Take the L Keemstar (28)

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May 4th 2020

That Sunday Zak and Dave made a plan to finally ruin Keemstars' reputation and expose him for the fraud he is.

It was Monday, Dave was supposed to be live at 4PM est, but he and Zak had other plans...

"Hey guys, I know you all are probably confused as to why I started the stream an hour early, and why I'm here irl with Zak aka Skeppy. I just wanted to talk about somethin' before the event if that's ok..."- He said looking at Zak for help.

"Yeah, so we wanted to come and say some things, and we hope it doesn't effect the way you see us."- Zak started.

"Basically, I'm gay.- Dave blurred it out.

"And I'm bisexual."- Zak added after him.

"And we are dating."- Dave said the last part terrified of the stans.

"But there's a reason we are coming out to you like this..."- Zak started waiting for Dave to continue.

"Basically Keemstar found out about our private relationship, and blackmailed me with it so that I would keep gettin' him money for minecraft monday, so yes this commin' out is indeed forced. So on that note I would love to send a message to him. Fuck you Keem, you are the shittyest person ever and that's why I don't feel bad for exposin' you as a homophobic asshole who thought it was ok to blackmail people with their sexuality and relationship, and on that note I will never be attendin' minecraft monday again, goodbye."- Dave finished with confidence in his eyes.

The chat was filled with bi and gay flags and people who were saying how proud they were.

"That's all, sorry for rushing this comming out, it's just that we were forced to."- Zak apologized again.

"That's all bye guys."- Dave said as he ended the stream.

A/n Ohhhh the storryyy might end in the next one or two chapters, thank you for almost 2K views ilya bai=)

Did you really think I wouldn't tell you to FUCKING WASH UR SHIT COVERED HANDS YA NASTY.....ok bai again =)

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