Please, call me mom (10)

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January 18th 2020

Dave and his sisters landed, the girls were so happy to finally be off the flight because they don't handle jetlag very well. Outside in the parking place was their mom waiting in her car patiently. The siblings entered the car after they put their luggage in the trunk.

"Hi kids I missed you so much, how was your trip?"- The middle aged woman asked.

"It was good mom."- Dave said tired and not really thinking straight. (Or should I say gay- *gets hit by a truck*)

"That's good sweetheart, what about you girls, did you have fun?"- Their mom asked them.

"Yeah that trip was the most fun trip ever. Dave's boyfriend is sooo sweet, he is literally the best."- Melanie said smirking knowing exactly what she did.

"Dave's W-what?"- The mom turned to Dave in the passenger seat wide eyed.

"Yeah, his name is Zak, he is so sweet and nice, he's like our second big brother."- Amy said as her and Melanie started giggling.

"... Dave?"- His mom was waiting for him to say something.

"I uhm."- He was literally panicking.

"Come on Davey tell mom about uncle Zak."- Amy urged him.

"Well uhm Zak is a good guy, he uhm is really sweet and nice, he's also really cute."- Dave started blushing thinking about his boyfriend.

"I uhm mean um he... he's nice.."- He continued as his face was bright red now.

"That's really sweet honey, I'm glad you found someone that makes your face THAT red."- His mom said as her and the twins started laughing while Dave was still blushing.

After they were finally home, Dave went straight to his room. He turned on his PC and saw that Zak had already called him on discord.

"Hey cutie what are you doin' here all by yourself?"- He asked him joking.

"Not much, just waiting for a big noob to join."- Zak responded sarcastically.

"Why'd you pick discord tho? I thought you were more of a team speak guy."- He asked his boyfriend.

"Well I thought we could like facetime and stuff you know? If you don't mind."- The shorter answered his question.

"Yeah that's cool."- Dave agreed.

The two facetimed on discord for 2 hours until....

"Hey Dave honey, where do you want your suitcase to go?"- His mom had entered his room.

"Oh I don't mind where ever you want mom."- He answered not looking at her, but focusing on Zak.

"Oh? Is that your boyfriend, the girls keep talking about?"- She asked as she looked at Zak.

"I uhm... yeah."- Dave answered as his mom looked at Zak.

"Hi Mrs. Blanche (idk his surname) how are you?"- Zak asked with his usual smile.

"Please, call me mom."- She said hapily.

The three continued to talk, Dave's mom embarrassing him with baby pictures. It was was a nice day for all of them.

A/n Ok so for the nex chapter I'm thinking of doing like a time skip to like March or something idk I'll see. DON'T LICK DOORKNOBS AND BE SAFE bye ilya =)

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