Chapter 14

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Who can guess why the picture's an apple?  It's not too hard.

(And, no, -even though I am- it's not because I'm running out of pictures to use)
Micah's pov

"So, you're like, what? Fifteen weeks now?" I looked over from the tv to where Kai was laid on the couch, feet propped up in my lap.

"Yep." She didn't take her eyes away from whatever video she was watching as she answered and I poked gently at her lower stomach.

"Aren't you supposed to be showing by now? I thought you were supposed to start showing at like, twelve weeks?" She swatted at my hand with a snort.

"No, Dumbass, it's different for every woman. Besides I am showing, you just can't tell because of my shirt. She tugged her shirt up slightly, showing her stomach. "I just noticed it a few days ago."

"...I don't see it." I raised a brow and she pulled her shirt back, smacking my forehead. "Ow..."

"You will. It's not very noticeable right now but I can see it. I guess it's just a 'I know my body' type of thing." She shrugged and went back to her phone as I absentmindedly tapped my fingers on her leg in my lap.

"When do you think they'll be home? They've been gone for a while." Dad and Pop had been trying to get custody of Titus for a while now and today was the day they were going to court, where the judge would make the final decision, I guess. I dunno how that shit works.

"I don't know, Micah. Just watch tv and stop asking questions." She chuckled lightly and closed her phone to look up at me. "Considering the pictures they have of the injuries he had and that his father has past violence charges, I thing it's a good possibility that he's coming back."

Nodding, I sighed and leaned my head back on the couch. "I'm just worried."



"Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" I looked back down at my sister and she rubbed her temples.

"Do you ever shut up?" I bit my lip and shook my head.

"Not when I'm nervous, no. But you didn't answer my question. What do you think it'll be?" She hummed and closed her eyes, her hand coming to rest on her -what I could almost start to make out, but only if I looked long enough- bump.

"Probably a boy, knowing how much they run in this family. But I don't wanna know until they're born. I want it to be a surprise." She smiled and opened her eyes again. "I want a yellow and orange themed nursery though."

Smiling, I nodded slowly. "That sounds really cool. I'm excited, and I'm almost ninety-nine percent sure that Titus is more excited than me." I laughed and she stood up, sweat pants pooling around her ankles as they were actually mine...that she stole.

"Me too. He's hyped to be an uncle. I'll be back. I'm gonna pee and check on Niko." She began to walk off and I called out as she disappeared into the hallway.

"Aww, motherly already!" I bit my lip before laughing as there was a muffled yell from the bathroom.

"I'll show you motherly when I shove my foot up your ass!!"


I must've fallen asleep laying on the couch at one point because I felt a weight settle on top of me and the smell of Titus surrounded me. Smiling sleepily, I cracked an eye open to be met with chocolate brown hair.

Raising my hand, I curled it gently into the silky locks and smiled wider as I met matching eyes. "Hi, Baby. How'd it go?"

"I now have two new legal guardians. And, considering I'm here and not with that bastard, I'd say it went pretty well." I hummed and leaned enough to press a kid to his forehead, to which he leaned into. "They made me take my lip ring out before going in though. I had to leave it in the car."

I chuckled and pulled him closer, closing my eyes again before another body jumped on top of Titus', making us both grunt.

"Hey! Come on, we're all making a cake together! Let's go, let's go!" Niko jumped off of us and pulled my arm, successfully dragging the both of us off the couch.

"Holy shit, that kid is strong," I wheezed as I held my side and said kid giggled, shaking his curly hair. almost reminds me of uncle 'Zuku. Though, that isn't surprising when he spends every waking hour possible with him. It's like they're attached at the hip.

I still prefer 'Nari. 'Zuku is just a little too...energetic for me.

"Yep! I am strong! Now let's go make some cake!" He tugged at my arm again and I finally got up.

"Are You sure you're eleven and not five?" The last thing I was expecting was a solid -yet playful- punch to the arm, given by Titus, who glared.

"Be nice to your little brother." He crossed his arms over his chest and I watched as Niko skipped from the room.

"Or what?" I did the same as him and raised a brow. I almost expected another punch or slap. I was not expecting his arms to wrap around my neck, allowing my hands to rest on his hips.

"You know," he leaned in close to my lips. Close enough to where I could feel the breath on my own. "I did have something planned tonight, but it could always wait..." He raised a brow and pressed a slow kiss to my lips, and I reciprocated easily.

As he pulled away, I licked my lips and stared at him with half-lidded eyes. "'something planned', huh? What would that be?" He smiled and booped my nose gently.

"You'll only see if you be a nice big brother." He pecked my lips again and drug his teeth along the bottom one as he pulled back, before leaning in to my ear and whispering. "I think you'll really like me in black."

Before I could process and ask what he meant, he was strutting away into the kitchen, calling back to me, "come on! Let's go make some cake for dessert tonight!"


I'm SORRY, ok? I have had no motivation AND I lost my notebook -because I prefer paper over having notes on my phone for some reason. Idk I'm just weird- So have this and like it.

I mean- like- do you guys WANT a Micah and Titus smut chapter?

Cause I could make that happen if I wanted to.

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