Chapter 9

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☕--(° . °--)

Mark says buckle up bitches, 'cause this is one hell of a ride.

Homophobic slurs *
Micah's pov

"Have a good day. No incidents. I do not want a call from your teacher, understood, Micah?" I nodded as I opened the door and stepped out.

"Its been a week and I haven't done anything yet. I'll be fine. Bye, Pop!" Shutting the door, I grabbed my boyfriend's hand and pulled him into the school, closely followed by Kai.

"Kai, if you have any problems, come get me, alright?" I wrapped my free arm around her shoulder as she nodded before sending her off to class.

"Mic', just don't hurt anyone. I'll see you at lunch." Titus leaned up to peck my lips, which I quickly returned. "Love you."

"Love you too." I let his hand go as he skipped off towards his friends, waving a last goodbye. Heading up the staircase to the second floor, I made it to my first class of the day just before the bell rang.


"Hey, Slut! C'mere for a minute! I just wanna talk!" Turning my head to the sound I saw Kai jogging up the stairs and Tia following right behind her.

She would choose lunch time to do something stupid.

I let my bag fall from my shoulders as everyone in the hallway had stopped, either watching the two girls or me. My bag fell against the wall and I watched as people were pushed against the railing of the staircase, staying there in fear of Tia's friends.

The commotion was loud, my sister being yelled and grabbed at as I was blocked by the bully's friends, unable to get to her.
"Oh look! The slut's faggot brother is trying to protect her! How cute!" Kai was being held by a football player, her hands behind her back and her hair gripped so her head tilted back.
I tried to push my way through to her, but my arms were grabbed by two more guys and I thrashed around as teachers were held back as well.

"Let her go!!" I tried to get my arms out of the death grip the guys had on me. "Let go of me asshole!"

They only tightened their grip, making me wince as another grabbed my hair, similarly to Kai's and forced me to look up at her.

Or, to look as she was released and Tia shoved her hands into her back. I couldn't do anything as I watched her fall down the stairs, landing at the bottom on her back, head smacking the tile with an audible 'thud'.

"YOU BITCH!" I struggled against the hold of the guys more as Kai groaned and reached her hand up to her head.

Tia was standing at the top of the stairs, watching with an evil grin as my sister struggled to open her eyes. All of a sudden she was yanked back and shoved into the wall forcefully.

It was the perfect opportunity as the grip on me loosened the slightest. I used the heel of my foot to stop on the guys' toes, which made them release me all together.

I glanced up to see who had Tia pinned to the wall and was pleasantly surprised to see Titus glaring and saying something to her I couldn't hear.

I pulled off my hoodie, leaving me in just a tank top as I ran over to Kai, lifting her head to place the fabric under it in a makeshift pillow. "You're gonna be okay." I brushed back her hair before turning and bolting up the stairs to take Titus' place.

He backed away and I gripped the front of her shirt to pin her in place and get close. My voice was low as her eyes widened.

"If you ever lay your hands on my sister again, it'll be worse than a punch, and that's a promise." She tried to get out of my grip but before I could register, my hand was drawn back and connecting with her jaw.

As she fell to the ground I noticed the blood on my knuckles and her chin. I didn't know if it was from my hand or my class ring cutting her. Either way, I didn't care.

Turning, I was sprinting back down the stairs to a nearly unconscious Kai and a worried Titus who was kneeling next to her. I copied him on her other side before the principle had her hand on my shoulder.

"The police have been called and there's an ambulance on the way. Your parents have been notified as well." Glaring back at her I scowled and turned my attention back to my sister, who groaned.

After a few minutes of cops arriving and many of the football players going out in cuffs, my dad arrived and dropped down, pulling me into a hug, his saltwater smell comforting.

"The ambulance is outside. You should ride with her and get your hand checked out. Me, Pop, and Titus will meet you guys there, alright?" Just as I nodded, Kai was being loaded up onto a stretcher and wheeled out. I kissed Titus goodbye before leaving, glimpsing Tia holding a cloth to her chin.

Serves that bitch right.

As the sirens started and we started to drive one of the EMT's were asking me questions as he wrapped up my hand after discovering forming bruises and bleeding from the ring.

"You're a nuisance, Kai Jade. But I guess I gotta love you huh?" I chuckled as I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head as her blood pressure and heart rate were checked.

I was not expecting the quiet mumble underneath me.

"And You're a bitch, Micah Hunter. You took my phone." Her hand came up to point at me accusingly and I laughed.

"Yeah, she's gonna be okay." I looked over to the smiling EMT. "She'll be fine."


I've always hated hospitals, and now doesn't change that one bit.

"Bakugo?" As soon as our name was heard, me and Pop stood up immediately, Dad staying with Niko. Surprisingly, I was the one to speak.

"How is she?" Pop was picking at his nails and chewing the inside of his lip as she spoke.

"She's doing alright and she's going to be just fine. She has a very minor concussion and a fractured wrist but that's about the extent of her injuries save for a few nicks and bruises. Of course, the fall down the stairs could have caused a miscarriage but the baby seems to be doing fine-"

"Excuse me, what?" This time, I was the one picking my nails as I stared at the nurse and Pop talked.

"Well, since I'm assuming you don't know, she's pregnant. Around eleven weeks already."

I sighed as I rubbed my eyes, grabbing the chair behind me to sit down and hide my face in my hands, muttering.

"I fucking knew it..."


Watching someone fall down the stairs is not fun.

Especially not when its a video of you that your cousin took of your sister pushing you down the stairs.

Trust me, I would know...

Only edited once!

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