Chapter 6 - Secret Guardian

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(A/U Harmony's transformation. See chapter 3 - Save The First Dance if you don't remember)

The Trix's Room

The Trix try to unlock the power of the ring, but are unsuccessful. The ring plunks down near Icy. All three regain consciousness.* Darcy: That was pathetic! Stormy: Yeah, that was the 14th power spell we've tried. Darcy: I'm wiped. Knut emerges from the wardrobe.*
Knut: What's going on? Stormy: Turn right around and go right back to sleep. Close your eyes and pretend you're devouring a herd of sheep. Stormy waves her finger and Knut becomes drowsy. He yawns.* Knut: Good night. I'm going to bed. Icy: What are we missing?! WHY CAN'T WE USE THE RING'S FULL POWER?!?! Darcy! Did you do a realm wide search for all the jewelery spells that exist?! Darcy: Yes. I got everything that was listed on the Witch Wide Web. Stormy: Unlocking the power of the Great Dragon is gonna take more than a spell or incantation. It's gonna take something inspired. Icy: LIKE WHAT?!?! Why don't you make yourself useful for once and FIGURE IT OUT BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO A PUPPY!!! Icy growls. She picks up the ring and throws it.* Icy: And you! I DARE you to keep defying me you SECOND RATE RING!!!

Alfea Library

Harmony checks up on the Ring of Solaria.* Harmony: Here it is again. Musa: Well, share the 4-1-1 girl. Harmony: Kay, this is what I know so far: The ring is so powerful because it was created directly from Starlight, the most pure source of magic in the universe. But what's really interesting is that some say the ring is extra special, because it's made of the same light that created this legendary creature called "The Great Dragon". Do you know about this Stella

Harmony and Flora's Dorm Room

Stella: Well, yeah. I know all about the Starlight stuff, but the other stuff makes me think I should have it reappraised.
Harmony: THINK! This could be why the witches wanted your ring. It may have hidden power. Stella: Yeah. Flora: In that case we'd better go get it back. Stella: We have to get it back anyway. I'm like, so useless without it.
Musa: True that. In Magical Defense class she got beat by a Keekbug. Harmony: When I looked up the Great Dragon, all I found was a restricted book and it would only show me one four-line paragraph. It said that although there's no proof of this, and that it's only a myth, the Great Dragon is supposed to have created the entire Magical Dimension.

Alfea Hallway

Harmony: I gotta find out more about this Great Dragon. Maybe there's a way to convince that restricted book to let me read more than a paragraph. Faragonda: You were in the Restricted Vault? Harmony: Uhhh, no. I mean, yes. Faragonda: In my office. Faragonda and Harmony starting walking to Faragonda's office.*

Faragonda's Office

Faragonda and Harmony sit down.* Harmony: I'm sorry Miss Faragonda. Faragonda: Let me tell you about the Great Dragon, Harmony. The book showed me two chapters once. It described the beginning of the Magical Universe. First there was a great solar explosion, and from that fiery starlight an enchanted dragon was born. The dragon then used her fire to create all the different fairy worlds, and spread life and magic across the universe. At the end of her journey, the dragon landed on a world that would become known as Sparks, the center of the magical universe. She made it her home, and eventually became one with the very planet itself. Harmony: That's a great story. Where is Sparks?? Is it real?! Faragonda: It was, but sadly Sparks doesn't exist anymore. It's said that a coven of evil witches went there seeking the Great Dragon's power. When they failed to get it, they destroyed the entire planet. Harmony: Oh no!
Faragonda: I must ask, how did you get into the Restricted Vault? Harmony: I don't know. I was just in the library and the vault opened and it let me in. Faragonda: Then, you were meant to go in. The bell rings.* Harmony: "Oh, I have to go to class, but thank you so much." Harmony leaves Faragonda's office and Faragonda ponders.

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