Do you even care about me? (24)

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May 2nd 2020

It's been DAYS and Dave hasn't even seen his family, he hasn't eaten, slept or even gone to the bathroom. Zak thought that after he won minecraft monday, that it will all be over. And Dave did win, but it wasn't a normal win because he wasn't playing to have fun, he was playing to WIN. Most of the fans noticed this two. On his livestream he didn't talk much, he just try-harded and won literally EVERY single competition. But alas, Keem was not satisfied,and wanted him to do more. So there they were Dave training for the next minecraft monday and not even acknowledging his family, friends or Zak. But the small boy finally had enough.

"Dave we need to talk."- Zak entered the room sounding serious.

"Look Zak I can't really talk right now I'm busy."- The taller said not even looking at him.

"Busy with what? Wasting your life away."- The smaller raised his voice.

"Look Zak I need to win minecraft monday again."- He finally looked up at the shorter.

"Why Dave? I don't understand, none of your friends are playing, I'm not playing. You're not even having fun. Why do you keep wasting your time and energy on this stupid event, Keemstar was literally treating all of us like shit, why do you play for him Dave?"- Zak started tearing up.

"I-"- Dave couldn't tell him.

"I came here to spend time with YOU, MY BOYFRIEND. But you have literally ignored me for some stupid game, am I not important to you, do you even care."- The smaller finally broke down.

"Of course I care for you Zak, your the reason I'm doin' this in the first place."- He hugged the crying mess.

"W-what do you mean?"- Zak asked as he hugged tighter.

"I guess it's time I tell you all the fucked up shit Keem has been makin' me do..."- He started.

A/n Yeet, have some angst. But anyway this stoooorrryyy is coming to an eennnddd. But there's still more chapters don't worry. DON'T EAT BATS bai ilya =)

♡I will do anything for you♡ (A Skepnoblade Book)Where stories live. Discover now