Part V: Personal tour

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A great man strutted in, slightly shorter than Demetri, a little younger too. He had an angular face and lengthy locks , as well, that hung loose, tickling his ostentatious onyx jacket.

The jacket was long and embezzled in gold leaves. His brogues were muted by the carpet, as before I could hear them clicking on the marble.

I held my chest. Was I having a heart attack?

I had heard that your heart pumping fast was an early symptom.

The secretary, looking very pretty in her mini skirt and purple blouse , that clashed with the calm delivered by the dulled down colours, bowed to him.

"Master Marcus."

He ignored her and continued walking. She, unbothered, sat down and continued pretending to work. I rolled my eyes. I regarded him, holding my heart.

I think I was breathing too loudly because he suddenly turned his head. He stopped walking and looked at me. He blinked a few times but his stare never left me. Silence gathered around us for a good two minutes. He moved a little nearer.

"Buon pomeriggio, madame."

"Buon pomeriggio, signore. Parli inglese?"

l said hopefully ; suddenly remembering how to ask; if Demetri had let me think a bit more maybe I would have been able to ask.

The raven-haired man blinked.

"Yes, I do speak English. You are not fluent?"

I shook my head, a bit embarrassed. I rubbed my arms.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh, sorry it must be strange seeing someone here who's not employed here or a tourist....uhhh, well

I am a tourist but I haven't come to view the castle I've done that already. I'm here with an employee; he offered to get me a jacket. I got wet in the rain."

I blabbered and I couldn't stop.

He blinked.

"Who is it you came with?"

I opened my mouth to talk when another set of footsteps approached. Marcus and I both turned to the sound. Demetri was coming, a jacket over his arm.

His eyes widened when he saw Marcus. Marcus' face was a frown. But this was the first-time I noticed. He had been sombre throughout. Demetri bowed to his height.


"Demetri." he rattled off in Italian like a church mouse. Sometimes peering at me.

My face became hot and I became thankful I had such a dark complexion. Demetri responded in like and he came to me.

"Sorry, it took long, here is the jacket. Uhm, that is my boss... so, he was wondering who you were."

I thanked him for the jacket and I stood after pushing it on.

"I'm sorry, Marcus."
Demetri's face became shrivelled and he stood stock-still.

"I wasn't planning on intruding on your property without permission. I was just going. I was just waiting for my guide," I said looking at Demetri.

I looked at Demetri who had suddenly shrunk into himself.

"You said you've been here before? How come I've never seen you?" he asked in wonder.

I giggled.

"I came yesterday for one of your tours but it was highly disappointing. I didn't get to see even one room and the tour group was too large."

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