Badboyhalo is out (18)

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April 16th 2020

The boys were in Daves' room teaching his sisters how to play minecraft, the girls knew how some of the controls worked but knew nothing else about the game.

"Ok, so then you go forward and swing your sword."- Dave said to Amy as she was playing on his PC.

"You got that Melanie?"- Zak asked the other twin as she was playing on the new baby blue PC.

"Ok."- The girls replied quickly.

"GO"- Zak yelled as the girls were going to have their first 1v1 against themselves.

But Amy pressed the "s" key instead which made her go backwards, while Melanie couldn't figure out how to swing her sword. So they were chasing each other around the arena while Zak and Dave were laughing.

"What, why is she going backwards?"- Melanie asked confused.

"I don't know it's broken."- She said swinging her brother's character around.

"Well my sword doesn't work eather."- Melanie added.

"This is the first time I've ever seen the all mighty blood god Technoblade looking like a noob who installed minecraft yesterday."- Zak giggled at his boyfriend.

"Speak for yourself."- The two laughed and the girls.

Then, someone joined Zaks' teamspeak channel since he had it open.

Buddy joined your channel.

"What?"- Melanie looked confused.

"Skeppy, why do you sound like a 8 year old girl?"- Darryl asked confused.

"Actually I'm 10 silly man on the internet."- Melanie replied.

"What? What do you mean Skeppy is this a troll?"- The bald man was getting mad.

Zak and Dave paused Melanies' game and talked to Darryl.

"Sorry Dar that was Daves' sister what's up?"- Zak said.

"Oh thank goodness that wasn't a troll, because something serious happened."- Bad said serious.

"Do you mind if Dave listened in?"- Zak asked.

"No, but listen you muffin Keemstar sent me a DM on Twitter telling me that I'm out of minecraft monday for disturbing James Charles."- Darryl told the boys.

"W-what?"- Dave asked shocked.

"But it wasn't your fault for killing him, that's the game. "- Zak said already mad.

"Yeah and plus he apologized."- Dave added furious.

"I don't know what to do you muffins, so I just decided to tell you."- He replied.

"Ok don't worry Darryl, we'll handle it."- Dave said burning up.

"We will?"- Zak said confused.

"Ok, just don't do anything too stupid you muffins."- Darryl answered.

"Ok byeee."- Zak said in his usual bubbly voice.

"Bye you potatoes."- Bad said as he hung up.

"What are you going to do?"- Zak asked concerned about Daves' mad expression.

"I'm callin' Keemstar."- Dave said clearly upset.

A/n Hgbgshwjwhso WTFFFF ok so like I'm speechless, people like MidoriShepChan, Skeqqy, AND FUCKIN' hopingtohope VOTED AND READ MY STORY AHAHAHHAHAH. And also we have 700 reads and 90 votes like WHATTTT THANK YOU ALL ILY 🥺. DON'T FORGET TO WASH UR HANDS CAUSE I DON'T WANT ANYTHING BAD TO HAPPEN TO YOU SO BE SAFE. ILYA BAIII thankyousomuchagagain. =)

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