I'll do anything for you (30)

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May 8th 2020

There they were at the airport crying their eyes out, waiting for Zak to board his flight back to Florida.
"I'll miss you."- Zak said looking at him.
"I'm sorry I didn't spend more time with you, I was too caught up in minecraft monday to actually talk about my feelings."- He sobbed hugging the gremlin.
"Shh, it's ok it wasn't your fault, plus this isn't our final goodbye we'll see each other again soon."- Zak hugged him back.

January 17th 2027

"Happy birthday to you!"- Thay all finished singing the song. Zak blew out the 27 number candles on his chocolate cake. He was surrounded by all of his Youtuber friends, his and Dave's family, but most importantly Dave himself. Zak didn't know why Dave wanted to invite EVERYONE to his birthday party, but he didn't see a problem with it.
"Hey can we talk."- Dave interrupted him from his thoughts.
"Yeah sure."- He replied as they started walking.
"So... what's up?"- Zak said after some silent walking.
"Look Zak, this will eather end up really good, or really bad."- Dave started.
"Ok?"- Zak said scared.
"Today seven years ago we became a couple, I told you that I loved you, and you told me that you loved me two, afterwards the whole minecraft monday fiasco happened, and Keemstar was cancelled, then we moved in Sacramento together and w made so many memories, what I'm trying to say is that I've enjoyed spending so much time as your boyfriend, but I want to be more than that, so-" - He got down on one knee.
"Zak Carder, will you marry me?"- He asked the big question.
Dave began having second thoughts about this until-
"YES"- Zak jumped in his arms.

Throughout all my struggles and pain, I will do anything for you, because I love you.

The end. =)

A/n I won't tell you to WASH UR HANDS  this time, I hope you enjoyed the story, thank you all for any support you have given, I can't believe my stupid book has 3K views like wtf. But seriously thank you, it really means the world to me. For the last time bai ILYA =)

Omgggg I just checked and this book is number one on skepnoblade like whatttttt THANK YOUUUUU 🥺🥺🥺 WHAT A GREAT ENDING 💚💙💜🧡💛

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