Chapter 2 - More than High school

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Stella: "There it is! The realm-renowned Alfea school!" Vanessa: "It sure is pretty amazing!" Mike: "Whaaaa!" Harmony: "It makes public school look totally lame-o!"
Vanessa: "Well, before we decide, why don't we go see what it's like." Harmony: "I'm so excited!" Mike: "I wonder what their record is for college admissions? (runs into anti-magic barrier) Oof! It's as if there's an invisible wall! I can't get through it!" Harmony: "No? (feels nothing) Where is it? I can't feel anything. Whatever it was, it's gone now." Stella: "Actually, there IS an invisible wall." Harmony: "But if it didn't stop me, why can't they get through?"
Stella: "Simple: you're a magical being, my dear! (reveals barrier) This barrier keeps non-magical beings out of Magix. Sorry, while I can't take you any further, I CAN show you the official Alfea slide globe! It comes complete with the school song!"
The Alfea anthem plays. Stella: "So? What do you think?" Vanessa: "I think Harmony's going to have a great year..."
Harmony: "Mom..." Vanessa: "You'll have a wonderful time." Stella: "She sure will! I'll see to that!" Mike: "Bella, you keep an eye on her, okay?" Stella: "Harmony , we should get going, you know, while the getting's good." Harmony: (turns to Mike and Vanessa) "I'll be fine, guys. Don't worry about me." Stella: "I'll send you back first class! Now just stand still... okay! Sun Power! (calls her staff) Transportus Back Home-us!" Harmony: "(Mike and Vanessa are teleported away) Bye, guys! See ya!"
Stella: "It's time to make an entrance! A fabulous entrance is essential, 'dahling'."
Harmony: "I'm not sure what you mean, 'dahling', but I'll try!" Stella: "Okay, follow me! Just smile, slither, and swivel!"
Harmony: "I'm nervous..." Stella: "Relax, you're with me! Fairy school is like normal school, but we all have magic powers and better outfits!" Harmony: "I'm loving it already." Stella: "Ick. You're definitely not gonna love her." Harmony: "Who's that? She looks scary." Stella: "Griselda, head of discipline (Moves to Griselda) She is scary, and in bad need of a makeover."
Griselda: "First name and place of origin."
Eleanor: "Uh, Eleanor of Delona. I signed up online, I should be on the list." Griselda: "Hmmm, I don't see it. I don't see your name and you know what happens if you're not on the list, we turn you into-"
Elanor: "Into guano." Griselda: "There you are: Eleanor of Delona, you may come in."
Eleanor: "Thank you." Griselda: "NEXT!"
Harmony: "Oh no, I'm not gonna be on the list." Stella: "Fret not girlfriend, I got it all figured out. The princess of Vallisto was supposed to come here this year, but she's doing homeschooling instead."
Stella conjures up an envelope with a letter inside. Stella: "She gave me a letter to give to the headmistress. I just won't give it to her and we'll be all set. (Rips up the letter) No one here knows what she looks like so it's perfect." Stella throws the letter confetti in the air. Harmony: "So you want me to pretend to be this princess? I don't know, I hate lying." Stella pushes Harmony to Griselda. Stella: "Hey, we're not lying. We're just not telling all we know." Stella: "Long time no see, Ms. G!"
Griselda: "Not long enough, Princess Stella! Not after the little incident last year! I don't know how your parents convinced the school board to take you back! It's beyond me." Stella: "They did donate that new computer lab." Griselda: "Who is your friend?" Stella: "Princess Veranda of Vallisto." Griselda: "Let's see, I'll check the list. (Pan shot of Harmony) Yes, Veranda of Vallisto." Harmony (as Veranda): "Yeah, that's me." Griselda: "You may come in." Stella: "Hey..." Griselda: "NEXT!" Stella: "Welcome to Alfea." Dufour: "Did you have a good summer Professor?" Palladium: "Marvelous, I went to a mentalism conference in Solaria." Dufour: "I spent my time in the Granolic realm and taught them how to turn sunflowers into sundaes." Wizgis: "That's teriffic. Let me show you what I worked on this summer. It's a whole new kind of metamorphosis."
Wizgiz turns into a rabbit and hops on Dufour's shoulder. Wizgiz: "Got any carrots?" Dufour faints. Palladium: "You can change species now. That's very impressive professor. Congratulations.
Griselda: "First things first, our code of behavior: the first rule is, you must follow all rules in the code of behavior! If you break the rules once, you will be turned into a frog. If you break the rules twice, your magic privileges will be suspended. And if you break the rules three times, you will be expelled, isn't that right, Princess Stella? Last year, she destroyed the potions laboratory with an unauthorized magic spell, which brings me to the second rule: no unsupervised magic at any time! A-hem!" Harmony: "You really did that?" Stella: "I was trying to create a new shade of pink!" Griselda: "We believe discipline's the only way to prepare you for the world out there, which brings me to the third rule: stay away from the witches of Cloud Tower no matter what! We don't have a punishment for that, since nothing we could do would be as terrible as what THEY will do to you if they catch you there!"

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