Chapter Three

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Micah's pov


"Shh!" I looked up quickly as I shushed Pop, my hand gently running up and down Titus' back. "Be quiet," I whispered.

He glanced over the back of the couch to see the sleeping boy on my chest and nodded. "We'll talk when he wakes up then." He ruffled my hair and I nodded.

"Okay." I continued to scroll through my phone with one hand, my other constantly moving against his back. It was a gesture he found comforting.

Reaching to the table, I set my phone beside his phone, glasses and contact case. I ran that hand through his hair and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


"Micah." I felt a gentle poke to my cheek. "Mic' wake up." I felt the poke to my nose this time before my eyes opened.

"Hm? Oh. Hey, Babe." I gave him a smile and he smiled back as I brushed his messy hair out of his face.

"Hi. We almost slept through dinner. I think. Woke me up." He furrowed his brows and I chuckled.

"Red or blonde hair?" I slid my thumb over his hurt cheek gently and he hummed as I did so, leaning into the touch.

"Red," He said with a final nod. "Yeah that sounds right." He gave a toothy grin and I leaned forwards to nuzzle his nose.

"Well, why don't we go eat?" I smiled back at him and sat up, forcing him to go with me. He nodded and started to scoot off of me before stopping.

"I don't know your family very well..." His brown eyes shifted to me before he squinted and reached in front of him to grab his glasses. "I hate that I can't see without these things. Or my contacts."

"Oh don't feel so bad. At least they make you look cute." Poking him in the side, I kissed his cheek and pulled him in closer to me. "I like when you wear them."

A light dusting of pink spread across his face as he his behind his hands. "Stop it! Quit complimenting me!" He giggled and I couldn't help but laugh with him as my arms snaked around his waist.

I slid my hand up his arm slowly before pulling it away from his face and grabbing his chin gently. "Hey. You're beautiful, You know that?" His blush darkened as I turned his head to face me.

My thumb gently brushed over the bruise on his cheek and he pulled away, his gaze shifting away from me as he turned his head so I couldn't see that side of his face. "Baby.." I didn't try to make him look at me again, just opting for kissing his cheek. 

His eyes suddenly widened as if realizing something suddenly. "Oh god, Micah, my dad is gonna kill me! I told him I'd be home by five!" His breathing picked up as he looked to me, panicked. Before I could get a word out to calm him down, I heard Pop speak from behind us.

"Good thing you aren't going home then." We both looked to see him leaning in the doorway and I smiled in relief. "I refuse to let any kid go home to abuse."

"But I wouldn't want to inconven-" I immediately grabbed Titus' hand and squeezed. "Ti' I can promise you, you will be an inconvenience to no one." My voice was quiet and he nodded silently.

"O-okay.." He tapped his fingers against his leg and took a breath before opening his mouth to speak. Before he said anything his mouth shut and he looked down. A habit of his, I had learned. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was his father's doing.

"No, hey. What is it?" I tilted his chin up and he swallowed, glancing to Pop and then looking back to me.

"What if he finds out where I am? What happens then? I-I don't want anything to happen to you guys." Shaking  my head, I cupped his good cheek and pressed my nose to his as I whispered. "Nothing is going to happen. I promise. And I-"

"-Don't break promises," He finished. I smiled and nodded before kissing his nose.

"Yeah. That's right." We both smiled and he nodded. "Okay. Thank you, Mic'." I nuzzled our noses together and nodded. Just as I went to speak, the front door swung open.

"Hey, Big brother!" Kai leaned against the wall and looked to our father. "And Pop...Apparently.." She looked between me, Pop, and Titus for a minute before clicking her tounge. "Well, I'm going to my room-"

"Wait." She sighed when Pop caught her shoulder as she tried to pass him. She crossed her arms and raised a brow. "What?" I slowly stood, walking around to the back of the couch.

Pop crossed his arms as well and bent down so he was at her level, looking her in the eyes with a glare. "I can smell the alcohol on you. Give me your phone." He held his hand out expectantly and she snickered.

"No thanks. I'll keep it." Rolling her eyes, she turned to walk away but I leaned against the wall, blocking her exit. 

"Actually, no, Kai. You won't." I held out my hand as well and she groaned before pulling out of her pocket and laying it in my hand. As she shouldered past me, she muttered, "Why do you have to be the worst brother ever?"

I felt my heart sink to my stomach as I looked to the floor. I handed Pop her phone and he pulled me into a hug. "You're a good brother, Micah. You made a promise to her and you're keeping it." Wrapping my arms around him, I nodded.

"I Just wish she understood." He patted my back gently as I pulled away and Titus returned to my side.

"She will eventually. And maybe that will take some explaining." He glanced up the stairs and huffed. "When she's sober."


"So, Eijiro..." We were sitting at the table, Titus to my right and Niko to my left as both of my fathers sat beside each other. Kai had crashed upstairs and wouldn't wake up for dinner.

"Am I in trouble or something?" Dad chuckled before sticking a piece of food in his mouth. Pop raised a brow, his face completely serious.

"No. I just think you have a right to know that your sixteen year old daughter came home drunk tonight." He set his fork down and folded his hands on the table as Dad nearly choked on his food.

"Excuse me, what?" He coughed before looking at me. I shrugged and his attention went back to Pop.

"She came home drunk. I have her phone, and she's asleep. I just thought you should know." He picked his fork up and sighed. "I wouldn't be the first time."

I suddenly stood and excused myself, telling Titus to finish before coming up.

I have to talk to my sister sometime.


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