Chapter Two

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Micah's pov

"Dad! I'm going out!"

"Again? I was starting to think you didn't have friends."

I gave a deadpan glare as he laughed. "Go on. Be back for dinner at six though." I brightened up and nodded.

"Okay! I might bring someone to eat with us." He raised a brow and I continued with a huff. "His name is Titus. He's my friend."

He seemed satisfied with my answer and waved me off. "I'll tell Pop where you are."

I nodded quickly as I opened the door. "Thanks, Dad! Love you!" I heard him chcukle out a quiet, 'love you too' before the door shut fully.

It wasn't rare to see a teenager out at this time of day. It was summer after all.

I stuck my headphones in my ears and started my playlist, bobbing my head to the beat of the first song.

As I walked to the park, I smiled and waved to strangers, getting a few waves back and a few odd looks.

Not surprising. I do have a septum ring, snake bites and three studs in each ear. I can admit, I look a little odd.

As I approaced the gates of the park I smiled, seeing a small figure sitting against the old tree.

I turned off my my music and hung the headphones around my neck as I snuck up behind him.

I could see that he was sketching from the way he glanced up every so often, his tounge sticking out slightly as his chocolate brown bangs fell into his face.

I leaned over his neck, my hands resting on my knees. I pressed a soft kiss to his neck and he jumped.

"Jeez! Micah, you're gonna give me a heart attack!"

I chuckled and swung around so I was facing him. "What'cha drawing?"

"I was drawing a bird. But it flew away." He was starting to frown before I lifted his chin with my hand and leaned forwards.

His lip ring pressed into my lip as I kissed him. "Don't be upset. You can draw something else." He smiled softly and nodded.

"Yeah, okay." His tounge stuck out as his brown eyes searched for something to draw.

People often ask me if I'm gay. My answer is always no. Then they ask if I'm straight. Same answer.

I honestly have no fucking clue what I am but I can confirm that Titus is my boyfriend. He's shy and cute, but damn, that lip ring was a really good idea for him.

My brows furrowed as I saw a smudge of red around his mouth. I reached out and wiped at it, hearing a sharp hiss and realised the red wasn't what had smeared.

His foundation had though.

"Baby, what the hell is that?" I tried to wipe at his mouth again but he flinched away from the touch.

"I'm fin-"

"You're not fine! Was this your dad again?" I gently tilted his head to look at me as he chewed his lip and averted his eyes.

That told me all I needed to know. "Oh, Babe. Have you not told anyone about this?" I ran my hand up through his silky hair and he shook his head.

I sighed and kissed his head before closing his book and grabbing it and his pencil. "Come on. My house isn't far from here. We're gonna get you cleaned up."

He stuttered but before he could get a sentence out, I was hauling him to his feet. "But what about your parents? D-do they approve"

I pulled him into a tight embrace. "They'd be hippocrites if they didn't. Come on, Baby. Please let me help you." The words were soft and pleading, and he nodded reluctantly.

"O-okay." I pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips that wasn't bruised and grabbed his hand. "How's Muddy?"

He seemed greatful for the change of subject as he smiled and started walking. "He's the same old, fat, happy cat." He laughed quietly. "Though, he did chew my dad's shoe yesterday."

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. His dad had always been verbally abusive to him and his mother. After she -enivitbly- took her own life, it became physical for Titus.

"Yeah? And Bruno?" I squeezed his shoulder lightly, careful to not squeeze too hard, in case of any injuries.

"Still the most annoying black lap of all time. He keeps trying to bite at my hand when I'm trying to sleep." He groaned and laughed a little afterwards.

"That almost reminds me of Niko.." I smiled slyly and he playfully punched me in the side.

"Be nice to your brother!" I winced before laughing and kissing his temple.

"Okay, okay. I will." I heard him laugh and smiled at the sound. I could listen to it all day.

I was happy on the outside, but inside? Oh boy was I raging. I lacked not one bit of my Pop's anger, but I could control it better.

As we entered the Bakugo household -Titus for the first time- I called out. "Dad!? Pop!?"

I pointed to a door down the hall and kissed his cheek as my dad came to the top of the stairs. "Yeah? Everything ok?"

"Titus, go to the bathroom. I'll be right there." He nodded and avoided eye contact as he passed him, now at the bottom of the stairs.

As the door shut behind my boyfriend I collapsed in a chair by the main entrance.

"Micah? What happened, Buddy?" My dad squatted in front of me and laid a hand on my hunched shoulders, my eyes dark.

"I'm gonna kill him." My voice was laced with nothing short of rage and venom as his red eyes widened and he leaned back a bit.

"Who..?" He seemed almost scared to ask, as if I would say the name of the very boy in the bathroom.

"His dad. I swear I will smoke his ass so bad-" I didn't finish my sentence as my shoulder was squeezed.

"...That bruise on his mouth. Was that his father?" My dad's eyebrows furrowed as I nodded. "That's fucked up.." He muttered.

I shook my head and stood suddenly, prompting dad to do the same and he followed me to the bathroom. I knocked before twisting the knob open.

I gasped as I saw the majority of the makeup wiped off his face and the area from the corner of his lip all the way up his cheek was red and purple from bruising.

"Baby.." At the moment, I didn't even care that my dad didn't know we were dating yet. I was worried.

He looked away from his dead-looking reflection and smiled softly at my presence. "Hey." His smile fell as I frowned and tilted his head to check his injury.

I heard a sharp gasp from behind me and knew dad had caught a look at his face. I reached under the cabinet and grabbed the first aid kit, looking through it as I spoke to my dad.

"Where's Pop?" I glanced back before finding what I needed and pulling it out of the box of medical supplies.

"He went to the store. He should be home soon though." I nodded silently before gently rubbing a gel onto Titus' face. He flinched slightly but relaxed as I aplogized.

Pop better hurry the fuck up before I'm sitting in a jail cell for murder in the first degree.


It's only been one chapter but I feel the need to protect-

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