Chapter 11

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Katsuki's pov

"Are you serious, Katsuki?" I crossed my arms with a frown on my face, mirroring Eijiro's expression.

"Yes. I am absolutely serious because I don't see the fucking problem here!" He scoffed and moved his hands to his hips.

"Baby, we're already dealing with Titus' guardianship shit, and now there's gonna be a baby in the house!?" This argument had been going on for half an hour.

"You're being over dramatic, Eijiro! Its not that big of a deal! We already have half the stuff we need for a baby and it's not like we're tight with money."

"How do you expect her to keep up with school and a child?"

"I can homeschool the three older kids. It's the safest option for them anyways. And she's perfectly capable of taking care of a kid."

"She's sixteen!"

"She's my daughter! And in case you haven't realized, I would do anything to keep my children happy, so if keeping the baby and raising them makes her happy, then so be it! I'll help her in any way I can."

"You're fucking delusional-"

"No. I am done with this conversation. When you can be man enough to apologize for starting it, then I'll apologize for arguing back." With that, I turned and left the room, slamming the door behind me.


As I stood over the stove cooking dinner, I heard a knock from the doorway and a quiet, "Papa?" Looking over, I saw Niko in the doorway.

"Hey, buddy. What's up?" I shook my hands off and turned to him completely.

"Can I help?" He had a smile on his face, which I mirrored as I nodded and motioned for him to come over. He did so and washed his hands before settling beside me.

Jeez this kid is getting taller. I'm scared for when he hits puberty. I mean, hell, his voice is already starting to crack. "Okay, you're in charge of the sauce. I'll cook the noodles, and if you need help then ask, ok?"

"Got it." He began working his way through the kitchen, grabbing what he needed and practically throwing it together in a pot. As always...

"That's good. You definitely have grandpa's cooking skills. Nana can't cook for shit." He laughed and put the pot of spaghetti sauce on the stove to heat up as I finished the noodles and added them to the pot.

"I know. I've had Nana's cooking before. Not the best burger I've ever had." He was smiling as we washed our hands and I pulled him into a hug once they were dry.

"Hey Niko?"


"I know we've been really focused on the big kids here lately but I don't want you to feel left out. If you need anything you can talk to me or dad, Okay, Buddy?" He nodded his head and squeezed me tight.

"Okay. I love you, Papa." He released me and I did the same, ruffling his hair.

"I love you too, Buddy. Why don't you go tell everyone dinner's ready?" He nodded and skipped out of the room, leaving me to myself. "Why can't you just stay my baby boy forever?" I muttered.

"Because he's growing up, My Love." I felt arms around my waist and smiled, leaning into the familiar embrace. "It happens to them all."

"I know. I just don't want them to. One day they're six pounds and have chubby cheeks, and the next they have boyfriend's and kids of their own." Turning, I leaned into Eijiro's chest, almost forgetting I was mad at him.


"I know, Baby. I don't want them to grow up either. And I'm sorry for starting the argument earlier. You were right, I was being over dramatic." His hands slid up my back slowly and I hummed.

"I'm sorry for keeping it going. Love you." I wrapped my arms around his middle and raised my head to place a quick kiss on his lips.

"I love you too." His hands decided their place on my hips and sat there as Eijiro peppered my face in kisses, making me laugh and push him away.

"Stop it! Come on, let's make plates for everybody." He nodded and for the first time in a while, we had a happy dinner with six people sitting at the table, laughter going around, and smiles so wide that cheeks hurt.

Micah's pov

"So, how do you feel about being an uncle, Ti'?" I brushed my fingers through the chocolate brown hair as we laid in our bed.

"It's exciting. I never thought I would be able to call myself an uncle. I didn't have siblings until I started dating you." He smiled and I leaned in to rest my nose against his and closed my eyes.

"Well, now you have siblings and nice parents. And a niece or nephew." He giggled quietly and pressed his lips to mine.

"And it's all amazing. I couldn't ask for anyone better. I love you so much, Micah." I pulled him closer to me by the waist and returned the kiss, longer this time.

"I love you too." My hand ran down the side of his waist before resting on his hip, popping the waistband of his pajama pants playfully.

"Ow! Be nice. That hurt." He slapped my shoulder, causing me to laugh as I flipped him onto his back, tossing my leg over his waist to pin him.

"Hmm, I say no. I'm not nice." He groaned and tried to push me off.

"Get off you absolute elephant of a man! You're gonna crush me!" He continued to shove at me and I laughed as he continuously failed.

"I'm not gonna crush you. You'll be fine ya big baby." He whined and punched my chest, making me flinch. "Ow.."

"Now get off!" He laughed as I finally got off of him and before I knew it, our positions we're switched, him straddling my waist with my back to the bed. "See? It's not fun, is it?" He sat his full weight on me and I raised a brow, looking him up and down.

"I dunno, this is pretty great to me. The view is just amazing." My hand came to rest on his knee and slid up his thigh.

"Oh my god, this is why I don't tease you." He got off and laid next to me with a smile. "It never works."

Laughing, I pulled him close and felt him snuggle into my chest. "That's alright. You'll get the hang of it eventually."

"Go to sleep."

"Love You."

"Love you too, Micah."


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