Leaving (8)

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January 18th 2020

The next morning Zak woke up to hear giggling and laughing around him. He was confused to say the least. He then realized he was laying on top of Dave. That made him remember the events that had happened the previous night. He smiled, but that smile soon dropped when he saw that the others were standing around them laughing and giggling at them.

"Oh look one of the lovebirds woke up."- George said as he noticed him.

"Finally, It's like two in the afternoon."- Melanie gave the boy her attitude.

"You two were probably up till 2AM. What were you guys doing?- Amy asked confused.

"Probably having some ~fun.- Harvey said as him and George were laughing.

"What do you mean?"- Asked one of the innocent girls.

"Yeah, I don't get it."- Added the other one.

"Don't worry you're too young to understand."- George said giggling.

"You guys are dirty minded dumbasses you know that?"- Zak replied blushing a little.

"Oh look Harvey he's blushing, probably thinking about his BoYfRiEnD.- George teased him as they continued laughing.

"Yeah he was thinkin' about me, and?"- Dave said now fully awake and saving his boyfriend.

"Wait what?"- George looked at them.

"It was just a joke, what do you mean."- Harvey asked both of them serious now.

Everyone was now starting at the boys on the couch wide eyed.

"W-wait does this mean you guys are together?"- George asked shocked.

"I- um yeah, we made it official last night."- Dave replied.

"What, when you had se-"

"For the last time Harvey we didn't do it last night, ya nasty."- Zak cut him off.

"Hehe sorry, sorry it was a joke."- He giggled.

"Wait so does that mean that Zaky is technically our second brother?"- Melanie asked still not comprehending the situation.

"Yeah I guess you could say that?"- Dave answered not really sure.

"Really, that's so cool I've always wanted uncle Zak to be like my second brother."- Amy said as she rushed towards Zak giving him a hug. Soon Melanie joined in as well.

"I can't wait to tell mom that you finally got a boyfriend."- She giggled.

"Oh no, this is why you should've read the card when we left."- Dave signed.

Everyone soon had breakfast, or should I say lunch at this point. Dave and his sisters packed up and were ready to catch their flight home.

"Would any of you mind givin' us a ride to the airport?"- He asked the three.

"Sorry dude my car's still in England."- George said.

"I mean I wouldn't mind giving you a rid-"

"I can do it my car has the most space!"- Zak interrupted Harvey.

"Fine, suit yourself."- Harvey shrugged it off.

Dave and his sisters said goodbye to the roommates, and hopped in Zaks car.

Since the car ride was about an hour away the twins fell asleep.

"So uhm like are we gonna be public or..."- Dave turned to Zak.

"Honestly im fine with family and friends knowing, I mean I'm fully out. But I don't really plan on telling the fans anytime soon.- Zak answered.

"Yeah I agree, I don't really want that either."- Dave agreed with him.

The rest of the car ride the two discussed how they were gonna deal with long distance and other stuff. Zak dropped his boyfriend and his sisters off at the airport. They said their goodbyes and promised to see each other soon. Long distance can't be hard, right.....

A/n Sooooo yeah the aftermath... Zak and Dave will have to deal with long distance from now on... But what will happen when Zak moves back to Florida? And when mcm comes back. Stay tuned I guess. WASH UR NASTY HANDS bai =)

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