's been off of the radar. Flora: I need to find a spell to unshrink couture. Musa: Hey, doesn't the nocturnal ivy do something like that? Flora: Oh yeah! I could combine it with a drop of sparkly parsley oil. Flora opens the closet.* Tecna is inside, wrapped in vines.* Tecna tries to talk but can't due to vines across her mouth.* Flora: Tecna! Tecna tries to speak again, sounding angrier, but still can't sue to the vines.* Flora uses magic to release Tecna.* Tecna: Where have you been!?
Harmony and Stella walk into Tecna and Musa's room.* Tecna: All I wanted was a jacket and I got kidnapped by this psycho plant! Stella: You see what Flora is doing to our living conditions? Musa: Hear it, Flo? That's not cool! That stuff is not cool at all! Tecna: Your plant also happened to eat my notebook. Is there any way to get it back?  Flora: Uh, get it back? Uh... no...
Flora laughs nervously.* Tecna: What about a spell!? Flora: Whatever the ivy eats is pretty much gone... Tecna (yells sarcastically): Great! Flora: I really didn't think it would grow so fast! Sorry!  Tecna: What am I supposed to do, tell the teacher that a plant ate my homework!? Oh yeah, she'll believe that!  Stella: This plant nonsense has gone too far! This is a dormitory, not a rain forest! Flora: I understand. I'll move out to Black Mud Swamp, and I won't come back until I'm done with my potion. Harmony: You'll move out?  Flora: Yeah. I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused you.  Harmony: You can't move to Black Mud Swamp! There are keekbugs, not to mention subterranean sludge slugs! She should stay, right? Tell her to stay! Musa, Tecna, and Stella remain slent.* Flora leaves.*
Harmony: This is unbelievable... you guys call yourselves her friends and you let her go like that!  Stella: Her plants used all my make-up!  Tecna: And they ate all my homework! Harmony: Flora's our friend, you guys! So she's made a couple of mistakes, that doesn't mean she needs to go live in a swamp! Harmony storms out and slams the door behind her.* Stella, Musa, and Tecna wince.*

Black Mud Swamp

Flora has set up camp by a body of water in Black Mud Swamp.* Harmony, Stella, Musa, and Tecna arrive at her camp site.*
Flora: Thank you so much for coming! Only true friends would follow me into this swamp!  Stella: Hey... wouldn't miss it for anything...  Stella looks with disgust at the mud on her shoes.*  Musa: Yo Flo, we're your peeps. For better or for worse.
Harmony: Worse includes the occasional fashion fiasco, right Stel?  Stella: You know what they say, all for one and one for all.  Flora: Oh, wonderful. I'll need your help to get this ingredient. It won't be easy. This is it, the Cheerful Gladiolas.
Flora opens a book and shows them a picture of the flower.*  Stella: If that's it, couldn't you have had it delivered? It's a flower!  Flora: Actually, there's only one left in the world. The BMJL has it.
Musa: Hey! That sounds like a hip-hop group. Flora: Nuh-uh. It's the Black Mud Junior League. You know, they do volunteer work around here. Stella: Oh! That's like the Solaria Junior League. I got the sweetest shoes at their silent auction.
Flora: This one's run by the undines, little water nymphs. They've ruled this swamp for centuries. Stella: Reality check, Flora, you're gonna ask them for the last Cheerful Gladiolas. Why would they ever give it to you? Flora: I don't expect them to. That's why I've developed a potion especially for this. All I need is to borrow the flower and use a drop of my invention. I call it the vegal cloner. Flora puts a drop of the potion onto a plant.* Nearby, an identical plant grows.* Harmony: Cool! Flora: This way, the flower won't be endangered anymore. Harmony: So let's go and get that flower, but we'll leave Bella here. She'll be safer that way.
Stella: Speaking of being safer, I think that I should stay here too.  Musa: Get your booty moving now.  Stella: But I have this bad feeling. It's creeping me out!
Musa: Any place five miles away from the mall creeps you out. Stella: No, I'm telling you, I feel like there's something out there.!.

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