See you soon (11)

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March 25th 2020

Zak was now back in Florida, his lease had ended and him and his roommates had moved out. He introduced Dave to his parents and sister over facetime, and they really liked him. He was happy with what he was doing, but he still really wanted to visit Dave in San Francisco for a little bit. So he hopped on facetime to tell his boyfriend his amazing idea.

"What's up ya nerd?"- Dave asked in his usual mood.

"Not much, I just had an idea."- Zak said with a smile on his face.

"What kind of idea?"- He asked him.

" I thought I would visit you in San Francisco."- Zak told him.

"Sure... you're welcome to come anytime."- Dave said with a smile on his face.

"Really?"- Zak asked.

"Yeah, my sisters love you, my mom loves you, hell everyone loves you."- Dave said with softness in his voice. The blood god wasn't soft for anyone, but Zak, he was the only exception.

"Ok I'll book a flight in two weeks, how long should I stay?"- He looked at Dave.

"I don't know, like a mouth?"- Dave answered.

"Yeah ok, I'll bring my recording stuff two."- Zak said.

"Yeah sure there's space in my room."- Dave shrugged it off.

"Ok then, see you in two weeks irl ofcourse, I love you."- Zak said with his soft smile.

"I love you two you nerd."- Dave smiled back.

A/n Ok so I thought about it an I decided that I don't really want to mention the coronavirus in this story, so just pretend like that guy in China didn't eat the bat soup, ok? But it still exists in the real world so please for the love of God WASH YOUR HANDS AND PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING thx ilya bai =)

♡I will do anything for you♡ (A Skepnoblade Book)Where stories live. Discover now