Chapter 20

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Haha, a fourth?

I guess so.
Micah's pov

"Where's Niko?" I looked back at Dad from my spot atop a kitchen chair, a thumbtack in my mouth. I pulled it out and tacked the streamer to the wall before shrugging.

"I think she's in her room. I told her she wasn't allowed to come down until the decorations were up." I smiled. "It's a surprise." Dad snickered and checked the time.

"Well, I've gotta go pick up her cake, like now. Denki should be here any minute and then the Todorokis should be here a little later. Probably around the same time I'll be back." He grabbed his car keys and we waved goodbye before he practically sprinted out the door. I shook my head before I continued to tack up streamers.

Kai was upstairs helping Niko get ready and Titus, the lazy ass, was still asleep. To be fair, it was 9:30 in the morning, and we were...up late last night. After tacking up the last few streamers, I headed upstairs and knocked on Kai's door.

"Come in!" I peeked my head inside to see Kai and Niko and the older's bed, a makeup brush in Kai's hand. I smiled as I saw the outfit Niko had chosen was the pink skirt and butterfly shirt. This time, she had a purple bracelet and a pink headband to match.

"Well, don't you look beautiful! Makeup for the occasion?" She nodded happily before opening her mouth so Kai could put lipgloss on her. "Okay, well, I'm gonna go wake sleepy head up and let you two finish up." They both nodded and I closed the door before opening my own, smiling at my sleeping boyfriend.

I sat on the edge of the bed and leaned down to leave little kisses along the back of his neck, and onto his shoulders. He finally stirred and turned his head to look at me.

"Mmm goo'mornin'." He stretched and yawned before leaning up for a kiss. I kissed his lips before running a hand through his hair.

"Good morning, Love. It's my little sister's 12th birthday and you need to get out of bed." I tickled his side and he laughed before sitting up and grabbing his glasses. He slid them on his face before glaring and pulling them off to clean them, them putting them back on. This repeated a few times before he was satisfied.

He stood and grabbed the clothes he had picked put the night before and made his way to take a shower, stopping to tell Niko happy birthday first.

The doorbell rang and I hurried to answer it, greeting Denki, Hitoshi, and Meibel.

"You told her about pronouns, right?" I walked into the kitchen with Denki after sending her to Kai's room.

"Yeah. We had a talk last night and a quick one this morning as a reminder. I explained the bracelets and everything. I think she's got it down pretty well." He nodded and I do as well. Hitoshi poured himself a cup of coffee and I chuckled.

"Better save a cup for Pops when he gets home."

"Katsuki Bakugo can kiss my ass." He sipped the coffee and I laughed louder.

Eventually the Todorokis were pulling into the driveway and Dad was pulling up right behind them with the cake. Everyone came inside and when asked, Izuku explained that it would most likely be loud, and Kiyoto was worried about sensory overload, so he opted to stay with his grandmother. But many pictures and videos would be sent to him.

"Katuski's home!" I heard Denki yell. "And his parents are here!" Everyone began making sure everything was perfect for the birthday girl and Titus joined us as well.

"Okay everyone! Introducing, birthday girl Niko!" Cheers and many 'happy birthday's went around as she smiled and made her way to the cake, taking her seat and a plastic tiara was placed on her head. She laughed at it as the candles were lit. A big 1 and 2 sat atop the cake.

Everyone sang happy birthday and the candles were blown out. When Niko did the honors of cutting the first slice, she started crying when she saw the five layers of cake were the colors of the genderfluid flag.

Dad cut the rest of the cake and everyone got a piece. He even put an extra on a plate wrapped in tin foil for Kiyoto.

Everyone laughed and ate cake, and told jokes, and just overall had a really fun time. And then it was time for presents.

We sat Niko down in a chair in the living room before piling gifts around her. One by one, she went through her gifts and one in particular was from someone not at the party.

"Kiara? Isn't that the girl from the store?" She looked into the bag and gasped, smiling brightly at the many hair accessories, ranging from hair clips, to hair pins and headbands. She pulled out a few and took off her tiara to clip a butterfly in her hair, which she had decided she was going to grow out.

Another gift was from Meibel, which was clear by the wrapping. It was multiple packs of Pokemon cards and she pointed to Meibel.

"We'll play later!" The two girls laughed and more presents were opened. A dress, a notebook, a few action figures and a video game or two. She opened one and raised a brow at the package. "What's this?"

"A flag." She looked at it closer before gasping once she realized it was her flag. She checked the tag before running up to my boyfriend.

"Thank you Titus! I love it!" He chuckled and ruffled her hair, careful not to mess up the hair clip in her hair.

"We'll hang it up later, Princess." She giggled at the nickname before heading back to her chair.

Wrapping paper laid everywhere as the adults decided to finish off the cake, and the two girls were playing Pokemon in Niko's bedroom. Her and Titus had found a spot to hang her flag up and she had squealed about it for nearly ten minutes. She had tried on her dress, and put her new games away. I was just glad she was so happy.

"What up with, Mr. Smiley?" I felt arms around my waist and I turned to kiss Titus' head.

"My baby sister just had the best birthday ever. That's what's up." He smiled brightly and I leaned down to kiss him when my name was called.

"Micah! You and Titus should come up here with us!" I smiled as I pecked Titus on the lips.

"You heard the princess. Let's go up there." I laughed as he drug me up the stairs to my little sister's bedroom.


Hey you! Yes, you. The person reading this.

You're beautiful.

You're amazing.

And don't even try to say you're not because I know you are.

I'm gonna aggressively love the shit out of you, and there's nothing you can do about it.

It's not an option.

Muah. *blows kiss*

Now get yourself a snack and drink some water.

I love you ❤

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